Title: R.A. Fisher, Ann. Eugenics 7, 353 1937
1R.A. Fisher, Ann. Eugenics 7, 353 1937
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2- Q- Discreteness / microscopic fluctuations were
known to - influence the approach to the equilibrium state
(e.g. Fisher waves annihilation) - Make perturbative corrections the value of a
phase transition point. - Doi, Janssen, Grassberger, Peliti, Zeldovich,
Michailov, Cardy, Mattis and Glasser etc etc - SO What is the novelty?
- A- Here the very character of the final state is
totally changed (for all values)- Discreteness
makes the difference between life and death.
N.M. Shnerb, Y. Louzoun, E. Bettelheim, and S.
Solomon, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 97, 10322 2000.
3For Experts (usually they can ask, but in such a
big room I have to anticipate their thoughts)
Dont look for cheap escapes
Q- slow a(x,t) ? a0 convergence A- it is
enough a(x,t) lt m/ l to have decay at all x
Q- non-linear features in PDE
b. (a l - m ) b Db D bA- the equation is
linear in b
Q - instability of the homogenous b(x,t) b(0,t)
solution A- The solution is stable for l a 0
m lt 0