Title: Sky500 -Private Jet & Aircraft Charter At First Class Prices
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2About us Private jet charter is an elite service
that has typically catered to the top wealthiest
individuals and businesses in the world, however,
it doesn't have to be limited to that market.
Many times, an aircraft will fly empty from one
city to another in order to pick up a passenger,
cargo or reposition to it's home base airport
after dropping off passengers or cargo. These
flights are known as empty leg jet charter, or
"empty legs." Since aircraft operators and
owners would love to make money on the empty
legs, instead of flying the aircraft at cost,
they often offer these flights at highly
discounted pricing. This is where Sky500.com
comes in. We match the aircraft operators with
customers looking for discounted charter with
similar itineraries, so both parties win. The
operators are able to sell their "empty legs" and
the passengers are able to get discounted private
jet service.
3About us Sky500.com takes it a step
further...we encourage our affiliate - aircraft
operators to list their flights at the lowest
price they are willing to accept for the
flights. This way, they have a better chance of
selling and the passengers have a better chance
of buying...a match made in heaven....well, in
the sky, anyway. Sky500.com isn't a new to
aviation...Sky500.com is a Studio Jet, Inc.
company which has over 10 years of aviation
experience, to help make sure you are safe, happy
and able to get the most out of your private jet
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8Contact us Sky500.com, Address PO BOX
4215,Valley Village, CA Tel No
818-308-5387Fax 818-301-2536. Studio Jet,
Inc. DBA Sky500.com.
9Thank You