Title: The Best Kept Secret To Happiness
1(No Transcript)
2Happiness Club Book called Happiness is a
Serious Problem.
3Happiness Club Book called Happiness is a
Serious Problem. Tips for how happiness can
improve your life. --Page could not be
4Happiness Club Book called Happiness is a
Serious Problem. Tips for how happiness can
improve your life. --Page could not be
displayed-- Happiness Game to make all your
dreams come true The Road to Happiness
material for only 47.
5What would it take to make you happy?
- Friends or social life
- Job
- Being in love
- Success
- Sex
- Personal growth
- Having enough money
- Having a home
- Being attractive
- Exercise
- Being a parent
- Marriage
6The popular idea of happiness is having the right
7Dead-end roads to happiness Eccl. 21-11 (Pg.
658 hardcover, 464 softcover) )
- Experiencing pleasures. (vs. 1-3)
8(No Transcript)
10Dead-end roads to happiness Eccl. 21-11 (Pg.
658 hardcover, 464 softcover) )
- Experiencing pleasures. (vs. 1-3)
- Accumulating things. (vs. 4-8)
11Dead-end roads to happiness Eccl. 21-11 (Pg.
658 hardcover, 464 softcover) )
- Experiencing pleasures. (vs. 1-3)
- Accumulating things. (vs. 4-8)
- Achieving success. (vs. 9-11)
12God is very interested in your happiness
13Turn To
Matthew 53-12 (page 958 hardback 671 softcover)
14Sermon on the Mount speaks about the core
values of the Christian life.
God is very interested in your happiness. (Matt.
15Sermon on the Mount speaks about the core values
of the Christian life. The first thing Jesus
established about finding happiness is that it is
related to some kind of poverty.
God is very interested in your happiness. (Matt.
16Why does Jesus begin talking about happiness with
poor in spirit?
17Why does Jesus begin talking about happiness with
poor in spirit?
No one enters the kingdom of heaven on the basis
of pride.
18The Kingdom of Heaven is unlike any kingdom we
see on earth. The people to whom it belongs are
the ones who realize they dont qualify for it.
19Having the proper perspective of what poor in
spirit means is foundational to understanding all
of the beatitudes.
Peace Making
Purity of Heart
Hunger and Thirst
Poor in Spirit
20How does being poor in spirit relate to your
It reduces stress.
21A happy person is not a person in a certain set
of circumstances, but rather a person with a
certain set of attitudes.
Hugh Downs
22How does being poor in spirit relate to your
It reduces stress.
23People are just as happy as they make up their
minds to be.
Abraham Lincoln
24How does being poor in spirit relate to your
It improves your relationships.
- Being poor in spirit does not mean thinking
less of yourself - it is thinking more of others.
25When you become interested in others, you become
interesting to others.
Rick Warren
26How does being poor in spirit relate to your
It releases Gods power.
- Gods power works through broken people
because broken people realize their need for God.
27How will you know when you are poor in spirit?
When you...
Give your life to Christ by receiving Him.
28How will you know when you are poor in spirit?
When you...
Ask God to take daily inventory of your heart
admitting you cannot please Him in your own
strength. Ps. 13923-24
29How will you know when you are poor in spirit?
When you...
See your weaknesses as opportunities to let
Christs power work through you. 2 Cor. 125-10
30How will you know when you are poor in spirit?
When you...
Find you are caring for others rather than
criticizing them.
31How will you know when you are poor in spirit?
When you...
Begin asking God for the desire to be filled with
more of Him and less of you.
32How will you know when you are poor in spirit?
When you...
Find yourself taking Christ on His terms rather
than your own.
33How will you know when you are poor in spirit?
When you...
Find yourself praising and thanking God for His
grace toward you.
34How will you know when you are poor in spirit?
When you...
Base your happiness on choosing to focus on God
and His work in you rather than on your