Title: Andr Mischke
1Hard and heavy probes Results from STAR and
perspectives for ALICE
André Mischke
NIKHEF Jamboree, 17-18 December 2007
2Au on Au collision at a cms energy 200 GeV per
nucleon-nucleon pair
- A central event
- Typically 1,000 to 2,000 tracks per event in the
- Two-track separation 2.5 cm
- Momentum resolution lt 2
- Space point resolution 500 mm
- Rapidity coverage 1.8 lt h lt 1.8
3Exciting results from light quarks
factor 4-5
- Central AuAu collisions
- strong suppression of inclusive hadron
production - disappearance of the away-side jet
- dAu looks like pp
- Jet quenching in the dense medium
- Well described by energy loss models
Nuclear modification factor
4Limitations of RAA
K.J. Eskola et al., NP A747, 511
RAA at 10 GeV/c
central RAA data
(proportional to gluon density)
- Leading hadrons preferentially arise from the
surface - Limited sensitivity to the region of highest
energy density - Need - insensitive trigger particles Prompt
photons - - more penetrating probes Heavy quarks
5Towards prompt photon?jet azimuthal angular
- No interaction with the medium
- Sensitive to the whole volume
- No fragmentation bias E? ? Ejet
- Near-side correlation reduced due to prompt
photons (?/?0 ? 1) - Away-side correlation is a mixture of ?-jet or
dijets - ? Challenge Precise separation of neutral pions
and prompt photons
AuAu _at_ 200 GeV
6Neutral pions
Oleksandr Grebenyuk (Ph.D.)
- Inclusive yield measured over several orders of
magnitudes - Extend kinematical range
- Remarkable agreement with NLO pQCD calculations
- Publication in preparation
dAu pp
7Direct photons and ?0-h correlations
Martijn Russcher (Ph.D.) Federica Benedosso
R 1 ?dir / ?decay
- Direct photon signal
- Double ratio R consistent with NLO pQCD
calculations - Publication in preparation
- ALICE has excellent capabilities for prompt
photon-jet correlations - Photon spectrometer (superb energy and spatial
resolution) - EMCal (from 2009)
- large volume TPC
dAu _at_ 200 GeV
8Detailed picture on energy loss in the medium
Marco van Leeuwen (Vidi)
AuAu 0-10 STAR preliminary
dAu 40-100
Jet-like peak
3 lt pt,trigger lt 4 GeV pt,assoc. gt 2 GeV
Ridge associated yield at large ??
dN/d?? approximately independent of ??
Strong ?-? asymmetry indicates longitudinal flow
9Heavy quark energy loss
André Mischke (Veni)
- Heavy quarks are primarily produced in the
initial state of the collision ? well calibrated
probes - Heavy quarks lose less energy due to suppression
of small angle gluon radiation (so-called
dead-cone effect)
10Electron tagged correlations
- Experimental approach
- electrons from semi-leptonic D/B decays are used
to trigger on charm or bottom quark pairs - associate D0 mesons are reconstructed via their
hadronic decay channel (probe) - Underlying production mechanism can be
identified using second charm/bottom particle
trigger side
3.83 54 10
charm production
probe side
flavor creation gluon splitting/fragmentation
11K-? invariant mass distribution
w/o electron trigger
pp 200 GeV STAR preliminary
combinatorial background is evaluated using
like-sign pairs
12Non-photonic electron?D0 azimuthal angular
- First heavy-flavor particle correlation
measurement at RHIC - Allows separation of charm and bottom production
events - ALICE Powerful tool for compre-hensive
energy-loss measurements of heavy-quarks - Starting Grant recommended for funding
- budgetary restrictions - ? Study the dynamical properties of the QGP
initial gluon density, drag coefficient - ? Opens up new horizons AdS/CFT
- energy loss of heavy quarks
essentially from B decays only
70 from charm 30 from bottom
13The ALICE experiment
A Large Ion Collider Experiment at CERN Large
Hadron Collider
- Especially designed for measure-ments in
heavy-ion collisions - Highest collision energy 1140 TeV
- Very high initial temperature
- relatively long-lived QGP
- high heavy-quark production rates
lead beam lead beam
Silicon strip detector
Utrecht University/ NIKHEF provided key hardware
14Heavy flavour measurements in ALICE
Cristian Ivan (Ph.D.) André Mischke
- ALICE has excellent capabilities for charm and
bottom measure-ments - Inner Tracker for secondary vertex measurements
(resolution better than 50?m) - TPC and ToF for high precision tracking and
particle ID (full azimuthal coverage around
mid-rapidity) - Efficiently trigger on heavy-quarks with high
transverse momentum
1 year _at_ nominal luminosity 107 central PbPb
e-D0 azimuthal correlation _at_ 14 TeV (charm,
1B events with 60M electron triggers
- The ALICE group
- provided a key detector component to ALICE
- is well prepared for the most striking
measurements to study the dynamical properties of
the QGP - prompt photon jet azimuthal correlations
- heavy flavour azimuthal correlations
- ridge phenomenology
- has unique expertise on flow analysis ? next
talk - will test fundamental theoretical predictions
and its limits at high energy densities
16(No Transcript)
17Backup slides
18Electron tagged correlationsbottom production
19PYTHIA simulations 3ltpTtrglt7 GeV/c
André Mischke
like-sign e-K pairs
unlike-sign e-K pairs
- Different decay topology for charm and bottom
production events - Charge-sign requirement on electron-Kaon pairs
gives additional constraint on production process - ? Clear separation of charm and bottom
20Theoretical model predictions
M. Cacciari et al., PRL 95, 122001 (2005)
D/B crossing point
Large uncertainty in the D/B crossing point