Title: Technoform For Rapid, Repeatable Thermoformability Analyses
1Technoform For Rapid, Repeatable
Thermoformability Analyses
- Dr. Amit Dharia
- Transmit Technology Group, LLC, TX
- www.transmit-technology.com
- Properties Thermoforming Process relationship
- Current test methods
- Description of Technoform
- Application and data interpretation
- Products Basic, Standard, Advanced
- Conclusion
3Thermoforming Process
- Extruding sheet stock
- Heating sheet above Tg
- Stretching heated sheet in rubbery state
- Cooling
- Trimming
- Finishing
4Structure - Properties -Thermoformability
- Rate of change of strength with the change in
strain rate at forming temperature - Crystallinity Breadth of rubbery Plateau
- Molecular weight, Molecular weight distribution,
molecular architecture (branching, crosslinking)
MFR, Melt Elasticity
5Other parameters
- Density - filler, type of fillers, degassing
- Geometry Thickness, area, multi-layered
structures, adhesion between layers - Residual stresses between and within in extruded
layer sheet stock - Thermal diffusivity (Cp, K. Rho)
- Extrusion quality ( gels, unmelts, thickness
variation, grain patterns) - Color (IR absorption)
6Current tests
- Low shear melt viscosity (MFR, RMS)
- Melt Tension (Draw Force Melt tension, Break
Velocity -extension) - Sag Test (sag distance, sag time)
- Hot Creep Test
- DMA (Relaxation time)
7Major disadvantages of current methods
- Most tests are conducted in melt or near melt
phase - Test Specimens does not reflect actual test
geometry (shape, size, clamping mode) - Tests does not account for orientation, thermal
stresses, thickness variations - Isothermal environment, does not account for
transient nature of heating/ cooling - Effects of secondary process parameters can not
be evaluated - Results cannot be directly used.
8What processors want to know?
- Will this material thermoform?
- Will this new material process the same?
- Will this lot process the same as the last one?
- Why this lot does not process the same?
- How much time is needed to heat the sheet?
- How fast material will heat?
- What is the right forming temperature range?
- Will melt adhesion between layers survive heating
and stretching step? - Will material discolor, fed or degrade during
9What processors want to know? -II
- What is the maximum draw down?
- How fast part can be made?
- What is the MD and TD shrinkage?
- Will material tear at the corners and ribs?
- How much regrind can I use?
- Will grains retain shape and depth?
- Does extruded sheet have gels or unmelts?
10What Industry Needs?
- A standard test method which reflects all unit
steps heating, 3D stretching, forming, and
cooling - A test equipment which can be precisely
controlled, is rapid, easy to use, provides
repeatable and quantitative information, using
the lease amount of material. - Easy to use Thermoformability Index standard
for comparing, contrasting effects of selected
process/ material variables
Patent Pending
12Schematics of Technoform
13Typical Data input
- Mode of operation Plug Assisted, Vacuum
- The heating element distance from the sheet
surface - The heating element temperature
- The sheet temperature
- Heat Soak time at given temperature
- Plug velocity (2 to 200 mm/second)
- Plug Delay Time
- Plug Temperature
- Part Cooling time
14Typical user Input Screen
Strain hardening
Thermoformability Index slope
Sag Distance
Forming Depth mm
15Typical Data Output
- Heating rate (Delta C/ time) f (thickness)
- Sag distance
- Forming force (Stress) vs. forming distance
(strain) - Forming Force vs. time
- Yield force
- Forming force vs. actual temperature
- Shrinkage (manual measurements)
16Effect of Heating time
17Plug Material and Shapes
- Truncated cone with flat end (2.5 Top D, 0.75
Bottom D, 4 Height) - Truncated cone with Rounded End (2.5 Top D, 1 D
bottom, 4 Height) - Hemisphere of 3.5 Diameter
- All tools made of Foam Epoxy
18Effect of Plug Temperature35 Mil Black HIPS, 130
C,40 mm/s- No control -
19Effect of controlling Plug TemperatureHIPS, 40
mm/second with T control
20Effect of Plug Geometry
21Effect of plug materialHIPS, 170 C, 40
mm/second, 35 mil
22Effect of forming Speed on HDPE _at_ 150 C
23Heating rates for various plastic
materials(Heater at 600 C, 3 from upper, 2
from lower)
24Effect of Crystallinity
25Comparison of various PE
26Effect of Forming Temperature
27Force100 f (T, V, material)
- F(ABS) 9.2348 -0.0547 T (R2 99)
- F(PMMA)7.1587 -0.0341 T(R298)
- F(PETG)10.096 -0.0601 T (R292)
- F(HIPS)9.6782 - 0.0503T(R293)
- F(HDPE)5.2771 -0.0266 T (R286)
28Effect of ThicknessPC/ABS, 40 mm/sec, 200 C
29Lot to lot variation in TPO170 C, 40 mm/second,
190 mil
30Effect of Color Co PP, 160 C, 40 mm/second, 35
31Effect of thickness on the Heating Rate
32Effect of Regrind on formability TPO20
regrind / Five Successive Extrusions
33Effect of Regrind in FR-ABS
34Comparison of filled vs. HMS-TPO
35Effect of adding HMSPP in PP
36Formability of HMSPP/PP Blends
37Comparison of Test Methods
38Processing window for E-3500170 C, 40 mm/s, 190
39Technoform Features
- Technoform is a simple to operate test equipment
is which closely reflects all unit steps of the
typical thermoforming process and generates
quantitative and repeatable information in short
time. - The test data can be used in raw form to compare
or contrast various materials, process
parameters or can be further modeled as a design
or predictive tool.