Title: Reflections on the Advanced Practice Pathway
1Reflections on the Advanced Practice Pathway
- Hospital At Night
- Advanced Nurse Practitioner
- NHS Ayrshire and Arran
- Motivations for participation
- An overview of my initial aims vs my actual
outcomes as - Leadership
- Facilitating Learning
- Advanced Clinical Practice
- Research and Development
- As a Learner
3My Background
- 2002 AE (SGH)
- 2002 Ordinary Degree (Nursing Studies)
- 2004 Honors Degree (Specialist Practice)
- Pathophysiology
- Ethics
- 2006 H_at_N (Crosshouse and Ayr)
- 2006 Clinical Assessment
- 2007 Independent Nurse Prescribing
- Pharmacology (hons level)
- 2008 MSc Advance Practice
- 2008 NES Advanced Practice Pathway
- 2009 ANP clinical nurse manager
- Contribution to the creation of a replicable
pathway - Funding and accelerated learning opportunity
- Creation of an academic trail
- Overcoming the insecurities that come about with
becoming an ANP - Loss of status
- Loss of confidence
- Questioning ability
5The Role of the Advanced Nurse Practitioner
- Do not be content with mediocrity. Do your job
so well that nobody could do it better. Martin
Luther King
6(No Transcript)
7Pathway Tools and Outcomes
- Training Needs Analysis tool
- Critical companion
- Action learning
- Academia
8Expectations of Leadership
- Challenging the status quo
- Msc level Clinical Leadership module
- Improving existing practice
- Audit and research/development
- Clinical Governance
- Introducing evidence based practise to the shop
floor - Improving communication
- Patient handover
- Linking Nursing/Medical staff
- Facilitation
9Pathway Tools and Outcomes
- Completion of Masters level Leadership module
- Successful integration into a training grade
medical rota - Strong clinical leader
- Aspirin PGD
- Handover guidelines
- Involvement in the Safer Patient initiative
- Falls assessment guideline
10Expectations of Facilitating Learning
- Bridging the theory practice gap
- Direct supervision of nursing/junior medical
staff - Inspiring creativity and innovation
- Creating the learning environment
- Promoting health
- Patient centred education
11Pathway Tools and Outcome
- Advanced Life Support GIC
- Clinical Supervision discussions
- Mentor for Post Grad Cert
- Regular Teaching session for nursing/medical
staff - Teach Physical examination
- Lecturer at UWS in neurology
- Examiner for the Scottish Ambulance Service
12Expectations of Advanced Clinical Practice Skills
- Clinical Assessment
- Diagnosis and intervention
- Managing the acutely unwell adult
- Independent Nurse Prescribing
- Clinical Supervision
- Clinical Leadership
- Service Development
- Opportunity for Research
13ANP, advanced practitioner or mini medic?
- Did I really grasp the concept of gaining
14Multi faceted Clinical Support from Critical
- Competence Framework
- Log Book / System Electronic
- OSCE and Simulator
- Training Needs Analysis Annually
- CPD including Non Medical Prescribing
- Critical incident debrief
- Case note review
- Msc Advanced Practice
15Clinical Competence FrameworkEvidencing
- Completion of HaN framework
- Based on national template
- Used and implemented with great success
- Development of HaD with Critical Companion
16Case Note Review
- Performed by nursing and medical consultants
- Safe and Effective practice
- Autonomy
17Expectations as a Researcher
- Msc level qualification in research
- Ability to change and affect practice by RD
18Outcomes as a Reasearcher
- Completion of Msc Module
- Development of research proposal looking at the
efficacy of SBAR as a communication tool - 4 audits of HaD workload
- Infection control
- National non medical prescribing survey
19Expectations as a Learner
- Masters level education
- Diagnosis and Intervention
- To Support and further current practice
- Pathophysiology
- Clinical Leadership
- Formal Teaching Qualification
- Research and Development
20How has the pathway helped me learn?
- Academia
- Experience
- Reflection
- Peer review
- Critical Companion working
- Opportunity for the implementation of theory to
practice - Action learning sets
- I started on the pathway with my outcomes steeped
in academia - The pathway and critical companion working has
given me the opportunity to ground learning by
linking theory to practice and evidence
competence - It has broadened my understanding of advanced
practice - I had an idea of the destination, however I my
expectation of the academic journey has been very
different and the pathway has helped to enrich
and focus my practice as a nurse