Title: Local LSS after 2dFGRS
1Local LSS after 2dFGRS SDSS
- John Peacock UCL 28 June
2Redshift survey progress
mid-1980s few thousand
Now 2dFGRS SDSS ( 500,000 total )
only 2,000,000 z
3Achievements of 2dFGRS
- Pure fluctuation issues
- Shape of P(k) and W h
- Hints of baryon wiggles ? baryon fraction
- Redshift-space distortions ? s8
- Joint with WMAP ? unique standard model
- Galaxy-formation issues
- LFs and bias as f(type)
- LFs and SFR as f(environment)
- Groups and properties as f(halo mass)
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7Relative bias and stochasticity
25 Mpc cells relative bias b 1.34 correlation
coefficient r 0.96
Joint lognormal model
Wild et al. 2004
8Looking for groups in 2dFGRS
9Groups in 2dFGRS
Eke, Frenk, Cole, Baugh 2dFGRS 2003
10Mock 2dFGRS from Hubble volume
real space
Eke, Frenk, Cole, Baugh 2dFGRS 2003
11Mock 2dFGRS from Hubble volume
Eke, Frenk, Cole, Baugh 2dFGRS 2003
12Halo mass-to-light ratios
Nmin2, zmax0.07
Factor of 4 decrease in M/L from rich clusters to
poor groups
Group luminosity
13The halo model
Neyman Scott Shane (1953) random clump model
correlations arise from pairs in the same clump
Application to CDM, following Benson, Cole,
Frenk, Baugh, Lacey 2000 Peacock Smith 2000
Seljak 2000, 2002
Berlind et al. 2002, 2003
Yang, van den Bosch, Mo et al. 2002a,
2002b, 2003
14Power from haloes of different mass
NL total
PS mass function and NFW halo profile gives
correct small-scale clustering from random
haloes. Add linear large-scale power for complete
15Origin of antibiased power-law galaxy spectrum
Weight mass in haloes as M-a for M Mmin a
0.5 and Mmin 1012 works for 2dF Can measure
linear power at k
16Prediction matches correlation data
Zehavi et al. astro-ph/0301280 Luminous SDSS
galaxies need weight M-0.11 for M Mmin
17Galaxy formation models
Can we predict correctly how haloes are occupied
by galaxies?
18The overcooling problem
Preferred baryon density is now 1.5 x older
values Too much cooling at all masses. Can cure
with SN feedback only at low masses
19Colours and luminosity functions
Cooling flows
Too many bright blue galaxies Too many faint red
Durham semianalytics
20Global remapping of relation between luminosity
and mass for each colour separately
Do this for two very different semianalytics (1)
Superwinds (2) half-baryon fudge
21Fake 1-degree slices, to limits B19.5, 21.5, 22.5
22cluster 6x density
Matches 2dFGRS LF(r) from Croton et al.
23Outline survey possibility
- Science goals
- Halo M/L to local group level measure
efficiency peak - Detailed conditional luminosity functions
- Void LFs to deeper levels
- B
- 47,000 new galaxies at z
- 88 fields _at_ 400 fibres 30 perfect nights
- Must have photo-z selection to remove z 0.2
- SDSS Southern repeated strip ideal
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25Baryon wiggles as a ruler
Blake/Glazebrook proposal 2 x 106 gs over 600
deg2 0.5
26Wiggles in the halo model
NL total
P Plin Phalo Both terms depend on halo mass
try ranges from 109 to 1013
27Wiggles in the halo model
28Wiggles in the halo model
29Wiggles in the halo model
30Wiggles in the halo model