Title: St Pauls Winlaton
1Yours, Lord, is the greatness, the power, the
glory, the splendour and the majesty for
everything in heaven and on earth is yours. All
things come from you, and of your own do we
give you.
2Our church
3Why Money Matters?
- Because the church needs resources
- Because we are accountable to God for all he has
given us - As Christians we need to give
4The first thing we want to say is . . .
Thank you!
Lets go back to . . .
6Some Essentials
Increase 47.0 57.1 200
2006 0.75 4.02 0.60
7More essentials!
2006 2.10 0.91 5.50
Increase 16.1 46.0 87.0
1998 1.81 0.62 2.94
8Our Church expenses have changed too!
but has our giving!
1998 28,000
9Our Expenditure in 2006
10Our Income in 2006
Planned Giving X
Collections X
Fund Raising X
Church Fees X
Donations X
Hall Income X
Total X
11 To Summarise
Weekly Expenditure 2006
12Our Biggest Item of Expenditure
Our slice of the diocesan cake
13Why does the diocese have to raise money
through the parish share?
- Because the diocese pays for
- the costs of supporting our clergy and
- all of the costs of the other activities of
the Church in the diocese
14Diocesan Income 2006
15 Grants from Church Commissioners towards
The Diocese has few other sources of income
- Fees earned by clergy from weddings and
16How the Diocese spends the Parish Share
Not like this!
17Diocesan Expenditure 2006
18Ministry Costs
- Stipends for clergy
- Pension costs for clergy
- Housing costs
- Clergy training
- The training of future clergy
19How is our share calculated?
- The size of the slice is proportionate to the
wealth of the parish and church attendance - We directly support ministry in difficult and
poor parishes - Both testaments teach this principle
20The Diocese guarantees to pay out for its clergy
32,000 per annum
21SO if the Parish Share does not come in . . .
Eventually your clergys stipend or someone
elses, will not be able to be paid.
AND . . . There will be fewer and fewer paid
clergy to go round
22Our Giving for God
- Regular
- Realistic
- Related to what we receive
23Did you know that in All Saints . . .
- 80 people contribute regularly through the
giving schemes.
- 7 people (9) contribute 22 of the total
- 47 of givers (38 people) contribute less than
3 per week.
24Heres a Thought
- Isnt it funny how BIG a 5 note seems in church
when we are about to put it on the collection
plate . . .
- but how small it becomes when we offer it at the
supermarket checkout
25Our Church financially may feel a bit unwell at
the moment . . .
With a financial transfusion given by you, we can
make it strong again . . .
26And the treasurer, instead of looking like this
at PCC Meetings . . .
Will look like this!
27 Christ has no body now on earth but ours no
hands but ours no feet but ours. Ours are the
eyes through which must look out Christs
compassion on the world. Ours are the feet with
which he is to go about doing good. Ours are the
hands with which he blesses now.
Teresa of Avila
28Church name