Title: Dips and Dunkers
1Dips and Dunkers
2Basic ingredients for the dips 50g natural
yogurt or fromage frais, 50g cream cheese.
3Some ideas for flavourings.
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51. In a bowl, mix together 50g cream cheese and
50g fromage frais or natural yogurt. This is the
basis for all the dips.
62. For cucumber and onion raita add 1 x 15ml
spoon of finely chopped onion, 5cm of chopped
cucumber and ½ x 5ml spoon of dried or freshly
chopped mint.
73. Cheese and onion 25g grated cheese and 1 x
15ml spoon of finely chopped onion.
84. Pineapple add 2 x 15ml spoonfuls of chopped
canned pineapple with the juice drained off.
95. Spicy tomato Add 1 x 15ml spoonful of tomato
puree or sauce, shake of pepper or paprika or
chilli powder.
106. For a herby dip, add 2 x 15ml spoons of
chives, parsley, mint or dill.
117. Serve the dips in ramekins or small dishes.
Its a good idea to add a garnish to show the
main ingredient in each dip.
12Some ideas for dunkers.
131. Cut the top and bottom off a pepper. Remove
the seed head.
142. Cut the pepper from top to bottom and open it
up into a long strip. Remove any seeds and white
fibrous bits.
153. Cut the pepper into strips.
164. Wash and dry two sticks of celery. Cut into
pieces about 8cm long. Cut each piece into
175. Cut a piece of cucumber about 7 cm long.
Hold in a claw grip and cut down through the
cucumber in a criss-cross pattern.
186. Peel a carrot. Cut off the top and bottom.
197. Cut the carrot into two pieces, about 7 or
8cm long.
208. Cut down through the carrot in a criss-cross
pattern, in the same way as you cut the cucumber.
219. Wash and dry an apple. Cut in half keeping
your hand in the bridge hold.
2210. Put the flat sides down on the board and cut
each half into quarters.
2311. Hold each quarter in a claw grip.
2412. Make a V shaped cut to remove the core.
2513. Cut each segment into slices and squeeze
some lemon juice over the top to prevent browning.
2614. Divide a piece of cauliflower into florets.
2715. Cut some naan or pitta bread into batons
(using knife or scissors).
2816. Serve in a divided dish or in individual
2917. Other dunkers include breadsticks and
tortilla chips.
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