Title: Vista Migration without Irritation Confronting your Vista Fears
1Vista Migration without IrritationConfronting
your Vista Fears
2- Its not a matter of IF,
- its a matter of WHEN!
Organizations must plan to spend 12 to 18 months
learning about Windows Vista... Preparation and
planning will significantly lessen the time and
effort spent on the migration Gartner, 2006
4Vista Adoption Media Coverage
150 million copies of Windows Vista installed by
2008, 3.5 million Windows Server 2008
installations by 2008
May 2007
7 of small businesses and 17 of midsized
businesses are interested in adopting Vista by
the end of 2007. AMI estimates that this
represents 447,000 companies.
- TechTarget Survey Jan 2007
Both IDC and Gartner expect Vista adoption by
businesses to be in the 10 to 11 percent range in
the first year, basically identical to XP's
adoption. Windows IT Pro,
October 2006
5Different Approaches to Migration
- Mass Migration
- Move everyone to common standard
- Highly manageable, but
- Expensive
- Gradual Migration
- Migrate on hardware refresh schedule
- Lower cost up-front, but
- Can create a management nightmare
- Batch Migration
- Maintain small set of standard configurations
- Combination of HW refresh and re-imaging
- Good cost/manageability compromise for many
6Ziff Davis Types of Migration
- Ziff Davis Enterprises survey, March 2007
7Vista Adoption Timing
Hardware refresh will be an ongoing process that
requires continuous management and guidance
8Ziff Davis Timeframe to Begin Migrations
- Ziff Davis Enterprises survey, March 2007
9Why Upgrade to Windows Vista?
- Improved security
- Stability and performance
- Better search and user interface
- End-user and executive management pressure
-(consumerization) - Loss of Windows XP support
10Symantec is the Migration Expert!
- Leading deployment and migration vendor since
1998 - Performed more than 20 million desktop and laptop
migrations (Altiris) - Wide customer base small business to large
enterprise many vertical markets - SUPERIOR SOLUTIONS
- Best of breed, award-winning migration
capabilities - Integrated, automated, and scalable
- Ties to a common CMDB for on-going management
- Six steps to a successful hands-free, hardware
independent migration - Working with Microsoft to enhance BDD
best-practice methodology - Supports a variety of migration approaches
11Customer - International Finance Firm
Windows XP Migration
Windows 2000 Migration
- 14 workers world-wide
- Saved 22 million dollars
- 250 workers, 1 year
- Displeased with results
- Worldwide migration of 30,000 computers
- Used a combination of Altiris and Microsoft tools
- Altiris Inventory Solution
- Altiris Deployment Solution / PC Transplant
Altiris Solution
- Saved 22 Million by using Altiris tools
- A single, hardware independent image and one
pre-built task works on all 30,000 computers - Altiris technology automatically determines which
application software goes on each computer (by
department) - Fully migrates computers to XP in less than 1
hour - Retrained unused IT staff to build 4000
application packages - Prefers gradual approach migrates 50 computers
per night - Biggest bonus If there are problems in the
future, they can rebuild a computer to its
original configuration over the users coffee
Successful Results
12Significant Migration Challenges
- Hardware compatibility / replacement cost
- Processor
- Video RAM
- Hard drive capacity
- Drivers
- Application compatibility 70 of all concerns
- Commercial applications (i.e., anti-virus, VPN)
- Legacy and Custom applications
- Migration logistics
- How to migrate without disrupting business
- Reduce costs impact
- Must do better than last time
13Readiness AssessmentHardware and Software
14Hardware Compatibly Concerns
I have to have how much video memory?
1000 PCs that need to be replaced
My current drivers wont work?
15Vista Hardware Requirements
16Hardware Readiness Assessment Process
Analyze Current Hardware Environment
Assess if Hardware Meets the Requirements for
Windows Vista
Identify which Computers Require Upgrades
Assess Hardware Upgrade Options
Assist in Developing a Strategy for Device Driver
Compatibility Testing
17Hardware Readiness Assessment
- Review HW compliance (RAM,disk space, etc.)
- Can non-compliant components be cost-effectively
upgraded (add RAM, add a hard drive, etc.)? - How many PCs will be replaced? Where are they
located? - Required network infrastructure changes (routers,
upgraded bandwidth, etc.)?
18Placeholder Migration Dashboard
20Ready to Replace Hardware
- Partner Program
- Hardware specific deployment
- Include Vista hardware purchase in automated
procurement workflow - Import new hardware into Deployment Solution
before it is delivered
21Application Migration Methodology
- Start migrating most business critical
- Start migrating most commonly used/popular
- Harvest licenses
- Fresh start
22Customer Reference DaimlerChrysler
23Application Compatibility
24Application Compatibility Concerns
Will my current applications work?
What do I do about the apps that wont work on
How many applications do I need to migrate?
Who is going to update our legacy and custom
Our users are going to hate the UAC
25Application Compatibility is an Issue
- 480 apps written for Vista
- 1491 apps Vista certified
- Millions of Windows apps exist
26Application Compatibility Process
- Assess Environment
- Inventory all applications
- Assess application usage
- Determine Compatibility Issues
- Start with most critical apps
- Move to commonly used applications
- Detect and Fix Issues
- MS Shim
- Altiris Application Compatibility Suite
- Test Applications
27Commercial, Legacy and Custom Applications
- Commercial Applications
- Broad distribution and current development by ISV
- ISVs are working hard to update their
applications - Well represented in Microsoft Mitigation
- ACT, Shims, and Community
- Legacy Applications
- Developed by ISVs
- Often business-critical
- Not well-represented in Microsoft Mitigation
- Custom Applications
- Developed in house
- Business Critical and represent unique challenges
- Not represented by most Microsoft Mitigation
- Community has no knowledge of your custom apps!
28Application Development Migration Costs (USD)
29Harvesting Unused Licenses
Application Metering Data
Inventory Data
- Determine used applications
- Harvest unused licenses
30Vista Software Compatibility Assessment
- Inventory Solution
- Comprehensive software inventory
- Agent/agent-less inventory gathering
- Application Metering
- Determines if application is being executed
- Uses policies to gather
- Limit workstation upload policy to 7-14 days
- Identify specific application for usage
- Short-term Data may not be consistent for all
apps - Long-term Track through business cycles
Start gathering data NOW for Vista Migration
31Reasons Applications May Fail in Vista
- User Access Control (UAC), Integrity Level (IL),
and other security changes
Application Control Solution
Windows Resource Protection
SVS Application Control
Deprecated Components (DLL functions, registry
settings, etc.)
MSI Manifests Required
Wise Package Studio
32Evaluate Your Applications
- Determine compatible applications
- Check Microsoft KB 933305 for Microsoft Certified
Applications list - Paid for process
- Many vendors not participating
- Currently 2000 Vista applications
- Check application vendor website
- Many Vendors are producing new versions for Vista
- May not be included in Microsoft list
- Is there an upgrade fee?
33Evaluate Your Applications (cont)
- ACT 5.0
- Application compatibility data provided is in a
user community - Run ACT inventory on client PCs
- Gather software data in SQL database
- Comment on application compatibility
- Send comments to user community
- User community is only available to computers
running applications that have been inventoried
by ACT
34Vista Software Compatibility Assessment
35Evaluate Current Compatibility Solution
- Use Application shim
- ACT 5.0 Compatibility Administrator
- Tool to shim applications so they will work on a
new operating system (no code changes required) - Good list of commercial applications
- Custom applications will generally not have a
shim - Use Application Compatibility Suite
- Software Virtualization Solution
- Application Control Solution
- Wise Package Studio
36ACT 5.0 Compatibility Administrator
- Find and apply shims for known applications
- Manually apply shims for unknown applications
37Introducing Application Compatibility Suite
- Software Virtualization Solution (SVS)
- Virtualization of software in layers
- Windows Resource Protection
- Deprecated components
- Know dependencies
- Dependencies must be Vista compatible
- Application Control Solution
- Elevates application privileges
- May be applied to legacy and custom applications
when other mitigation fails - Wise Package Studio
- Microsoft Recommended
- Creates Vista compatible MSIs
38(No Transcript)
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43Migration Logistics
44Minimize Disruption to Business
Our last migration was brutal!
What happened to my wallpaper?
2,000 PCs 8 locations one sys admin 14 hour
How can I migrate all my computers without
screwing things up?
45Six Steps to a Successful Migration
XP, 2000, NT, 98
46BDD and Symantec 6-Step Process
- More automation with less scripting and manual
steps - Integrated architecture
- More mature (solid platform advanced features
like tokens, resource association, less guides
more tools, etc.) - Experience is engineered into the product
- Supports and extends BDD
- End to end guidance framework, best practices,
process documents and recommendations (Altiris
supports) - Disparate tools, agents, infrastructures with no
central console - Less mature (scripting guides, disparate tools,
etc.) - Many tools introduced with Vista
47Altiris Solutions and BDD Tools
6 Steps of Migration
Image Mgr
48Migration Process
Build Parts
Create Job
- Capture Personality
- Deploy OS
- Install Apps(conditional by group/OU)
- Restore Personality
- Report
Create Job
50Build - Best Practices
Build Parts
- Migrate user settings with standard template
- Small OS-only image
- Install only Altiris Agent
- Install all current patches
- Setup security firewalls, anti-virus, etc
- Use Sysprep
- Use Hardware Independent Imaging, driver
insertion - Use Packaged Application
- Standard MSI
- Virtual Applications (VSA)
51Avoid Bad Transplants
- User data and settings migration options
- Personality on file share - network
- In-place migrations - local
- PC Transplant plus Recovery
- Fresh-start transplant with Recovery
522. In-Place Migration with PCT
Win XP/2000/98
Capture PC personality
Put personality in embedded partition
Image with Windows Vista
Firm copy PCT back to image
Launch PCT package on Vista
533. PCT Integrated with Recovery
Recovery Server
Registry User Settings Application Settings
File Server
544. Fresh Start With Recovery
55PCT and Recovery
- Use Recovery option
- Checks recover server before including file
- /recovery command-line option
- Fresh Start
- Only bring over most recent documents
- Expose Recovery console after migration
56Create your Standard Desktop Image
- Install your operating system
- Install your base applications (Optional)
- Finalize the source computer
- Sysprep the source computer
- Capture the Image
- Altiris RDeploy
- MS ImageX
- Symantec Ghost
57Three Methods of Hardware Independent Imaging
- Manual Process
- User Inventory to find needed drivers
- Gather drivers from vendors
- Write manual scripts for each driver
- Automated Scripts (HII)
- http//juice.altiris.com/deploy
- Automatically gather drivers
- Automatically sort and distribute drivers
- Altrinsic (HIIS)
- http//www.altrinsicsolutions.com
- Automated Process using existing inventory
information - Automatic DS job creation
58Manual Method
Insert Drivers after imaging with custom script
Manually Find and Gather Drivers
REM Copy proper drivers to production if
"!computer_at_model_num""440BX Desktop
Reference Platform" goto VMWare if
"!computer_at_model_num""Optiplex gx270" goto
GX270 if "!computer_at_model_num""05BC" goto
05BC Exit 999 VMWare Xcopy f\drivers\VMWare
C\drivers Exit 0 GX270 Xcopy f\drivers\GX270
prod\drivers Exit 0 05BC Xcopy f\
drivers\05BC prod\drivers Exit 0
59Automated Driver Collection (HII)
Automated Process
Driver Collector EXE
Drop Folder
Automated Sorting
60Altrinsic (HIIS)
61Prepare Source Computer With Sysprep
- Vista comes with sysprep
- c\Windows\System32\sysprep
- Create a minimal unattend.xml
- ComputerName
- JoinWorkgroup Workgroup
- Copy the unattend.xml to
- C\Windows\System32\sysprep\Panther
- Run Sysprep on the system
- sysprep.exe /oobe /generalize /unattendunattend.
xml /shutdown
62Create Master unattend.xml With Tokens
- Naming
- OEM Info
- !computer_at_manuf
- !computer_at_model_num
- Domain Joining
- Install Altiris AClient
- ProgramFiles\Altiris\AClient\D
Agent.msi -qn server_tcp_addr192.168.237.154
server_tcp_port402 - Altiris AClient
Installation - 20
63Create a Tokenized unattend.xml
- Insert DS tokens into Windows System Image
Manager (SIM) - Use token replacement in DS
64Post Migration Reporting
- Migration Status
- Total systems up and running on the new OS
- Problem systems during the migration
- Overall Success of the migration
- Real-time migration status - DS
- Additional
- Missing security patches
- License verification
- Security compliance
65Customer Reference U.S. Air Force
66Symantec Migration Portfolio
67Got Ghost?
- Ghost Solution Suite 2.0
- Supports Vista
- Comprehensive Vista migration solution
- Excellent for small deployments (10-499)
- Easy-to-use, integrated, fast and reliable
- Secure end-point retirement
- Next version integrated with Altiris
68Symantec Ghost and Altiris Solutions
69How Symantec Can Help
Automate the Migration Process
Eliminate End User Downtime
Standardize Systems
70Automate the Migration Process
- Key benefits of automation
- Reduced IT effort
- Reduced time to migrate
With Altiris, we did a virtually hands-free
migration across the network. It took less than
one hour per machine, one-fourth the manual time,
and that included upgrading other software at the
same time. The same standard process is used to
migrate each machine, which provides consistency
and predictability across the network. Jim
Harings, global administration analyst, Rockwell
71Eliminate End User Downtime
- Key areas of savings
- Reduced downtime during migration process
- Reduced time spent configuring PC
Our users don't like change. They want to open
up their computer and see what they have always
seen. Altiris helped us accomplish exactly that.
We were able to transfer all the settings without
users noticing any difference. The background
was the same, the desktop the same, their files
looked the same. And they could find their data
in the default directories they were used to.
They loved it,
Michael DiMaggio, DaimlerChrysler global field
and technology team
72Standardize Systems
- Key benefits of standardization
- Reduced IT management costs
- Reduced IT support costs
- Lower overall total cost of ownership
Altiris made our deployment a reality. Best of
all, we've only scratched the surface of Altiris'
capabilities...with a reliable systems management
client like Altiris on each of our systems, we
can press forward with changing the way we manage
all aspects of our standardized desktop
environment." Mark Barrett, US Air Force
Pentagon Communications Agency contractor
73Vista Migration Costs
74Symantec Alleviates your Vista Migration Fears
- Three Vista Migration Fears
- Environment (hardware and software) not ready
- Applications not compatible
- Migration logistics, cost, and complexity
- Symantec has integrated, automated solutions that
will help you with every aspect of a Vista
migration - Check with your Symantec or Symantec partner
sales representative
75Get More Information
- http//www.easyvistamigration.com
- http//www.altiris.com/vista
- http//www.symantec.com/vista
76Vista Migration without Irritation
Symantec and Altiris are registered trademarks of
Symantec, Inc. in the U.S. and in other
countries. The other company names or products
mentioned are or may be trademarks of their
respective owners.