Climate Change Adjustment Program (CCAP) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Climate Change Adjustment Program (CCAP)


The Climate Change Adjustment Program (CCAP) is part of the ... Overdraft. Trade creditors. Mortgage. Loans (Personal, Family) Lien. Non-Farm Debt. STEP 3: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Climate Change Adjustment Program (CCAP)

Climate ChangeAdjustment Program (CCAP)
  • Farm Business Analysis and Financial Assessment
  • This presentation consists of
  • Background
  • Model Structure/Assessment Criteria
  • Completing the template

NOTE Use the navigation keys at bottom left of
screen to move between slides
Climate ChangeAdjustment Program (CCAP)
  • Background

  • The Climate Change Adjustment Program (CCAP) is
    part of the Australias Farming Future initiative
    (AFF), which helps primary producers adapt and
    respond to climate change.
  • The CCAP assists farmers in financial difficulty
    who are, or are likely to be, adversely impacted
    by climate change, including those experiencing
    hardship due to drought to
  • develop options for on farm climate change
    strategies and practices
  • seek specific professional advice and adjustment
  • obtain re-establishment assistance for those who
    decide to leave farming.

  • The program provides assistance to
  • Undertake professional advice and adjustment
    training of up to 5,500 (GST inclusive).
  • Undertake a farm business analysis and financial
    assessment to provide farmers with a clear
    understanding of their financial situation and
    future prospects, in the context of the future
    climatic (and financial) environment.
  • Develop a Climate Change Action Plan which
    outlines options for on-farm climate change
    adaptation strategies and practices through
    access to professional advice, information and

  • The Farm Business Analysis and Financial
    Assessment is a compulsory assessment of the
    farmers financial situation.
  • Assessing the farmers financial situation is
    important because it
  • provides the farmer with an independent appraisal
    of their financial position, and
  • helps them to decide what is best for the future
    of their farming business and their family.

  • Determining the level of assistance
  • Centrelink undertakes an initial Income and
    Assets Test to confirm eligibility.
  • Centrelink issues the farmer with a voucher to
    undertake a Farm Business Analysis and Financial
    Assessment with a Prescribed Adviser.
  • The result of the Financial Assessment will
    determine the level of assistance required by the
    farmer to develop their Climate Change Action

Climate ChangeAdjustment Program (CCAP)
  • Model Structure/Assessment Criteria

Model Structure and Assessment Criteria
  • The Financial Assessment is based on four tests
    that are designed to assess the financial status
    of the farmer and the farm business.
  • A financially sound business would usually have
    the following elements
  • an ability to earn profits or surpluses
  • an ability to generate sufficient cash flow
  • sufficient liquidity to meet short term cash flow
  • a sound financial structure whereby the entity is
    not over leveraged and has a sufficient level of
    assets to operate its business.

Model Structure and Assessment Criteria
  • The four tests used to determine eligibility for
    assistance are
  • Farm business income and non-farm income
  • Non-farm assets
  • Liquidity
  • Debt to equity position

Model Structure and Assessment Criteria
  • TEST 1 - Farm business income and non-farm income

NewStart Allowance Income Test Rate
Non-farm income
Farm business cash flow (estimated 12 months)
is less than
A farmer earning insufficient income to cover
their familys living costs is unlikely to be in
a position where they can fully consider their
future adjustment needs. Centrelink applies the
personal income test for NewStart Allowance and
the estimate of income aligns with Centrelink
Model Structure and Assessment Criteria
  • TEST 2 - Non-farm assets

NewStart Allowance Asset Test Rate
Non-farm assets
Non-farm debt
is less than
  • This test ensures that the farmer does not have
    significant net non-farm assets that should be
    used before seeking assistance from the
  • To be eligible, the value of the farmers
    non-farm net assets must be less than the
    applicable NewStart Allowance asset test limit
    taking into account their homeowner status and
    marital status.  

Model Structure and Assessment Criteria
  • TEST 3 - Liquidity

Cash and trade debtors
Current liabilities
is less than
  • The ratio of cash debtors/current liabilities
    is the most appropriate measure of liquidity for
    a farm business. This test is calculated by
    dividing the farmers balance of cash by current
    liabilities (quick ratio).
  • Farmers may be eligible for the CCAP Program if
    they have a quick ratio of less than 1.0.

Model Structure and Assessment Criteria
  • TEST 4 - Debt to equity position

Total Farm debt
Total Farm assets (less total farm liabilities)
is greater than
  • A farmer with a low level of debt compared to
    assets should be able to extend their borrowings
    before seeking financial assistance from the

A debt to equity ratio greater than 1.0 will be a
pass as it indicates the farm may not be able to
increase its borrowings.
Model Structure and Assessment Criteria
  • Total Net Assets Cap

1.5 million
A farmer with total net assets worth more than
1.5 million is automatically ineligible for
In order to ensure that assistance is provided to
the correct target group for the Climate Change
Adjustment Program, it is considered appropriate
that eligibility for assistance be subject to a
net asset cap.
Climate ChangeAdjustment Program (CCAP)
  • Completing the template

Completing the Financial Assessment template
  • The Financial Assessment template is an excel
  • used to assess the level of assistance required
    by the farmer to develop their Climate Change
    Action Plan, based on their financial position
  • completed by a prescribed adviser
  • part of the Farm Business Analysis and Financial
    Assessment form

Note The Financial Assessment template is also
available on CD. Please call 1800 638 746 to
request a copy.
What informationdo I need to complete the
  • The farmer should provide
  • Copies of the last 3-5 years tax returns and
    financial statements
  • Details of current income, including Centrelink
    payments, income from off-farm employment or
    rental income
  • Any superannuation payments, annuities and other
  • Details of assets and investments, including bank
    and building society accounts, Farm Management
    Deposits, shares or managed investments
  • Details of any debts
  • Details of planned expenditure (Childrens
    education, house maintenance etc).

Completing the template
  • The Financial Assessment template can be
    downloaded from
  • To open the template, click on the Financial
    Assessment template link.
  • Select the Enable Macros option.

Note The income and asset test levels in the
template are based on the Centrelink NewStart
Allowance rates. The income test rate is revised
in March and September each year, while the asset
test rate is revised annually in July. The
template is updated in conjunction with these
rate changes. Please check the DAFF website for
the latest template version.
Navigating through the template
  • There are 6 steps to completing the template
  • Complete the Farmer and Prescribed Adviser
    details on tab 1.
  • Complete the Cash Flow and Historical Data tables
    on tab 2.
  • Complete the Assets and Liabilities Data tables
    on tab 3.
  • Assess the farmers eligibility on tab 4.
  • View the eligibility calculation summary and
    result on tab 5.
  • Save and Copy the assessment.
  • Tabs 6, 7 and 8 contain Guidance and Explanatory
    information and a Glossary of terms.
  • NOTE You can navigate through the fields by
    clicking in the fields or using the Tab button on
    your keyboard.

STEP 1Complete the Farmer and Prescribed
Adviser details
  • Click in the blue fields in the Introduction
    worksheet and type in
  • the name of the farmer
  • the name of the prescribed adviser
  • the name of the prescribed advisers organisation
  • the date of the assessment.
  • Go to STEP 2 by clicking on the Cash Flow
    Historical Data tab.

STEP 2Cash Flow and Historical Data
  • Enter the financial year end in the blue field at
    the top of the page.
  • Dates for current and future years will be
    automatically shown in the cash flow table.
  • Dates for previous years will be automatically
    shown in the historical data table.

STEP 2Part A Cash Flow Data
  • For the current (including next 3 months) and
    next two financial years, enter the farmers
  • Anticipated Income
  • Estimated Expenditure
  • Cash Balance position.
  • The Cash Flow Surplus (or Deficit) and Closing
    Bank Balance are automatically calculated here.

NOTE The total of Farm Business related income
should exclude amounts to be paid to the farmer
as drawings or salaries to avoid double counting
this income.
  • Make sure all the columns and rows have a value
    entered in order for the calculations to work
  • That completes Part A of STEP 2.
  • Part B requires you to complete historical
    income, operating costs and debt details...

STEP 2Part B Historical Data
For the previous four financial years, enter the
  • Income (sales income is to be shown as gross)
  • Expenditure, as Drawings and Operating
    CostsThe Operating Surplus is automatically
    calculated here.
  • Enter the farmers Debt history here.
  • Note The Average is automatically calculated.

A glossary of terms used in the Cash Flow
Historical Data tables is provided on the
Glossary tab.
STEP 2Part B Historical Data
  • The Operating Ratios of the farm business are
    automatically calculated here.
  • You can also view a summary of the farmers Cash
    Flow and Historical data presented in graphs and

STEP 2Part C Graphs and Charts
  • Scroll down the spreadsheet on the Cash Flow
    Historical Data tab to view graphs and charts of
    the calculated components, which have been
    automatically produced from the data entered into
    the tables.
  • There are ten graphs and charts available to view.

STEP 2Part B C Historical Data, Graphs and
  • That completes Parts B C of STEP 2.
  • STEP 3 requires you to complete the Assets and
    Liabilities tab...
  • Go to STEP 3 by clicking on the Assets and
    Liabilities tab.

STEP 3Part A Assets
  • Enter details of the farmers current asset
    position, including
  • Cash at Bank
  • Farm Management Deposit
  • Tax Credit
  • Vehicles
  • Produce on hand
  • Farm Value
  • Stock on hand
  • Livestock
  • Off-farm investments
  • Plant Machinery/Equipment
  • Non-farm assets
  • Agricultural holdings
  • Other assets.

STEP 3Part B Liabilities
  • Enter details of the farmers current liability
    position, including
  • Tax Liability
  • Overdraft
  • Trade creditors
  • Mortgage
  • Loans (Personal, Family)
  • Lien
  • Non-Farm Debt.

STEP 3Part C Equity Table
  • After the Assets and Liabilities tables have been
    completed, the spreadsheet automatically
    calculates the farmers Equity position.
  • In the example above, the farmers equity
    position is rated on the borderline of being

STEP 3Part A, B C Assets, Liabilities
  • That completes Parts A, B C of STEP 3.
  • STEP 4 contains the Eligibility Assessment...
  • Go to STEP 4 by clicking on the Eligibility
    Assessment tab.

STEP 4Eligibility Assessment
  • The figures in the blue fields are automatically
    populated by data entered in the Cash Flow
    Historical Data and Assets and Liabilities tabs.
  • The data in the blue boxes can be manually
    adjusted to show a more reasonable representation
    of the farmers financial position if required
    (for example, due to timing or seasonal
  • For explanations of the figures calculated, hover
    your mouse over each of the blue fields.
  • Further explanations are available on the
    Guidance tab.

STEP 4Eligibility Assessment
  • To assess the farmers eligibility, scroll down
    the worksheet to the Press here to assess
    eligibility button.
  • To see the result of the eligibility assessment
    click on the Eligibility Calculation Tab, which
    will display the Overall Eligibility

Note the eligibility assessment is not
determined by the prescribed adviser, but is
automatically calculated by the template based on
the farmers financial details.
STEP 4Eligibility Assessment
  • That completes STEP 4.
  • STEP 5 contains the Eligibility Calculation...
  • Go to STEP 5 by clicking on the Eligibility
    Calculation tab.

STEP 5Eligibility Calculation
  • The Eligibility Calculation tab shows the income
    and asset test limits which are equivalent to the
    NewStart Allowance.
  • Financial ratios are used to assess the farmers
    eligibility based on their financial details.
  • The farmers circumstances are assessed into one
    of three eligibility groups based on four tests
  • Farm business income and non-farm income
  • Non-farm assets
  • Liquidity
  • Debt to equity position.

Note In addition to the four tests, farmers need
to pass the total net assets cap of 1.5 million.
STEP 5Eligibility Calculation
Farmers are categorised into 3 groups
  • Group 1 Climate Change Action Plan to be
    developed with a rural financial counsellor (case
    managed)The farm enterprise is borderline or not
    viable, with no prospect of recovery or
    insufficient liquidity and assets necessary to
    operate the farm business. Changes are required
    to return to a viable position.
  • Group 2 Climate Change Action Plan to be
    developed with assistance from Centrelink (self
    managed)The farm enterprise is financially
    viable with sufficient liquidity and assets to
    operate the business, however viability is at
    risk due to ongoing drought, and changes are
    required to ensure ongoing viability.
  • Group 3 Total Net Assets Exceed Allowable
    CapThe farm enterprise has sufficient liquidity
    and assets to operate business with no Government

STEP 6Save and copy the assessment
  • For your records, you can print and/or save the
    completed assessment template on your computer or
    other device.
  • As part of the assessment, print Tabs 1, 2, 3, 4
    and 5, and attach a copy to the Farm Business
    Analysis and Financial Assessment Form.
  • You need to return the Farm Business Analysis and
    Financial Assessment form, including the
    completed financial assessment template to
    Centrelink with a completed voucher for payment.
  • Provide a copy of the completed Farm Business
    Analysis and Financial Assessment form and
    financial assessment template to the farmer to
    take to their rural financial counsellor or
    Centrelink to develop their Climate Change Action

Guidance and Explanations
  • Further guidance on completing the Financial
    Assessment template is available on the Guidance,
    Explanations and Glossary tabs in the template.

You have now completed the Financial Assessment
Further information
  • Call the Australias Farming Future Information
    Line on 1800 638 746
  • Visit the DAFF website at
  • Call Centrelinks Farmer Assistance Line on
  • 1800 050 585
  • Visit the Centrelink website at
  • Call the Rural Financial Counselling Service
    Program on 1800 686 175
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