Title: NHMRC Training Fellowships
1NHMRC Training Fellowships
Brendan Jenkins Centre for Innate Immunity and
Infectious Diseases Monash Institute of Medical
Thanks to Bronwyn Kingwell Baker Heart Research
Good grantsmanship will not turn poor or mediocre
science into a fundable grant proposal. Bad
grantsmanship will (can) turn very good science
into an unfundable grant proposal. A polished
application will maximise your chances of
funding (Bronwyn Kingwell)
3Rule 1
- Understand the system
- (know the enemy)
4Rule 2
- Follow the guidelines (to the letter)
- e.g. eligibility
5Rule 3
- Know the Scoring Matrix
- (format your application accordingly)
6Rule 4
Seek advice/talk to people in the know
7Career Support Path
Postgraduate Scholarships
BSc (Hons) etc
Training Awards
Postdoctoral Fellowships
0 - 2 yrs (since PhD)
Career Development Awards
2 - 12 yrs
Career Fellowships
gt9 yrs
8Training Fellowships for commencement in 2009
- Aims of the scheme
- How to write a strong application
- Pitfalls to watch out for
- The assessment process
Support the continual development of outstanding
(young) health and medical researchers to
undertake further training either in Australia
or overseas.
10Training Fellowships - Full-time Australian Based
- Types of Award
- Biomedical Fellowship
- Clinical Fellowship
- Public Health Fellowship
- Primary Health Care Fellowship
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait
- Islander Health Research
11Training Fellowships - Full-time Australian Based
- Features
- Up to 2 yrs post PhD at application
- Institution and supervisor must be different from
PhD (exceptions) - 4 years in an Australian Institution
- Can transfer, but not to same Institution
- where PhD obtained (within first 2 yrs)
- Up to 1 yr suspension permitted
- Training Support Package Level 1 - 64,750
5,000 pa. in Direct Research Costs
12Training Fellowships - Full-time Overseas Based
- Types of Award
- Biomedical Fellowship
- Clinical Fellowship
- Public Health Fellowship
- INSERM Exchange Fellowship
- Training Fellowship for Aboriginal and
- Torres Strait Islander Health Research
- Australia-China Exchange Fellowship
13Training Fellowships - Full-time Overseas Based
- Features
- Up to 2 yrs post PhD at application
- First 2 years overseas
- 2 years back in Australia
- 2 yrs postdoc reflects active research time
- Up to 2 yrs (o/s) suspension permitted
- Training Support Package Level 1 - 64,750 o/s
allowances ( 5,000 pa. DRC).
14Training Fellowships Australian Part-time
- Two types
- Health Professional Research
- Australian Research Part-time (in any category).
- Features
- Preferably 2 yrs post PhD at application
- 4 yrs
15Fellowship Assessment and Scoring Matrix
- Assessors consider
- Selection Criteria and Eligibility
- Generic scoring matrix
- All applicants ranked within their category
16- Assessors consider
- Career Development
- - Hns (why choose lab?, what did you study?,
pubs, awards, scores) - PhD (why choose lab?, what did you study?, pubs,
scholarship, awards) - post doc (why choose lab?, what did you study?,
pubs) - Intent of the Applicant - Future Career
- - Why are you in research (eg. understand human
disease)? - - What are you goals?
- short term (Australia or o/s
post-doc.reasons why?) - long term (establish own group)
17Assessors consider cntd Undergraduate
Performance - Historical perspective -
Highlight excellence (use numbers, not vague
terms) eg. awards, prizes Additional
Biographical Information - Highlight unique
things about yourself (eg. president of
associations, contributions to fund raising
events, community groups, extra-curricular
activities, prac class demonstrator, tutor) - Dot
point What makes you stand out as a candidate?
18NHMRC Training AwardsScoring matrix -
Its not quite all about you, but a lot of it is!
19Relative to opportunity
- Research experience
- - 3 yrs v 20 yrs.dont feel youre
disadvantaged (the big picture) - its important what you do with your time
- arm yourself with different sets of skills (in
and outside of the lab) - Professional skills
- - Committees (institute, student, social clubs)
- - Society memberships
- Potential to succeed
- - Indicators of success at every stage of career
(undergraduate, Hns, PhD) - - Career Development, Undergraduate Performance
sections - Prizes / lectures / conferences organised /
20- Get involved and be pro-active!
- Join professional societies (eg. ASMR)
- Volunteer to give lectures (scientific and lay)
- Conference participation
- Ask to be nominated to join committees
- Ask to be nominated for prizes (eg. poster)
- Highlight your major research achievements
21NHMRC Training AwardsScoring matrix -
Postdoctoral (cont)
- Be smart and savvy
- Understand the science
- Clear, concise research plan (2 pages)
- Highlight significance, outcomes..the big
picture - Choose a strong supervisor/institution with
recognized strengths - and track record
22NHMRC Training AwardsScoring matrix -
Postdoctoral (cont)
- PUBLICATIONS what we live or die by!
- Relative to opportunity and field of study
- eg. IF of 3 may be low (in general), but within a
field may be - the top ranked journal if so, state it!
23Strong Publications
Strong Track Record
Increased Grant Success
- Ask to co-author reviews/book chapters (lit.
review) - Present your work widely (nationally/internation
24Fellowship Referees
- Choose supportive, highly regarded referees
- Referees comment on
- quality of the project,
- research environment, and
- capacity and potential of the applicant
- Fellowships (arranged by applicant)
- personal referee (applicant-nominated)
- independent referee (different institution)
- proposed supervisor
- The supervisors report and the independent
referee report are critical.
25Writing a strong application
- Understand the scoring matrix and frame
application according to the weighting - know
what panel members are looking for! - Prioritise successes - recent rather than
earlier. - Clearly indicate your research record (dot
points). - Dont inflate your application with non-events to
fill space (but dont be shy pumping up your own
tyres with events)
- Indicate enthusiasm about your project and your
career plans. - Liaise with your planned supervisor over your
project, make sure he/she is selling you. - Think beyond refereed publications
- Make sure that you fully document your claims
when arguing not to transfer institutions
26How Many Scholarships / Training Fellowships were
Awarded (for 2007)?
Post-Graduate Scholarships 161 of 341 applicants
Training (Postdoctoral) Fellowships 119 of 359
Industry Fellowships 5 of 16 applicants
Howard Florey Centenary Fellowship 6 of 22
Career-Development Awards 50 of 186 applicants
Practitioner Fellowships 13 of 30 applicants
Research Fellowships 72 of 186 applicants
27How Many Training Fellowships were Awarded (for
of Apps received 390 Recommended for
Funding 230 Actually funded
135 (34)
Training (Postdoctoral) Fellowships 119 of 359
33 in 2007
28Parting Words
- Understand the system
- Follow the guidelines
- Know the scoring matrix
- Learn from your experiences and others
- Have others provide critical input
- Use a mentor (in addition to your boss)