Title: (1) This year's ERP seminars (2) Preparing and presenting
1 (1) This years ERP seminars (2) Preparing
and presenting a seminar Ted Golos,
Ph.D. Department of Ob/Gyn Wisconsin National
Primate Research Center ERP Training Program
University of Wisconsin-Madison ERP Seminar
Series - Opening Seminar Fall Semester with
contributions from D. Abbott, Ph.D.
2ERP Fall and Spring 2007-2008 seminars ERP is an
Inter-Departmental Program ERP seminar -
provides a weekly focus for the program -
permits communication and discussion of local or
national ERP program events - communicates
scientific developments achieved by students
and faculty in the program - evaluations are
provided by faculty and students, for
students - attendance and participation are
3ERP Fall and Spring 2007-2008 seminars ERP
seminar course - Grades are based on attendance
and participation - Written/advance
justification needed for gt3 absences -
Entrance/exit etiquette - Invite mentors,
labmates to your seminar! - Campus Safety
4ERP Fall and Spring 2007-2008 seminars Mix of
speakers - ERP students - invited faculty
- special topics/workshops
5ERP Fall and Spring 2007-2008 seminars Mix of
speakers - ERP students - invited faculty
- special topics/workshops ERP students
..will progress from - 2nd year/pre-dissertato
rs- project development 20-min talk ( 5-min
questions) .to - Dissertators- progress
report (e.g. National Meeting
presentation), 40-min talk (10 min
questions) ..to - last year- thesis
defense 45-min talk (15 min questions)
6ERP Fall and Spring 2007-2008 seminars Mix of
speakers - ERP students - invited faculty,
alumni - special topics/workshops Invited
faculty - chosen from suggestions made by ERP
students and faculty - will provide high
quality talks and science to which students
should aspire - Please participate in visits
from invited speakers
7ERP Fall and Spring 2007-2008 seminars Mix of
speakers - ERP students - invited faculty
- special topics/workshops Special
topics/workshops - chosen from suggestions
made by ERP students and faculty - often (not
always) local experts/service directors who
will provide an overview of technological
advances or opportunities available for
8ERP Spring 2008 Symposium Friday April 4th, 2008
ERP students - poster presentations are
required by all - 1st year students are
encouraged to give some form of outline of their
project as a poster, at a minimum - some of
the student presentations will be selected for
talks by the Symposium Committee Dr. Patankar,
Symposium advisor (patankar_at_wisc.edu)
9ERP Seminar - student talks
In preparing your talk remember. - priority
of attention in your audience is 70 how you
look, act and appear 20 how you sound
10 what you say
10President John F. Kennedys famous speech near
the Berlin Wall, Germany in 1963
Ich bin ein Berliner I am a Berliner
11President John F. Kennedys famous speech near
the Berlin Wall, Germany in 1963
I am a Berliner Ich bin ein Berliner I am
a doughnut
12President John F. Kennedys famous speech near
the Berlin Wall, Germany in 1963
Ich bin Berliner I am a Berliner Ich bin
ein Berliner I am a doughnut
13President John F. Kennedys famous speech near
the Berlin Wall, Germany in 1963
Ich bin ein Berliner I am one with the
people of Berlin
14President John F. Kennedys famous speech near
the Berlin Wall, Germany in 1963
Ich bin ein Berliner I am one with the
people of Berlin
so DONT write as you would say it.and DONT
say it as you would write it..
15ERP Seminar - student talks
Keep It Simple Stupid
16ERP Seminar - student talks
The hallmark of any successful scientific talk is
clarity. To achieve clarity, the talk must be
well organized and logically structured. A talk
needs an ? introduction ? methods ?
results ? and a summary/conclusion
17ERP Seminar - student talks
The hallmark of any successful scientific talk is
clarity. To achieve clarity, the talk must be
well organized and logically structured. A talk
needs an State your points THREE times ?
introduction ? methods ? results ? and a
18ERP Seminar - student talks
The hallmark of any successful scientific talk is
clarity. To achieve clarity, the talk must be
well organized and logically structured. A talk
needs an State your points THREE times ?
introduction (1) say what you are going to
say ? methods ? results ? and a
19ERP Seminar - student talks
The hallmark of any successful scientific talk is
clarity. To achieve clarity, the talk must be
well organized and logically structured. A talk
needs an State your points THREE times ?
introduction (1) say what you are going to
say ? methods.. (2) say it ?
results. ? and a summary/conclusion
20ERP Seminar - student talks
The hallmark of any successful scientific talk is
clarity. To achieve clarity, the talk must be
well organized and logically structured. A talk
needs an State your points THREE times ?
introduction (1) say what you are going to
say ? methods.. (2) say it ?
results. ? and a summary/conclusion. (3)
say you have said it
21ERP Seminar - student talks
- For a 20 (or 40) minute ERP student talk -
- ? Introduction
- - statement of the problem/hypothesis
- - include your motivation to solve the
problem/hypothesis, - e.g. clinical pathology
- ? maximum of 3-4 (5-6) slides
22ERP Seminar - student talks
- For a 20 (or 40) minute ERP student talk -
- ? Methods
- - experimental design
- - approaches/techniques used
- - caveats, e.g. data outlier
- ? maximum of 3-4 (5-6) slides
23ERP Seminar - student talks
- For a 20 (or 40) minute ERP student talk -
- ? Results
- - brief, clear summary of your MAIN findings
- - less important results will emerge during
- questions
- ? maximum of 5-8 (12-15) slides
24Never present data in a talk this waybut its
fine for a paper
25(No Transcript)
26When you present a graph, start by explaining the
axes and other legends, colors and keys-
otherwise the audience spends time puzzling over
your graph instead of listening to you
27Text is easiest to read if it is white or bright
yellow against a dark background, or black
against a white or light background. If you
select other colors, be sure to screen the
appearance in a video projection situation. Use
at least 18pt size font, Helvetica, BOLD Be very
careful not to overload your slides with data,
especially histological photomicrographs that
convey important information. FILL THE SCREEN
with your images and try not to present more than
4 photographs. A complex multi-panel image looks
good in a journal or even on your computer but is
usually useless in a seminar. Dont feel you need
to have very complex slides, the priority is to
be convincing, not to be impressive with slides
that look like figures from Nature
Medicine. The next slide shows (I think) the
maximum amount of histological information that
can be conveyed in a single slide.
CD68 (Mf/DC)
CD56 (NK cells trophoblasts)
Slukvin et. al, 2004
29I bet this looks OK on your screen, but dont try
projecting it!
30If you are going to scan or download images, make
sure they have a high quality appearance when
NIH Research Recent Progress and Future Promise
of Human Embryonic Stem Cells June 12, 2003
31Images are important. Text slides from top to
bottom can be really boring even if you have
something really important to convey. Even
though science is a very demanding profession, it
is important to have a physical or creative
outlet. I enjoy playing ice hockey, especially
32Images are important. Text slides from top to
bottom can be really boring even if you have
something really important to convey. Even
though science is a very demanding profession, it
is important to have a physical or creative
outlet. I enjoy playing ice hockey, especially
outside. Conversely, discuss the data you do
show or you risk confusing or frustrating the
33ERP Seminar - student talks
- For a 20 (or 40) minute ERP student talk -
- ? Summary/Conclusion
- - condensed summary of your findings
- ( 3-4 (5-6) points)
- - relevance of your findings to your
problem/hypothesis in the Introduction -
- concluding model presentation/update
- ? maximum of 2-3 (2-3) slides
34ERP Seminar - student talks
- For a 20 (or 40) minute ERP student talk -
- ? Total of 13-19 (24-30) slides (less than
number of minutes) - Acknowledge those who helped you, sources of
funding, etc. - ? Practice, practice, practice- not just at your
35Make sure you review your powerpoint presentation
PROJECTOR.Your slides will look VERY different
projected on a screen than they do on your
computer screen. This includes text fonts,
scanned or downloaded images, and color contrast
between background and text. Evaluate the
slides you have prepared from the BACK of the
room. Make sure that everyone in the room
(approximately equivalent to the room you will be
lecturing) can read your slides. You want them to
be able to read them just about as well as you
can from the front.
36Make sure you review your powerpoint presentation
PROJECTOR.Your slides will look VERY different
projected on a screen than they do on your
computer screen. This includes text fonts,
scanned or downloaded images, and color contrast
between background and text. Evaluate the
slides you have prepared from the BACK of the
room. Make sure that everyone in the room
(approximately equivalent to the room you will be
lecturing) can read your slides. You want them to
be able to read them just about as well as you
can from the front.
37Make plans in advance to insure that a laptop
will be available for the presentation. If you
dont have your own computer, contact Tiffany in
advance and she can reserve one from the
Biotechnology Center.If you are using
animations or other special presentation tools,
be sure that the appropriate software will be on
the computer you will use. If you bring your
own laptop, be sure to bring any adaptors and
connectors you will need (e.g., Macs need a
special adaptor).
38If you bring your presentation on a flash drive,
CD or other medium, be sure in advance that the
presentation can download. If you are
presenting on a different operating system than
that which was used to prepare the presentation,
be aware that not all graphics may present
appropriately (i.e., there are Mac-to-PC glitches
with some image files such as .tif format).
39Practical considerations for oral
presentations 1. UNDERSTAND THE
40ERP Seminar - student talks
- Slides from this talk
- will be posted at either
- Learn_at_UW or on the ERP website.