Title: Diapositiva 1
1.The aconfessionality of the state (art. 16, 3).
2. The right of parents for their children to
receive the religious and moral education that is
in accord with their own convictions (art. 27,
3). 3. A basic aspect of integral education
(art. 27, 1).
31. The acconfesionality of the state
1. Co-operative with religious freedom.
To guarantee the principle of religious
freedom. The principle of collaboration
between the State and the Catholic Church. There
is an agreement on education and cultural
matters between the Spanish State and the
Vatican. In 1992 co-operation agreements were
established with the Federation of Evangelic
Religious Entities in Spain, the Federation of
Israeli Communities in Spain and the Islamic
Commission of Spain.
42. Parents freedom
The public powers guarantee the right of parents
for their children to receive the religious and
moral education that is in accord with their own
53. Integral Education educating the whole person
6Religious and moral education, integrated into
the school curriculum,
helps in the educational objective of forming
responsible, aware, critically-thinking, free
it provides pupils with elements on which to base
their own personal autonomy
it capacitates them to respect and relate to
other systems of belief that our present in our
pluralistic society
it encourages a balance between the spiritual,
psychological and cultural development of pupils,
in their own historical context and environment
it helps them to understand the cultural and
artistic heritage of Spain
7It does not the same...
Autonomy of civil matter and religious matter.
laycist that have become belligerent against
the presence of the religion in the school
Meanwhile are attending with concern at
campaigns of harassment against the subject of
religion at school and its teachers on the part
of groups that do not give importance to the
religious culture and the possibility of knowing
different religions at school, not respecting
the effective legislation
8Why we ask RE for?
- Porque es un derecho y una responsabilidad de los
padres. - Porque queremos una educación integral para
nuestros hijos. - Porque la persona es un ser religioso.
- Porque la religión configura la vida social.
- Porque es una realidad europea.
- Porque ha creado grandes expresiones artísticas.
- Porque responde a interrogantes profundos de las
personas. - Porque propone los valores fundamentales de la
vida humana. - Porque favorece el diálogo y el encuentro con
otras religiones y culturas - Porque es lo mejor para mí y para mis hijos.
9What offer Religious Education?
The pupils speak
Developing a life together among people of
different tradition and variety of attitude
Respect for the personal value of others, for
living in a common society
having the capacity to develop their own
to know oneself to know God... to know
help me in my faith and life
One hour and a half a week
11PRIMARY SCHOOLS (6-11 years)
One hour and a half a week
The pupils that not choose RE EDUCATIONAL
12SECONDARY 12-16 years
One hour a week
The pupils that not choose RE RELIGIONS
13ADVANCED 16-18
Two hours in two years. The subject is chosen
voluntarly, there is not alternative
We can state our satisfaction with the approval
of the amendment on religious education teachers.
RE teachers in Spain are indefinite since the
10th of Juny 2007.
It is to be hoped, for the good of one and all,
and with the consensus of all the interested
parties - the Administration, religious entities
and teachers representatives, that this new
statue for religious education teachers will be
correctly developed
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