Title: Chapter 4: Advanced SQL
1Chapter 4 Advanced SQL
- Data Definition Language
- Domains
- Integrity Constraints
- Assertions
- Triggers
- Stored Procedures
- Embedded Dynamic SQL
2Data Definition Language (DDL)
- DDL allows the specification of a set of
relations. - For each relation a DDL statement specifies
- A name for the relation
- A name for each attribute
- The domain of values associated with each
attribute - Integrity constraints
- An associated set of indices
- Security and authorization information
- The physical storage structure for the relation
3Domain Types in SQL
- Standard SQL Types
- varchar(n) - Variable length character string,
maximum length n. - char(n) - Fixed length character string, with
length n. - int - Integer (machine-dependent).
- smallint - Small integer (machine-dependent).
- real - Floating point numbers machine-dependent
precision. - double precision - Floating point numbers
machine-dependent precision. - float(n) - Floating point number, precision of at
least n digits. - numeric(p,d) - Fixed point number p digits of
precision and d digits to the right of decimal
point. - Most DBMSs provide other types, both simple and
complex. - Domains can be named
- create domain person-name varchar(32) not null
4Date/Time Types in SQL (Cont.)
- More complex types are also supported
- date - Dates, containing a year, month and date
date 2001-7-27 - time - Time of day, in hours, minutes and
seconds time 090030 or time 090030.75 - timestamp - date plus time of day timestamp
2001-7-27 090030.75 - interval - period of time Interval 1 day
- text, BLOB, CLOB, image, geometry, etc.
- Operations on complex types
- Subtracting a date/time/timestamp value from
another gives an interval value - Interval values can be added to
date/time/timestamp values - Values of individual fields can be extracted from
date/time/timestamp - extract (year from r.starttime)
- String types can typically be cast to
date/time/timestamp - cast ltstring-valued-expressiongt as date
5Create Table Construct
- An SQL relation is defined using the create table
command - create table r (A1 D1, A2 D2, ..., An
Dn, (integrity-constraint1), ..., (integr
ity-constraintk)) - r is the name of the relation
- each Ai is an attribute name in the schema of
relation r - Di is the data type of values in the domain of
attribute Ai - Example
- create table branch (branch-name char(15), b
ranch-city char(30), assets integer)
6Integrity Constraints in Create Table
- Integrity constraints can be specified in DDL
- not null
- primary key (A1, ..., An)
- check (P), where P is a predicate
- Example
- create table branch (branch-name char(15), b
ranch-city char(30) not null, assets integer,
primary key (branch-name), // enforces not null - check (assets gt 0))
7Referential Integrity in SQL
- Keys (all types) can be specified as part of a
create table statement - primary key - lists attributes that comprise the
primary key. - unique key - lists attributes that comprise a
(non-primary) candidate key. - foreign key - lists the attributes that comprise
a foreign key and the name of the relation
referenced by the foreign key. - A foreign key references the primary key of the
referenced table - foreign key (account-number) references
account - Short form for specifying a single column as
foreign key - account-number char (10) references account
- Reference columns can be explicitly specified
- foreign key (account-number) references
8DDL Files
- A DDL file typically contains a collection of
- create table statements
- create index statements
- statements that create and/or specify other
things - Security and authority information
- Physical storage details
- See page 129 for an example.
9Referential Integrity in SQL Example
- create table customer(customer-name char(20),cus
tomer-street char(30),customer-city char(30),pri
mary key (customer-name)) - create table branch(branch-name char(15),branch-
city char(30),assets integer,primary key
10Referential Integrity in SQL Example (Cont.)
- create table account(account-number char(10),bra
nch-name char(15),balance integer,primary key
(account-number), foreign key (branch-name)
references branch) - create table depositor(customer-name char(20),ac
count-number char(10),primary key
(customer-name, account-number),foreign key
(account-number) references account,foreign key
(customer-name) references customer)
11Cascading Actions in SQL
- create table account
- . . . foreign key(branch-name) references
branch on delete cascade on update cascade .
. . ) - If a delete of a tuple in branch results in a
referential-integrity constraint violation, the
delete cascades to the account relation. - Cascading updates are similar.
12Cascading Actions in SQL (Cont.)
- If there is a chain of foreign-keys across
multiple relations, with on delete cascade
specified for each, a deletion or update can
propagate across the entire chain. - Alternative to cascading
- on delete set null
- on delete set default
- Null values in foreign key attributes complicate
SQL referential integrity semantics, and are best
prevented using not null.
13Drop and Alter Table Constructs
- drop table - deletes all information about a
relation. - drop table customer
- alter table - used to add attributes to an
existing relation. - alter table r add A D // Attribute A
and domain D - All tuples in are assigned null as the value for
the new attribute. - The alter table command can also be used to drop
attributes. - alter table r drop A // Attribute A
- Dropping of attributes not supported by many
- An assertion is a predicate expressing a
condition that we wish the database always to
satisfy. - An assertion in SQL takes the form
- create assertion ltassertion-namegt check
ltpredicategt - When an assertion is made, the system tests it
for validity, and tests it again on every update
that may violate the assertion - This testing may introduce a significant amount
of overhead hence assertions should be used with
great care.
15Assertion Example
- The sum of all loan amounts for each branch must
be no greater than the sum of all account
balances at the branch. - create assertion sum-constraint check
(not exists (select from branch
where (select sum(amount) from loan
where loan.branch-name
branch.branch-name) gt
(select sum(balance) from account
where account.branch-name
16Assertion Example
- Every loan has at least one borrower who
maintains an account with a minimum balance of
1000.00 - create assertion balance-constraint check
(not exists ( select loan.loan-number
from loan where not exists (
select borrower.customer-name from
borrower, depositor, account where
loan.loan-number borrower.loan-number
and borrower.customer-name
depositor.customer-name and
depositor.account-number account.account-number
and account.balance gt 1000)))
- A trigger is a statement that is executed
automatically by the system as a side effect of a
modification to the database. - More general actions are taken than with an
assertion.. - To design a trigger mechanism, we must
- Specify the conditions under which the trigger is
to be executed. - Specify the actions to be taken when the trigger
18Trigger Example
- Suppose the bank deals with overdrafts by
- Setting the account balance to zero
- Creating a loan in the amount of the overdraft
- The condition for executing the trigger is an
update to the account relation that results in a
negative balance value. - The actions to be taken by the trigger are to
- Create a loan tuple
- Create a borrower tuple
- Set the account balance to 0
19Trigger Example in SQL1999
- create trigger overdraft-trigger after update on
account referencing new row as nrow
for each rowwhen nrow.balance
lt 0begin atomic insert into loan
values (nrow.account-number, nrow.branch-name,
nrow.balance) - insert into borrower (select
depositor.customer-name, depositor.account-number
from depositor where nrow.account-number
depositor.account-number) - update account set balance 0 where
account.account-number nrow.account-numberend
20Triggering Events and Actions in SQL
- Triggering event can be insert, delete or update.
- Triggers on update can be restricted to specific
attributes - create trigger overdraft-trigger after update of
balance on account - Values of attributes before and after an update
can be referenced - referencing old row as (deletes and updates)
- referencing new row as (inserts and updates)
- Triggers can be activated before an event, which
can serve as extra constraints, e.g. convert
blanks to null.
21When Not To Use Triggers
- Triggers, along with all the other integrity
checking mechanisms, provide yet another
opportunity toslow up the database - Triggers have been used for tasks such as
- Maintaining summary or derived data (e.g. total
salary of each department). - Replicating databases.
- There are better, more efficient ways to do this
- DBMSs typically provide materialized view
facilities to maintain summary data. - Data warehousing software can be used for
maintaining summary/derived data. - DBMSs provide built-in support for replication.
22Procedural Extensionsand Stored Procedures
- SQL provides a module language that permits
definition of procedures - Conditional (if-then-else) statements
- Loops (for and while)
- Procedure definition with parameters
- Stored Procedures
- Can be stored in the database
- Executed using the call statement
- Permit external applications to operate on the
database without knowing about internal details
about the database or even SQL - In the simplest case, a stored procedure simply
contains a single query.
23Embedded SQL
- The SQL standard defines embeddings of SQL in a
variety of (host) programming languages such as
Pascal, PL/I, Fortran, C, etc. - Requires a vendor provided pre-compiler and
libraries. - Based on vendor specific APIs.
- Not available in all DBMSs, e.g., SQL Server
- Embedded SQL is explicitly identified in a
program (varies by language) - // Ada style
- EXEC SQL ltembedded SQL statement gt END-EXEC
- // Java style
- SQL .
24Example Query
- Find the names and cities of customers with more
than amount dollars in some account, where amount
is a variable in a program. - The following statement declares the query.
- declare c cursor for select
customer-name, customer-city from
depositor, customer, account where
depositor.customer-name customer.customer-name
and depositor account-number
account.account-number and
account.balance gt amount - END-EXEC
- The open statement causes the query to be
evaluated. - EXEC SQL open c END-EXEC
25Embedded SQL (Cont.)
- The fetch statement causes the values of one
tuple in the query result to be placed in host
language variables. - EXEC SQL fetch c into cn, cc END-EXEC
- Repeated calls (loop) will fetch successive
tuples from the query result - Variable SQLSTATE is set to 02000 to indicate
no more data is available - The close statement causes the database system to
delete the temporary relation that holds the
result of the query. - EXEC SQL close c END-EXEC
- Note above details vary by language.
26Dynamic SQL
- Dynamic SQL allows programs to construct and
submit queries at run time. - Does not require a pre-compiler but does require
vendor supplied libraries. - Queries are constructed, submitted, and compiled
at run-time. - This approach also uses APIs that are primarily
vendor specific. - Example of the use of dynamic SQL from within a C
program.char sqlprog update account
set balance balance
1.05 where account-number ?EXEC SQL
prepare dynprog from sqlprogchar account 10
A-101EXEC SQL execute dynprog using
account - The dynamic SQL program contains a ?, which is a
place holder for a value that is provided when
the SQL program is executed.
- Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC) is a standard
for programs to communicate with database
servers. - Independent of language, DBMS or operating
system. - ODBC defines an API providing the functionality
to - open a connection with a database
- send queries and updates
- get back results
- Each DBMS vendor supporting ODBC provides a
"driver" library that must be linked with the
client program. - When a client program makes an ODBC API call, the
code in the library communicates with the server
to carry out the requested action, and fetch
results, if necessary.
28ODBC (Cont.)
- An ODBC program first allocates an SQL
environment, and then a database connection
handle. - An ODBC program then opens the database
connection using SQLConnect() with the following
parameters - connection handle
- server to connect to
- userid
- password
- Must also specify types of arguments
- SQL_NTS denotes previous argument is a
null-terminated string.
29ODBC Code
- int ODBCexample()
- RETCODE error
- HENV env / environment /
- HDBC conn / database connection /
- SQLAllocEnv(env)
- SQLAllocConnect(env, conn)
- SQLConnect(conn, "aura.bell-labs.com", SQL_NTS,
"avi", SQL_NTS, "avipasswd", SQL_NTS) - . Do actual work
- SQLDisconnect(conn)
- SQLFreeConnect(conn)
- SQLFreeEnv(env)
30ODBC Code (Cont.)
- SQL commands are sent to the database using
SQLExecDirect(). - Resulting tuples are fetched using SQLFetch().
- SQLBindCol() binds C language variables to
attributes of the query result - Good programming requires checking results of
every function call for errors we have omitted
most checks for brevity.
31ODBC Code (Cont.)
- Main body of program (i.e., Do actual work)
- char branchname80float balanceint lenOu
t1, lenOut2HSTMT stmt - SQLAllocStmt(conn, stmt)char sqlquery
"select branch_name, sum (balance)
from account
group by branch_name" - error SQLExecDirect(stmt, sqlquery,
SQL_NTS) - if (error SQL_SUCCESS)
SQLBindCol(stmt, 1, SQL_C_CHAR, branchname ,
80, lenOut1) SQLBindCol(stmt, 2,
SQL_C_FLOAT, balance, 0 , lenOut2) - while (SQLFetch(stmt) gt SQL_SUCCESS)
printf (" s g\n", branchname,
balance) SQLFreeStmt(stmt, SQL_DROP)
- JDBC is a Java specific API for communicating
with database systems supporting SQL. - JDBC supports a variety of features for querying
and updating data, and for retrieving query
results. - JDBC also supports metadata retrieval, such as
querying about relations present in the database
and the names and types of relation attributes. - Model for communicating with the database
- Open a connection
- Create a statement object
- Execute queries using the Statement object to
send queries and fetch results - Exception mechanism to handle errors
33End of Chapter
34SQL Data Definition for Part of the Bank Database
35With Clause
- With clause allows views to be defined locally to
a query, rather than globally. - Analogous to procedures in a programming
language. - Find all accounts with the maximum balance
with max-balance(value) as select max
(balance) from account select
account-number from account, max-balance
where account.balance max-balance.value
36Complex Query using With Clause
- Find all branches where the total account deposit
is greater than the average of the total account
deposits at all branches.
with branch-total (branch-name, value) as
select branch-name, sum (balance) from
account group by branch-name with
branch-total-avg(value) as select avg
(value) from branch-total select
branch-name from branch-total,
branch-total-avg where branch-total.value gt
37Extra Material on JDBC and Application
38Update of a View
- Create a view of all loan data in the loan
relation, hiding the amount attribute - create view branch-loan as select
branch-name, loan-number from loan - Add a new tuple to branch-loan
- insert into branch-loan values (Perryridge,
L-307) -
- This insertion must be represented by the
insertion of the tuple - (L-307, Perryridge, null)
- into the loan relation (but does it take place
39Update of a View
- Updates on more complex views are difficult or
impossible to translate, and hence are
disallowed. - Most SQL implementations allow updates only on
simple views (without aggregates) defined on a
single relation. - It is probably best not to allow insertion into
40Other SQL Features
- SQL sessions
- client connects to an SQL server, establishing a
session - executes a series of statements
- disconnects the session
- can commit or rollback the work carried out in
the session - An SQL environment contains several components,
including a user identifier, and a schema, which
identifies which of several schemas a session is
41Schemas, Catalogs, and Environments
- Three-level hierarchy for naming relations.
- Database contains multiple catalogs
- Each catalog can contain multiple schemas
- SQL objects such as relations and views are
contained within a schema - e.g. catalog5.bank-schema.account
- Each user has a default catalog and schema, and
the combination is unique to the user. - Default catalog and schema are set up for a
connection - Catalog and schema can be omitted, defaults are
assumed - Multiple versions of an application (e.g.
production and test) can run under separate
42Transactions in JDBC
- As with ODBC, each statement gets committed
automatically in JDBC - To turn off auto commit use
conn.setAutoCommit(false) - To commit or abort transactions use
conn.commit() or conn.rollback() - To turn auto commit on again, use
43Procedure and Function Calls in JDBC
- JDBC provides a class CallableStatement which
allows SQL stored procedures/functions to be
invoked. - CallableStatement cs1
conn.prepareCall( call proc (?,?) ) - CallableStatement cs2
conn.prepareCall( ? call func (?,?) )
44Result Set MetaData
- The class ResultSetMetaData provides information
about all the columns of the ResultSet. - Instance of this class is obtained by
getMetaData( ) function of ResultSet. - Provides Functions for getting number of columns,
column name, type, precision, scale, table from
which the column is derived etc. - ResultSetMetaData rsmd rs.getMetaData ( )
- for ( int i 1 i lt rsmd.getColumnCount( )
i ) - String name rsmd.getColumnName(i)
- String typeName rsmd.getColumnTypeName
45Database Meta Data
- The class DatabaseMetaData provides information
about database relations - Has functions for getting all tables, all columns
of the table, primary keys etc. - E.g. to print column names and types of a
relation - DatabaseMetaData dbmd conn.getMetaData( )
- ResultSet rs dbmd.getColumns( null,
BANK-DB, account, )
//Arguments catalog, schema-pattern,
table-pattern, column-pattern //
Returns 1 row for each column, with several
attributes such as //
COLUMN_NAME, TYPE_NAME, etc. - while ( rs.next( ) )
System.out.println( rs.getString(COLUMN_NAME) ,
- There are also functions for getting information
such as - Foreign key references in the schema
- Database limits like maximum row size, maximum
no. of connections, etc
46Application Architectures
- Applications can be built using one of two
architectures - Two tier model
- Application program running at user site directly
uses JDBC/ODBC to communicate with the database - Three tier model
- Users/programs running at user sites communicate
with an application server. The application
server in turn communicates with the database
47Two-tier Model
- E.g. Java code runs at client site and uses JDBC
to communicate with the backend server - Benefits
- flexible, need not be restricted to predefined
queries - Problems
- Security passwords available at client site, all
database operation possible - More code shipped to client
- Not appropriate across organizations, or in large
ones like universities
48Three Tier Model
Application/HTTP Server
HTTP/Application Specific Protocol
49Three-tier Model (Cont.)
- E.g. Web client Java Servlet using JDBC to talk
with database server - Client sends request over http or
application-specific protocol - Application or Web server receives request
- Request handled by CGI program or servlets
- Security handled by application at server
- Better security
- Fine granularity security
- Simple client, but only packaged transactions
50Statistical Databases
- Problem how to ensure privacy of individuals
while allowing use of data for statistical
purposes (e.g., finding median income, average
bank balance etc.) - Solutions
- System rejects any query that involves fewer than
some predetermined number of individuals. - ? Still possible to use results of multiple
overlapping queries to deduce data about an
individual - Data pollution -- random falsification of data
provided in response to a query. - Random modification of the query itself.
- There is a tradeoff between accuracy and
51An n-ary Relationship Set
52Authorization-Grant Graph
53Attempt to Defeat Authorization Revocation
54Authorization Graph
55Physical Level Security
- Protection of equipment from floods, power
failure, etc. - Protection of disks from theft, erasure, physical
damage, etc. - Protection of network and terminal cables from
wiretaps non-invasive electronic eavesdropping,
physical damage, etc. - Solutions
- Replicated hardware
- mirrored disks, dual busses, etc.
- multiple access paths between every pair of
devises - Physical security locks,police, etc.
- Software techniques to detect physical security
56Human Level Security
- Protection from stolen passwords, sabotage, etc.
- Primarily a management problem
- Frequent change of passwords
- Use of non-guessable passwords
- Log all invalid access attempts
- Data audits
- Careful hiring practices
57Operating System Level Security
- Protection from invalid logins
- File-level access protection (often not very
helpful for database security) - Protection from improper use of superuser
authority. - Protection from improper use of privileged
machine intructions.
58Network-Level Security
- Each site must ensure that it communicate with
trusted sites (not intruders). - Links must be protected from theft or
modification of messages - Mechanisms
- Identification protocol (password-based),
- Cryptography.
59Database-Level Security
- Assume security at network, operating system,
human, and physical levels. - Database specific issues
- each user may have authority to read only part of
the data and to write only part of the data. - User authority may correspond to entire files or
relations, but it may also correspond only to
parts of files or relations. - Local autonomy suggests site-level authorization
control in a distributed database. - Global control suggests centralized control.
60External World Actions
- We sometimes require external world actions to be
triggered on a database update. - For example, re-ordering an item whose quantity
in a warehouse has become small, or turning on an
alarm light. - Triggers cannot be used to directly implement
external-world actions, but - Triggers can be used to record actions-to-be-taken
in a separate table. - Have an external process that repeatedly scans
the table, carries out external-world actions and
deletes action from table. - Suppose a warehouse has the following tables
- inventory(item, level) How much of each item is
in the warehouse - minlevel(item, level) What is the minimum
desired level of each item - reorder(item, amount) What quantity should we
re-order at a time - orders(item, amount) Orders to be placed (read
by external process)
61External World Actions (Cont.)
- create trigger reorder-trigger after update of
amount on inventory - referencing old row as orow, new row as nrow
- for each row
- when nrow.level lt (select level
- from minlevel
- where minlevel.item
orow.item) - and orow.level gt (select level
- from minlevel
- where
minlevel.item orow.item) - begin
- insert into orders
- (select item, amount
- from reorder
- where reorder.item orow.item)
- end