Title: Klaus Bothe
- Klaus Bothe
- 4th Workshop Software Engineering Education and
Reverse Engineering, - Zagreb, Croatia, 2004
- Institute of Informatics, Humboldt University
Berlin, Germany, - bothe_at_informatik.hu-berlin.de
Sep. 2001 1st Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering, Novi Sad
Sep. 2002 2nd Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering, Plovdiv
Aug. 2003 3rd Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering, Ohrid
Sep. 2004 4th Workshop Software Engineering
Education and Reverse Engineering, Zagreb
3The Background
4DAAD 2004 - 2005 (2006) Fields of our project
- Use extend and improve e.g. RUP, Extreme
programming, - special courses Project management, ...
- national versions (localization)
- educational projects
- case studies
- management usage reports, review reports,
students feedback sheets - new courses
- OO with Java
- Compiler Construction
- ...
- Refactoring Tool (Plovdiv)
- Software architecture recovery
5Zagreb workshop presentations
- Use extend and improve e.g. RUP, Extreme
programming, - special courses Project management, ...
- national versions (localization)
- educational projects
- case studies
- management usage reports, review reports,
students feedback sheets - new courses
- OO with Java
- Compiler Construction
- ...
- Refactoring Tool (Plovdiv)
- Last year summary
- Related projects SWENET, MuSoft
- SE curricula, Tempus
- Software tools
- Free SE subjects
- Experience in SW development
- E-business
- others
6JCSE Applications in real lectures
- Novi Sad 2 times, English, 10 participants
- Skopje English, 2 different courses
- Plovdiv Bulgarian, 2 different curricula, 100
participants, textbook - Kragujevac Serbian
- Zagreb (Dubrovnik) Croatian, 1 topic
- Timisoara Romanian, 1 topic
- Berlin 4 (transparencies) 3 (ppt), German, 80
7Publications 2003
- K. Zdravkova, K. Bothe, Z. Budimac
- SETT-Net A Network for Software Engineering
Training and Teaching, ITI, Information
Technology Interfaces, Cavtat, Croatia, June 16 -
19, 2003 - K. Zdravkova, K. Bothe, Z. Budimac
- The structure of SETT-Net, Eurocon 2003,
Ljubljana, Slovenia, Sept. 22 - 24, 2003 - K. Bothe, K. Schuetzler, Z. Budimac, K.
Zdravkova, D. Bojic, S. Stoyanov - Technical and Managerial Principles of a
Distributed Cooperative Development of a
Multi-Lingual Educational Course, 1st Balkan
Conference in Informatics, Thessaloniki, Nov. 21
23, 2003 - Z. Putnik, Z. Budimac, K. Bothe
- International Educational Project Some
Experiences, Conference on Computers in Education
- RUN 03, Workshop on Teaching of Informatics
NaRa 03, Novi Sad, September 5-6, 2003 - Z. Budimac, K. Bothe
- Slides Style and Usage Guidelines
Experiences from an International Project,
Conference on Computers in Education - RUN 03,
Workshop on Teaching of Informatics NaRa 03,
Novi Sad, September 5-6, 2003 -
- K. Bothe (presentation Z. Budimac)
- Invited tutorial What is Software Engineering?,
Conference on Computers in Education - RUN 03,
Workshop on Teaching of Informatics NaRa 03,
Novi Sad, September 5-6, 2003
8Publications 2004
- K. Bothe, K. Schuetzler, Z. Budimac, K.
Zdravkova, D. Bojic, S. Stoyanov - JCSE ein länderübergreifendes
Multimediaprojekt zur Lehre in der
Softwaretechnik, Softwaretechnik-Trends, Oct.
2004 - K. Bothe, K. Schuetzler
- JCSE ein alternatives Multimediaprojekt zur
Lehre in der Softwaretechnik, - DeLFI 2004, Paderborn, Sept. 6-8, 2004
- S. Joachim, K. Bothe
- Tool support for developing multi-lingual course
materials, 10th International Conference on
Technology Supported Learning Training
OnlineEduca, Berlin, Dec. 1-3, 2004
9JCSE, Tempus
- Tempus project Joint M.Sc. Curriculum in
Software Engineering 2004 - 2007 - Involved Novi Sad, Berlin, Skopje, Belgrade
(Elec.Eng.), Nis (Elec.Eng.), Leichester (GB),
Bilbao (E) - I. Jurca, S. Stoyanov (individual experts)
- Participants of some Tempus workshops
- Zagreb, Tirana, Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Kragujevac
- JCSE and Tempus will coexist and influence each
other (participants and subjects)
10Change of logos in June 2004