Title: Focusing on Customers
1Chapter 5
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??1999 South-Western College Publishing
2Importance of Customer Satisfaction
- Four key goals of business
- to satisfy its customers
- to achieve higher customer satisfaction than its
competitors - to retain customers in the long run
- to gain market share
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3American Customer Satisfaction Index
- Measures customer satisfaction at national level
- Introduced in 1994 by University of Michigan and
American Society for Quality Control - Continual decline in index from 1994 through 1997
suggest that quality improvements are not keeping
pace with consumer expectations
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4Customer-Driven Quality Cycle
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5Generic Practices of Successful Companies
- They understand the voice of the customer (VOC)
- They understand linkages between VOC and design,
production, and delivery - They promote trust and confidence
- They have effective customer relationship
management processes - They measure customer satisfaction
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6Identifying Customers
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7Key Dimensions of Service Quality
- Reliability
- Assurance
- Tangibles
- Empathy
- Responsiveness
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8Kano Model of Customer Needs
- Dissatisfiers expected requirements
- Satisfiers expressed requirements
- Exciters/delighters unexpected features
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9Customer Listening Posts
- Comment cards and formal surveys
- Focus groups
- Direct customer contact
- Field intelligence
- Study complaints
- Monitor the Internet
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10Tools for Classifying Customer Requirements
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11Customer Relationship Management
- Commitments to customers
- Customer-focused service standards
- Training and empowerment
- Effective complaint management
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12Measuring Customer Satisfaction
- Discover customer perceptions of business
effectiveness - Compare companys performance relative to
competitors - Identify areas for improvement
- Track trends to determine if changes result in
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13Performance-Importance Comparison
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14Customer Focus in the Baldrige Award Criteria
- Category 3 Customer and Market Focus
- Examines how company determines requirements and
expectations and how it enhances relationships - Relationship enhancement is important part of
overall listening and learning strategy
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