Title: The Technology Plan Submission Process for 20062009
1The Technology Plan Submission Process for
- Arkansas Department of Education
Dana Koite Dkoite_at_arkedu.k12.ar.us 501.682.1287
October 2005
2Technology Plans are Required
- For E-rate
- No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
- State Requires Tech Plans
- Public School Districts
- Charter Schools
- Public Libraries
3Dates to Remember
- District Charter School Tech Plans
- DUE March 1, 2006 March 31, 2006
- Must be approved by July 1, 2006
- Libraries
- DUE March 17, 2005
- Information will be sent November 21, 2005
4Where to find the template
- Commissioners Memos
- http//arkedu.state.ar.us/commemos/customer.cgi
- Memo Number RT-06-002
- Dated 8-9-05
- Information was sent to
- AR E-rate Listserve
- Sys Admin, Open Forum, School Admin Lists
- Libraries
- Information will be sent to you
5E-rate Requirements
- Goals and strategies
- Professional development
- Assessment of technological needs
- Sufficient budget source of funds
- Evaluation
6E-rate Requirements
- Plan MUST provide documentation that
- District has funds needed to achieve plan goals,
including E-rate non-eligible items - All services or equipment requested in the Form
470 supports educational goals found in the plan - If its in your 470, its in your technology plan
- Except for Basic Telecomm Services
- Note Centrex IS NOT a Basic Service!
7NCLB Requirements
- Description of how technology funds will be used
to improve student academic achievement to
improve the capacity of teachers to integrate
technology into instruction - Specific goals for using advanced technology to
improve student academic achievement aligned with
state academic standards - Steps taken to ensure students teachers have
access to technology
8NCLB Requirements
- Identify teaching strategies to integrate
technology to improve academics provide
professional development to all faculty - Type costs of technologies to be acquired,
including services, software, digital curricula,
etc. - Description of technology-related activities
carried out with funds available from federal,
state, and local sources
9NCLB Requirements
- Timeline description of how technology will be
integrated into curricula instruction - Innovative strategies for delivery of
specialized/rigorous courses through use of
technology (distance learning) - Parental involvement including communication with
parents on how technology is being used at school
10NCLB Requirements
- Use of technology in adult literacy programs, if
applicable - Accountability measures used to evaluate
effective funding of technology - Supporting resources acquired to effectively use
technology (services, software, etc.)
11Requirements Summary
- E-rate requirements found in NCLB
- Arkansas requirements found in NCLB
- Use AR School Consolidated Improvement Plan
- Make sure technology is used to improve student
achievement - Weakness Areas, math, literacy
- How can technology be used to raise student
achievement in these areas? - Develop goals strategies for using technology
to improve education
12Important Reminder
- This IS NOT just an E-rate plan
- This IS an Educational Technology Plan
- The MAIN purpose of the plan is to provide the
district with goals and strategies of the most
effective ways to incorporate technology into the
districts education program. - A Secondary purpose is to provide funding
information for purposes of E-rate
13Now on to the template . . .
14Step by Step
- Cover Page - REQUIRED
- Please include all contact information
- Provide URL of district web page
- Provide URL of tech plan if posted to district
site - Review team will complete the bottom section
- Table of Contents
- List page number next to each section already
15Current District Demographics
- District School Profiles
- Complete all information
- Provide E-rate Entity numbers for each school,
non-instructional building that has been
registered with the Schools Libraries Division - Provide NCES for each location
16District Executive Summary
- District Executive Summary
- Demographics
- Technological History
- Major points in plan
- Analysis of previous plan
- Guiding Questions
- Demographics of location
- Analysis of previous plan goals (objectives
achieved, delayed) - Challenges in terms of technology due to
17Technology Committee
- List member names, titles, constituency
represented - Parent
- Teacher
- Administrator
- Community Member
- Narrative
- Explain the planning process
- How the technology plan will be disseminated to
teachers, students, parents and community
18Vision Mission Statements
- Vision
- Expresses thoughts about what the districts
future educational environment should look like. - Mission
- General description of districts plans for
promoting the effective use of technology to
improve student performance.
19Current Technology Assessment
- Note Current assessment provides a look at the
effectiveness of the previous plan. - Curriculum Integration
- Districts current curriculum strengths/weaknesses
process used to determine description for
using technology to address weaknesses - Current integration of technology into curriculum
- How students currently use technology
- Strategies being implemented to promote
technology integration
20Current Technology Assessment
- Professional Development
- Process used to assess professional development
needs of faculty/staff - Technology professional development activities
offered to teachers - Methods used to determine the effectiveness of
professional development activities - Levels of staff technology skills
21Current Technology Assessment
- Equitable use of Technology
- Availability of technology to students/staff
- Including time available for use of technology
- How assistive technologies are provided
supported - Is staff trained to support assistive
accessible technologies
22Current Technology Assessment
- Current Technology Inventory Narrative
- Describe how technology is inventoried
- Inventory summary per school/admin building
- Number type of computers (Operating sys)
- Number of printers
- Number of rooms wired for the internet
- Number of phone instruments phone lines
- Number of fax machines
- Distance learning equipment
- Software major school wide software to improve
achievement (Accelerated Reader, other curriculum
practice software) - Network systems/equipment
23Needs Assessment
- To plan for the future, you must assess your
needs - Assessments used to identify technology goals and
strategies - Identify technology needs
- Begin by evaluating progress towards goals of
previous plan - Survey students, faculty, and parents to
determine technology needs or growth - Guiding Questions
- What type of needs assessment was used?
- Who participated in the needs assessment?
- What were critical components of the assessment?
- What were key results or findings of the
24Goals, Objectives Strategies
- Should be based on the needs assessment
- Should reflect expected resource levels
- Think ahead three years worth of projects
- May include new technology programs/services,
improvements to existing programs, new trends in
25Goals, Objectives Strategies
- Core Foundations for Using Technology
- Tool for Parental Involvement Communication
- Integration with Curriculum Instruction
- Delivery of School Media Center
- School Administrative Support
- Improved Access for Teachers Students
- Tool for Delivery of Staff Development
26Goals, Objectives Strategies
- Goals should address student achievement
technology literacy through - Alignment with district mission statement
strategic improvement plan - Analysis of needs assessment
- Objectives in support of plan goals are
- Measurable
- Attainable, realistic
- Derived from the needs discovered during data
analysis in Current Status/Needs Assessment
27Goals, Objectives Strategies
- Guiding Questions
- Describe districts technology goals.
- Did you use the Arkansas Curriculum Frameworks to
assist in determining goals? - Are you using technology to meet goals listed in
the Districts Consolidated School Improvement
Plan? - Has the district adopted technology literacy
standards for students, teachers, administrators? - Does the district provide access to courses
delivered online or via distance learning? - NCLB E-rate Requirements
28Policies Procedures
- Districts should develop technology policies
relating to equitable access for students with
exceptional needs, data network security,
Internet safety. - Childrens Internet Protection Act (CIPA)
requires each district to have an Internet Safety
Policy - Access by minors to inappropriate material on
Internet WWW - Safety security of minors when using email,
chat, etc. - Unauthorized access, hacking by minors
- Unauthorized disclosure, use, dissemination of
personal identification - Measures designed to restrict minors access to
harmful materials
29Policies Procedures
- Show evidence of a district policy by
- Attaching a copy of the policy
- Providing a URL to the policy on the districts
web site WITH a description of the policy - Guiding Questions
- Are policies procedures in place?
- How are students/faculty kept updated on changes?
- Have you conducted a security audit of your
network? - NCLB E-rate Requirements
- In order to use federal funds for technology you
must be in compliance with CIPA
30Infrastructure, Management Support
- Describe current infrastructure
- Describe plans for infrastructure improvements
- Key elements may include
- Telecommunications capacity
- Equipment access for instruction (also assistive)
- Average age of equipment
- Replacement schedule
- Network data security
- Technology platform
- Level of technology staff support
31Infrastructure, Management Support
- Guiding Questions
- Describe basic technology infrastructure. Provide
a schematic drawing. - What is your Internet connected
computer-to-student ratio? - Do you currently use a firewall or anti-virus
software, either district or at state level? - Do you have PDA devices, or tablet/laptop PCs
available to teachers or students? - What challenges do you face in maintaining or
upgrading your infrastructure? - EXPLAIN how E-rate has allowed the district to
improve or increase its technology
infrastructure. - NCLB E-rate Requirements
32Staff Development Training
- Strategies for providing ongoing professional
development for teachers administrators in the
integration of technology. - Guiding Questions
- What are the future professional development
needs? - Are there challenges in providing sufficient
staff development? - How will teachers be evaluated for technology
skill levels? - NCLB E-rate Requirements
33Technology Budget
- Show evidence that a budget has been planned
exists for the course of the three-year plan - Identify existing potential funding sources
- Create a budget summary of projected expenditures
for technology (hardware, equipment, software,
telecommunications services, staff training, etc)
34Technology Budget
- Budget Summary
- Spreadsheet provided in template. Double click to
enlarge save as spreadsheet. Print out
spreadsheet attach it to technology plan. - Estimates are allowed
- Provide estimated costs for items not eligible
for E-rate discounts, but needed due to services
purchased with e-rate discounts. (computers, etc)
35Implementation Plan
- Implementation Plan identifies details the plan
activities ties them to the stated goals and
objectives. - Each goal should have an accompanying Action
Plan. - Template provided with technology plan template
- Action plan identifies
- resources needed to accomplish the goal/objective
- person/group responsible
- realistic start/completion dates
- projected budget
- evaluation to determine that the objective was
achieved. - NCLB Requirements
36Plan Evaluation
- Plan evaluation is a continuous process
- Major evaluation activities assessing target
goals should be conducted each year - Includes performance tasks, demonstration of
skills listed - Periodic evaluation activities focus on
- Connectivity/infrastructure, hardware needs,
integration use of technology, professional
development, fiscal support of technology
37Plan Evaluation
- Include evidence of evaluation of previous plan
- Guiding Questions
- What measures of performance were incorporated
into the plan to determine the effectiveness in
achieving districts technology goals? - How often will districts plan be evaluated?
- Who will be responsible for documenting
evaluation? - Provide evidence of previous plan evaluation
include the key points or findings of this
evaluation in your new plan. - NCLB E-rate Requirements
38Statement of Assurances
- REQUIRED for a plan to be approved
- Read assurances carefully
- Must have signatures of
- School Board President
- Superintendent
- Chairperson, Technology Committee
- Provide district technology coordinator contact
39Last but not least . . .
40Submission Guidelines
- Submit TWO Copies
- Submit ONE original with original authorized
signatures - Submit ONE copy of original
- Plans are to be simply bound with minimum of
fastening - No three ring binders, no folders, nothing bulky
- Due Between March 1, 2006 March 31, 2006
41DEADLINE March 1 31, 2006
- Reviews will take place late April
- Districts will be notified if
- Plan is Approved
- Plan needs Revisions
- Once Approved
- District will receive an original Technology Plan
Certification Letter - KEEP THIS LETTER
- ADE will not keep originals
- SLD may ask for a copy
- Districts should keep each technology plan on
file for five years after closing date of plan
- Send Original Copy to
- Dana Koite
- Arkansas Department of Education
- 8221 Ranch Blvd.
- Little Rock, AR 72223