Title: Reinventing The Digital Dashboard In Healthcare
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2Reinventing The Digital Dashboard In Healthcare
Peter ZazzaraExecutive DirectorSuperior
Consultant CompanyPeter_Zazzara_at_SuperiorConsultan
3Our conversation today...
The Early Years
Opportunities for tomorrow
More Recent Efforts
4Been there -- Done that...
Most major players had their version
The Early Years
Results were mostly disappointing
5What went wrong...
Name it -- what could go wrong did go wrong.
The Early Years
Most blame technology
6Building a better mouse trap...
Pumping up the volume high bandwidth
Solving deployability browsing for dollars
More Recent Efforts
Moores Law in action near real-time results
7The all new review...
Portals of call...
More Recent Efforts
At Your Leisure
Port-a-pilots on the go...
Anytime -- Anywhere
8Houston - we have a problem...
No longer a technical problem...
More Recent Efforts
Human bandwidth
Practical Intelligence
Actual deployability
9Do these values really matter?
Gas gauges real value?
Opportunities for Tomorrow
Speedometers actual purpose?
Trip odometers true calling?
10Its what you do with them...
Gas gauges real value? Strand-o-meter
Opportunities for Tomorrow
Speedometers actual purpose? Police-o-meter
Trip odometers true calling? Shave-o-meter
11 Dashboard Demonstration...
Opportunities for Tomorrow
A digital dashboard should be as personal and
individual as your toothbrush...
Opportunities for Tomorrow
-- 1999 Superiorism
13Intelligent Interaction...
Opportunities for Tomorrow
Users should not have to boil the ocean of a cup
of salt...
14Structured Messaging...
Opportunities for Tomorrow
Actions speak louder than words (e.g., alerts,
graphs, analyses, etc.)...
15Charting a course for care...
Opportunities for Tomorrow
16In Summary...
Solve business problems, not technical problems.
Dont tease the geeks -- tomorrow you could be
reporting to them. From CIO to CEO Forbes
Magazine June 14, 1999 By Nikhil Hutheesing
Use digital dashboards to provide intelligence --
not just more information