Title: Day 23 Assignment
1Day 23 Assignment
- Prepare for mock interviews next class. Write
down questions on note cards. - As interviewer get copy of resume and cover
letter from assigned interview partner today.
Read over and formulate questions. - As applicant anticipate responses to some
frequently asked interview questions. - Dress for an employment interview.
- (Clarification)
- Writing Exercises
2Todays Agenda
- 1. Plan Mock Interviews Collect one copy of
resume and cover letter Review guidelines from
Syllabus Assign interview partners Exchange
copies of resume and letter Distribute
interview observation forms - 2. Questions on Chap. 7, Types of Interviews?
- Notes on Etiquette, punctuality, andworkplace
behavior. - Film clips on Interviewing
3Quick Business Etiquette and Workplace Manners
- You have a job interview with a company that you
think has a casual dress policy. For the
interview you should dress conservatively just to
be safe.
2. When a businessman is being introduced
to a businesswoman, the man should politely
wait for the woman to extend her hand first.
43. In your new position you are pleasantly
surprised to find that your boss is about your
own age and seems to be very friendly. The best
career strategy for you would be to strive to
become good buddies with your boss.
- 4. You work in an office with cubicles and you
hear someone a couple of cubes away ask a
question that you can answer. Its better for
you to act as if you have not overheard the
nearby conversation and restrain your urge to
55. Youre in a business meeting that is long and
you are not directly involved. It is acceptable
for you to perform minor grooming tasks such as
combing your hair, applying lipstick, or clipping
your fingernails so long as you do so
- How did you do?
- The importance of workplace etiquette
- Brush up on manners shaking hands,
- proper sequence of introductions, appropriate
actions, table manners, etc.
6First Impression
- Professional attire
- Pleasant expressionand smile
- Confident walk, good posture
- Eye Contact
- Handshake
- Articulate greeting
7Making a Good First Impression in Business
- Stand when you meet someone
- Smile to convey a positive attitude
- Make frequent eye contact to show that you are
focusing on the conversation - Initiate a handshake
- Speak distinctly to make sure you are understood
- Repeat the name of a newly met person a few times
during your discussion to help commit it to memory
8Proper Introductions
- Always introduce the junior person to the more
senior - Always introduce everyone in the group, even if
you have to admit to forgetting someones name - Dont use persons first name when first
introduced. (Wait for the person to say its
- Matter of common courtesy
- Message that being late sends?
- Explanations?
- Reasons?
- Unrealistic attitude about time
- Inability to manage schedule
10How to Break the LATE Habit
- Clock how long it really takes
- Have things you need to take with you right by
the door - Never plan to be on time plan to arrive early
- Learn to welcome the wait
- Embrace the early-bird mentality
- Reward yourself
11A proper Handshake
- Either male or female may offer hand first
- Good Grasp open palms until thumbs lock.Ring
pinkie fingers should curl under - Firm but polite medium pressure,not a wet
noodle or a vice grip squeeze - Pay attention to your posture and motion -Be at
a comfortable distance - Pump 2 or 3 times maxand gently release.
- (dont jerk or control arm)
- Look at person, connect
12(No Transcript)