Title: Integration and Globalization The European Bellwether
1Integration and Globalization The European
2Economic integration is ahallmark of our global
- Borders less important
- Faster growth
- Benefits most people at most times
3From 6 to EU-15
4To EU25 and beyond
- Economic integration promotes growth and
increases exposure to policy competition - Relatively illiberal economies are less equipped
to deal with globalization - Europe is such an economy
- Should Europe further liberalize its economy or
better coordinate its policies? - Europe is at a crossroads and so are we
6What is economic integration?
- Nations liberalize their economies
- Trade agreements
- Investor protections
- Worker visas
- These policies increase exposure to globalization
and boost economic growth
7But exposure to globalization exacerbates policy
- Workers and businesses seek better business
climates - Recipients seek generous safety nets
- High-tax high-benefit nations penalized
- Greater penalty in a more economically integrated
8EU economies uniformly less free
9EU has relatively low growth
10relatively high unemployment
11and low productivity growth
12But it was not always so
13This is a globalization story
- Inflexible, high-tax policies more damaging when
goods, capital, labor more mobile - Europe kept up in the low-tech less-global 70s
- Europe fell behind in the 80s and 90s as
globalization accelerated
14Some see policy competitionas the problem
- A recent OECD report Developed world should
eliminate harmful tax competition - German finance minister Low-tax nations must
raise taxes in the name of fairness - As long as some nations are more competitive than
others, globalization will benefit some nations
more than others
15and policy coordination as the answer
16Policy coordination can bringintegration without
- Sweden Farm subsidies too low
- Czech Republic Labor laws too lax
- Poland VAT too low
- What path will the EU follow in the future?
17Free trade in services defeated
18International capital movement feared
19Yet there is hope for freer EU markets
- EU head speaks movingly of liberalization
- More efficient financial markets?
- Clout of organized labor reduced
- Sea-change in German corporate strategy?
- Fewer protections for new workers
- New opportunities for French youth?
20The crossroads revealed
- Some EU states want more social protection
- Other EU states want faster growth
- How can Europe simultaneously satisfy these
competing visions? - It cant and the policy choices made by the EU
and elsewhere will go a long way toward
determining the ultimate fate of globalization