Title: Gender Differences among Engineering Students:
1- Gender Differences among Engineering Students
- Attitude towards entrepreneurship
Chiheb BOUDEN Wyssal ABBASSI Ecole Nationale
dIngénieurs de Tunis (ENIT)
2ENIT Undergraduate students
3Master students
4Faculty and staff
5Women V.I.P. in ENIT
- Director of trainings and exterior relations
- Director of doctoral studies
- Director of Electrical Engineering Department
- 1 Director of Research Lab (Among 4)
- 3 Directors of Research Units (Among 14)
- Director of the computer center
6Qualities to be developed
- Leadership and strategy
- Autonomy
- Team work
- Management
- Tenaciousness, endurance, adaptability, lucidity
- Optimism
7Focus activities
- Autonomous Work-out on concepts
- Tools Acquisition
- Know-how acquisition
- Self skills development
- Team work
- Individual Projects
- Development of teamwork skills
- Sustained working pace
- Hands on and practice
- Internships and Practical Trainings
- On-site missions
- Technical visits
9Entrepreneurship Education
10Awareness and training measures
- A large awareness action
- Â An Introductory course (1st Grade ENIT)
- Pre-Incubator ENIT-Incubation
- Incubator MANARTECH
- Professional Master CREMI
11Graduate students (Engineering, Management,
Finance etc)
Entrepreneurs willing to create own buisiness
Employees, Intrapreneurs
Option Buisiness Creation
Option Management of Innovation
- Introduction of Innovations
- activity
- service
- process
Creation of RD Unit / Lab.
Buisiness Creation
12Candidates selection
- Use the students files
- Organize a personalized interview for each
- Evaluate the personal project
- Assess the leadership quality among students
13Candidates Profile (Cohort 4)
14CREMI students
15Accompanying measures
- Informal activity
- Clubs activities, leadership development
- Junior Chamber International (JCI)
- Junior ENIT
16Undergraduate Engineering Students Survey
- Engineering Students Attitude towards
entrepreneurship - Intention to become self-employed after
graduation - Rank the main Entrepreneurship-Related
Competencies - Motivation for Starting a Business
- Rank Entrepreneurship-Related Barriers
- Sample
- 126 undergraduate students
- Men 62 / Woman 64
- Age 20-25
17Entrepreneurial Intent After Graduation
18Main Entrepreneurship-Related Competencies
19Motivation for starting a business
5-point scale 1 Strongly Disagree, 5
Strongly Agree,
20Entrepreneurship-Related Barriers
- Many engineering students do aim to start firms.
- Entrepreneurial desire is more prevalent in male
than female engineering students. - No significant differences in attitudes towards
entrepreneurship between the two groups
engineering behavior?.