Title: Physical Abuse Curriculum
1Physical Abuse Curriculum
- For Primary Care and Emergency Pediatrics
- A busy pediatric acute care facility
- You arrive
- Four patients await you
3Scenario Patient A
- Four-month-old infant
- Found this AM in crib by mom
- Swollen reddened thigh
- Doesnt move thigh
- Tenderness
4Scenario Patient B
- Two-year-old toddler
- Fell from bed two mornings ago
- Abdominal pain since yesterday
- Vomiting all PO since last night
- Fever, severe pain this AM
- T39o P125 R35 BP75/43
5Scenario Patient C
- Eight-month-old infant
- Fell from bed this AM
- Lost consciousness
- Unusual breathing
- Stiffened and 3 minutes of convulsion
- Obtunded, breathing, unresponsive
6Scenario Patient D
- Three-year-old child
- Returned yesterday from visiting dad
- This AM found to have bruises on buttocks and
posterior thighs - Walks reluctantly, stiffly
- Would any of these cases make you suspicious of
abuse? - Why?
- How would you proceed?
8Recognizing Abuse
- Difficulties in recognizing abuse
- Thinking abuse is difficult, we want to think the
best of people - The effects of trauma can be occult on first
inspection - The history is usually, absent, false or
purposefully misleading
Child Injury Evaluation
- Recognition Algorithm
- Prompt Card
ConsIder Abuse
Bruise withRecognizable Shape
Multiple Injuries of Differing Ages
Non-Walking Child
Child Reports Abuse
No Trauma History
Inconsistencies in the Given History
Minor Trauma withSevere Injuries
Injury Complicated By Delay
Child Injury Evaluation
- Bruise with recognizable shape
ConsIder Abuse
Bruise withRecognizable Shape
Multiple Injuries of Differing Ages
Non-Walking Child
Child Reports Abuse
No Trauma History
Inconsistencies in the Given History
Minor Trauma withSevere Injuries
Injury Complicated By Delay
11Bruise with recognizable shape
12Bruise with recognizable shape
13Bruise with recognizable shape
14Bruise with recognizable shape
15Bruise with recognizable shape
16Bruise with recognizable shape
17Bruise with recognizable shape
Child Injury Evaluation
- Multiple injuries that occurred at different times
ConsIder Abuse
Bruise withRecognizable Shape
Multiple Injuries of Differing Ages
Non-Walking Child
Child Reports Abuse
No Trauma History
Inconsistencies in the Given History
Minor Trauma withSevere Injuries
Injury Complicated By Delay
19Multiple InjuriesDifferent Ages
- Battered child syndrome
- C Henry Kemp 1963
- Multiple unexplained injuries
- Different mechanisms
- Different places
- Different times
20Multiple InjuriesDifferent Ages
Child Injury Evaluation
- Significant trauma in a non-walking child
ConsIder Abuse
Bruise withRecognizable Shape
Multiple Injuries of Differing Ages
Non-Walking Child
Child Reports Abuse
No Trauma History
Inconsistencies in the Given History
Minor Trauma withSevere Injuries
Injury Complicated By Delay
22Abuse Epidemiology
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
23Epidemiology of Accidental Bruising
24Epidemiology of Fractures
25Epidemiology of Head Injury
- Serious infant head injuries
- 50 - 95 abuse
?Auto Accidents
26Epidemiology of Head Injury
- Head injury death in infants under 2
- 80 child abuse
Child Injury Evaluation
- Child gives a history of abuse
ConsIder Abuse
Bruise withRecognizable Shape
Multiple Injuries of Differing Ages
Non-Walking Child
Child Reports Abuse
No Trauma History
Inconsistencies in the Given History
Minor Trauma withSevere Injuries
Injury Complicated By Delay
Child Injury Evaluation
- Injury without history of trauma
ConsIder Abuse
Bruise withRecognizable Shape
Multiple Injuries of Differing Ages
Non-Walking Child
Child Reports Abuse
No Trauma History
Inconsistencies in the Given History
Minor Trauma withSevere Injuries
Injury Complicated By Delay
Child Injury Evaluation
- Inconsistencies in the given history
ConsIder Abuse
Bruise withRecognizable Shape
Multiple Injuries of Differing Ages
Non-Walking Child
Child Reports Abuse
No Trauma History
Inconsistencies in the Given History
Minor Trauma withSevere Injuries
Injury Complicated By Delay
- Internal Inconsistency
- History changes with repetition
- distinguish from changing medical history taking
or documentation - Inter-historian Inconsistency
- Different history from different informants
- distinguish from different perspectives or
telephone errors
- Developmental Inconsistency
- Child is reported to do something age
inappropriate - Inconsistent cause
- Epidemiologically unlikely
- Biomechanically unlikely
- Common fractures
- Clavicle
- Skull
- Others uncommon
- Uncommon head
- Epidural
- Small subdural
- Death rare
- Visceral Injury
- Very rare
- General rules
- Exceptions exist
- Probabilistic
- Not deterministic
Child Injury Evaluation
- Severe injuries explained by minor trauma
ConsIder Abuse
Bruise withRecognizable Shape
Multiple Injuries of Differing Ages
Non-Walking Child
Child Reports Abuse
No Trauma History
Inconsistencies in the Given History
Minor Trauma withSevere Injuries
Injury Complicated By Delay
Child Injury Evaluation
- Injury complicated by delay in careseeking
ConsIder Abuse
Bruise withRecognizable Shape
Multiple Injuries of Differing Ages
Non-Walking Child
Child Reports Abuse
No Trauma History
Inconsistencies in the Given History
Minor Trauma withSevere Injuries
Injury Complicated By Delay
36Delay in Care-seeking
37Scenario Patient A
- Four-month-old infant
- Found this AM in crib by mom
- Swollen reddened thigh
- Doesnt move thigh
- Tenderness
38Abuse Or Not Abuse
- Injury of non-walking child
- Injury with no trauma history
39Scenario Patient B
- Two-year-old toddler
- Fell from bed
- Abdominal pain
- Vomiting all PO
- Fever, severe pain this AM
- T39o P125 R35 BP75/43
40Abuse Or Not Abuse
- ?Injury mechanism is inadequate?
- Complications from delayed care
41Scenario Patient C
- Eight-month-old infant
- Fell from bed
- Unonsciousness
- Erratic breathing
- 3 minutes of seizure
42Abuse Or Not Abuse
- Not walking very young age
- ?Injury mechanism is inadequate?
43Scenario Patient D
- Three-year-old child
- Returned from father
- Bruises on buttocks and posterior thighs
- Walks reluctantly, stiffly
44Abuse Or Not Abuse
- ?Childs history?
- Doesnt meet other prompts
BUT - Lots of injury
- Worrisome social setting
- When you returnPlanning an evaluation
46Discussion Patient A
- What do you want to do next?
47Discussion Patient B
- What do you want to do next?
48Discussion Patient C
- What do you want to do next?
49Discussion Patient D
- What do you want to do next?
50Secondary Assessment
- Find evidence of other trauma
- Find conditions that change the response to
trauma - Tools
- History
- Physical exam
- Laboratory
- Imaging
- Consultation
- Event
- Detail of trauma
- Source of information
- Detail of symptoms
- Childs condition for 72 hours
- Confirm absent trauma history
- Birth
- Weight
- Maturity
- Method of delivery
- Nursery course
- Nutrition
- Vitamin D sources
- Sunlight exposure
- Development
- General trend
- Current abilities
- Growth
- Height
- Head circumference
- Weight
- Immunization
- Up to date?
- Recent vaccination
- Past Medical Events
- Traumas
- Hospitalizations
- Unusual illnesses
- Recent illnesses
- Medications
- Current
- Chronic
- Past
- Review of Systems
- Historical safety net
- Family Medical History
- Collagen disorders
- Bleeding disorders
- Medications in the house
- Social Conditions
- Household composition
- Childs other homes
- Stresses
- Violence
57Physical Examination
- General
- Vigor
- Developmental abilities
- Behavior and temperament
- Anthropometry
- Weight
- Height or length
- Head circumference
58Physical Examination
- Skin
- Bruises
- Burns
- Scars
- Pigmentary marks
- Texture
- Distensibility
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62Physical Examination
- Cranium
- Fractures
- Swelling
- Sutures and fontanel
- Hair
- Scalp
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64Physical Examination
- Eye
- Scleral pettechia
- Sub-conjunctival hemorrhages
- Blue sclerae
- Retinal hemorrhages
- Oral
- Lip or buccal contusions
- Torn frenulae
- Pharyngeal laceration
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67Physical Examination
- Skeletal
- Deformity
- Crepitance
- Swelling
- Tenderness
- Genitals
- Sexual maturity
- Acute injuries
- Healed injuries
68Laboratory Examination
- Anemia
- Thrombocytopenia
- Infection
- Leukemia
- Hemophilia
- Consumptive coagulopathy
69Laboratory Examination
- Other Clotting
- Von Willebrands disease panel
- Factor levels
- Thrombophilia
- Basic Chemistries
- Hypo / hyper natremia
- Renal failure
70Laboratory Examination
- ALT, AST, Amylase
- Internal injuries
- Urinalysis
- Internal injuries
- Renal diseases
71Laboratory Examination
- CPK Myoglobin
- Myonecrosis following crush injury
- Many others possible
- Select labs to match patients condition
- Skeletal X-ray Survey
- All children
- Unresponsive children 3 to 5-years-old
- Select others
- AP Lat Skull
- AP Lat Chest
- Lat C-L-S Spine
- Abdomen/Pelvis
- AP Humerus
- AP Radius/ulna
- AP Femur
- AP Tibia/fibula
- Oblique hands
- AP feet
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- Intracranial Imaging
- CT
- Children
- Children rib fractures or CML
- Abdominal Imaging
- CT
- Ultrasound
- Plain radiolgraphy
- Contrast radiography
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80(No Transcript)
- Genetics
- Ophthalmology
- Hematology
- Child Abuse Pediatrics
82Scenario Patient A
- Four-month-old infant
- Found this AM in crib by mom
- Swollen reddened thigh
- Doesnt move thigh
- Tenderness
83Work Up?
- Proposed W/U
- Skeletal X-ray survey
- Basic labs
- Genetics consult
- Head CT or MRI
- Outcome
- No fragility concerns
- Normal sub-periosteal new bone
- Normal Head
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85Scenario Patient B
- Two-year-old toddler
- Fell from bed
- Ruptured hollow viscus
- Peritonitis
86Work Up?
- Proposed work up
- Skeletal X-ray survey
- Clotting studies, CBC, Basic labs
- Transaminases, amylase
- ?CT?
- Genetics Consult, family history
- Outcome
- Increased transaminases, amylase
- Mild pancreatic edema
87Scenario Patient C
- Eight-month-old infant
- Fell from bed
- Unonsciousness
- Erratic breathing
- 3 minutes of seizure
88Work Up?
- Proposed work up
- Skeletal X-ray survey
- Head MRI
- Ophthalmology consults
- Clotting studies, transaminases, amlyase
- ?Genetics Consult, family history?
89Work Up?
- Outcome
- Single traumatic acute SDH
- Multiple, extensive, multiple level retinal
hemorrhages - Slightly prolonged PTT
- Multiple rib fractures, CML at knees and ankles
- Hematology and Neruosurgery consultant diagnose
90Scenario Patient D
- Three-year-old child
- Returned from father
- Bruises on buttocks and posterior thighs
- Walks reluctantly, stiffly
91Work Up?
- Proposed work up
- Clotting studies, CBC, Basic labs
- CPK, myoglobin, urinalysis
- Outcome
- Significantly increased PT and PTT
- Corrected with FFP and vitamin K
- History, playing in area baited with rat poison
- When you returnDiagnosis and Management
93Diagnosis? Patient A
- Four-month-old infant
- Femur fracture
- No history
- No evidence of fragility
- Occult rib fractures
94Diagnosis? Patient B
- Two-year-old toddler
- Fell from bed
- Ruptured hollow viscus
- Peritonitis
- Liver and pancreas injury
95Diagnosis? Patient C
- Eight-month-old infant
- Fell from bed
- Unonsciousness
- Subdural hematoma
- Retinal Hemorrhage
- Rib Fx, CML
96Diagnosis? Patient D
- Three-year-old child
- Bruises on buttocks and posterior thighs
- Coagulopathy
- Possible coumadin exposure
97Management? Patient A
- Four-month-old infant
- Battered child syndrome
- Discharge plan?
- Treatment plan?
98Diagnosis? Patient B
- Two-year-old toddler
- Serious inflicted abdominal injury
- Discharge plan?
- Treatment plan?
99Diagnosis? Patient C
- Eight-month-old infant
- Abusive head trauma
- Discharge plan?
- Treatment plan?
100Diagnosis? Patient D
- Three-year-old child
- Rat poison ingestion
- Neglect?
- Discharge plan?
- Treatment plan?
101Physical Abuse Curriculum