Title: Debt Management
1Debt Management
- Kevin Thompson
- Public Financial Management
- June 20, 2007
3Components of CIP Funding
- Dollar amount of projects
- Revenues available for debt service
- Term structure of debt (bond amortization)
- Cost of funds
4Cycle of CIP Funding
5Cycle of CIP Funding
6Cycle of CIP Funding
7Debt Capacity
8Term Structure of Debt
9Term Structure of Debt
- Level Debt Service
- Level Principal
- Deferred Principal
10Existing Debt
11Term Structure of Debt
- Level Debt Service
- Level Principal
- Deferred Principal
- Projections
- 50 million of debt annually
- 5.0 interest rate
12Level Debt Service
13Level Debt Service
14Level Debt Service
15Level Debt Service
16Level Debt Service
17Level Debt Service
18Level Debt Service
19Level Debt Service
20Level Debt Service
21Level Debt Service
22Level Debt Service
23Level Debt Service
24Level Debt Service
End of Existing Debt
Level Budgeting
Nice, Downward Slope
62 Principal
25Level Principal
26Level Principal
27Level Principal
28Level Principal
29Level Principal
30Level Principal
31Level Principal
32Level Principal
33Level Principal
34Level Principal
35Level Principal
36Level Principal
37Level Principal
End of Existing Debt
Level Budgeting
Nice, Downward Slope
66 Principal
38Deferred Principal
39Deferred Principal
40Deferred Principal
41Deferred Principal
42Deferred Principal
43Deferred Principal
44Deferred Principal
45Deferred Principal
46Deferred Principal
47Deferred Principal
48Deferred Principal
49Deferred Principal
50Deferred Principal
Level Budgeting
Downward Slope
54 Principal
51Peak Debt Service
Level Debt Service Peaks at 80.5 million at
end of existing debt holding capital spending
and interest rates constant, this will be the
debt service budget Level Principal Peaks at
81.5 as new debt is stacked on existing level
debt service budget will be 75.1 at the end of
the existing debt Deferred Principal Peaks at
92 million at the end of existing debt
52Targeting a Cost of Funds
53Targeting a Cost of Funds
By issuing fixed-rate, level debt service 20-ish
year debt, issuers are setting a default targeted
borrowing rate in the 12-15 year range and
lowering their cost of funds through refundings.
Three Year Average of MMD AAA Rates
54Historical Trends of Interest Rates
Excel Demo
55Historical Trends of Interest Rates
56Ways to Lower Cost Of Funds
- Shorten amortization
- Front-loaded principal/level principal
amortization - Use combination of traditional and variable rate
debt in the debt portfolio - Use combination of traditional and synthetic debt
in the debt portfolio
57Reducing the Default Target
Setting a 10 year target would produce the
following expected results.
Three Year Average of MMD AAA Rates
58Variable Rate Debt
59Variable Rate Debt
60Variable Rate Debt
61Variable Rate Benefit
Asset liability matched variable rate debt has
cost of funds of -2.
Assumes one standard deviation from the mean
Borrowing Cost of 4.30 unmatched and 20 cash
balance, translates to 3.04 combined cost of
funds when asset-liability matched.
62Interest Rate Swaps in General
- An interest rate swap is a contract, not a
security between two parties (referred to as
counterparties) to exchange interest rate
payments at specified dates in the future. - The interest rate payments for a given
counterparty equal the product of an interest
rate (swap rate) and a principal amount. - Usually, the swap rate for one counterparty is a
fixed rate, while the swap rate for the other
counterparty is a variable rate. - The principal amount by which the swap rates are
multiplied is notional. That is, principal
payments are not swapped, paid or exchanged the
notional principal amount is only an arithmetic
device to calculate swap payments.
Fixed Payments (Fixed interest rate X notional
principal amount)
Counterparty A
Counterparty B
Floating Payments (Variable interest rate X
notional principal amount)
63Why Use Swaps?
- Exploit Attractive Synthetic Financing
Opportunities - Swaps and other derivatives can allow issuers to
opportunistically create cheap synthetic
variable-rate or fixed-rate debt - Issuers can arbitrage the prices paid for certain
financial instruments in different markets, e.g. - monetization of in-the money bond call options
in swaptions market - Synthetic variable-rate debt (fixed-rate bond
swap) can allow issuers to conserve valuable
credit/liquidity facilities - Risk Management
- By hedging, issuers improve asset/liability
management and reduce cashflow variability
64Floating-To-Fixed Swap (Synthetic Fixed)
- A floating-to-fixed interest rate swap allows an
issuer to effectively convert all or a portion of
its variable (floating) rate debt to a
synthetic fixed rate - The issuer becomes a fixed rate payor,
receiving a floating rate payment from a
counterparty and paying a predetermined fixed
rate - To the extent the variable rate received by the
issuer offsets the variable rate paid by the
issuer to bondholders, the issuers debt cost
equals the fixed swap rate plus any ancillary fees
65Yield Curves in 2003
BMA Swap
68 LIBOR Swap
Includes 30 basis points assumed support cost for
underlying floaters
66Forward swap premiums decline as the yield curve
- Forward premiums (the cost of hedging forward)
are the increase in rates for a forward-starting
swap compared to a swap that starts today.
67Diversified Debt Portfolio
- Traditional Fixed assumes 12 year MMD rate
- Blended Portfolio assumes
- 50 Traditional Fixed
- 30 Synthetic Fixed (10 year BMA Swap)
- 20 Variable Rate (excludes asset-liability
matched earnings)
68Tax Risk and Performance Expectations
- Long-term BMA/LIBOR swap ratios have narrowed
significantly over the past several years - The compensation for taking tax risk, i.e. the
expected savings (reduction in nominal yield)
versus a BMA swap or fixed-rate bonds, has
decreased to near a 13-year low - PFM would therefore recommend using a BMA swap
for hedging purposes
69Diversified Debt Portfolio
- Traditional Fixed assumes 12 year MMD rate
- Blended Portfolio assumes
- 50 Traditional Fixed
- 30 Synthetic Fixed (10 year LIBOR Swap)
- 20 Variable Rate (excludes asset-liability
matched earnings)
70Checklist Points to Remember
- Use a Swap Advisor with experience (not General
FA or GIC broker) - Use Swap Counsel with experience (not just Bond
Counsel) - Consider the benefits of swap insurance
- KISS (Keep It Simple)
- Have a plan What Next?
- What costs?
- What reporting?
- What contingencies?
71Debt Management Parameters
- Establish and Monitor Cost of Funds Target
- Set Target
- Set Parameters which Allow Flexibility Based on
Current Market - Monitor Overall Exposure of Portfolio
- Establish Limits for Debt Type Exposure
- Fixed Rate
- Variable Rate
- Synthetic Structures
- Establish Limits for Tax Risk Exposure
- Purchased Tax Risk
- Variable Rate
72(No Transcript)