Title: 1920s German Empire: Berlin as a Woman
11920s German Empire Berlin as a Woman Carl
Zuckmeyer, playwright and poet writes, All
wanted to have her, she enticed all.
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3Georg Groszs parody of this world The Pillars
of Society (1926)
4The Threepenny Opera, Bertolt Brecht, a socialist
critique of capitalism (1928)
Macheath Mackie Messer in London Epic
Theater Berlin
Tony Awards 2006
5Käthe KollwitzHarassed by the Nazi regime,
Kollwitz's home was bombed in 1943. She was
forbidden to exhibit, and her art was classified
as "degenerate." Despite these events, Kollwitz
remained in Berlin unlike artists such as Fritz
Lang and George Grosz who fled the country.
6Never Again War! (1924) Political Posters
7Mothers (1921)
8Käthe Kollwitz, Self-portrait Death and Woman
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10 Leni Riefenstahl Hitler's cinematographer,
producing dazzling films about the Nazi party
such as the "Triumph of Will" depicting the
Nuremberg Rally and the 1936 Olympics in Berlin.
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12Hitlers Mein Kampf(1925)
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