Temporal GIS and Statistical Modelling of Personal Lifelines - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Temporal GIS and Statistical Modelling of Personal Lifelines


Temporal GIS and Statistical Modelling of Personal Lifelines. Marius Th riault, Christophe Claramunt, Anne-Marie S guin and Paul Villeneuve. July 2002 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Temporal GIS and Statistical Modelling of Personal Lifelines

Temporal GIS and Statistical Modelling of
Personal Lifelines
  • Marius Thériault, Christophe Claramunt,
    Anne-Marie Séguin and Paul Villeneuve

July 2002 Spatial Data Handling Ottawa
Funded by the Canadian SSHRC, the Canadian NSERC,
the Quebec Provinces FCAR and GEOIDEs project
  • Urban modelling must consider decision-making
    behaviour of urban actors using disaggregate data
  • Activity location, home choice, commuting and
    travel decision
  • Household and professional profiles of persons
  • Probabilistic discrete-choice theory is becoming
    the central tenet of urban modelling research
  • Implemented using logistic and Cox regression
  • Aimed at modelling individuals and households
  • Needing dynamic spatial tools for analysing
    complex urban systems where
  • Uncertainties exist in the system (aggregation is
    not straightforward)
  • Decision rules for individuals and households can
    be intricate
  • System processes are path and location
    dependent- future system state depends partly on
    past and current states (thus needing event
    history analysis)

Purpose and Objectives
  • Purpose
  • Detect the unintentional consequences, at the
    macro scale (E.g. urban spread), of intentional
    actions and strategies occurring at the
    micro-scale (statistical aggregation)
  • Objective develop a logical database model to
    handle personal biographies and to restructure
    individual lifelines data in a format suitable
    for statistical analysis
  • Needing to build a new spatio-temporal dataset
    (flat file) for any question at hand (data
    restructuring for statistical analysis)
  • GIS needed to study influence of neighbourhood
    on individual decisions and to summarise their
    combined effect on the evolution of the overall
    urban system

Why Studying Individual Biographies?
  • Focus of this work
  • Household, residential and professional history
    of citizens
  • Life course of most individuals
  • Is built around three interlocking series of
    events- a household history an occupational
    career a residential trajectory
  • During the last decades, these trajectories
    generated patterns of events of increasing
    complexity- more divorces- extension of
    contractual short-term employment- increasing
    geographical mobility, etc.
  • Within cities, these individual trajectories
    intersect and combine, yielding demographic and
    residential patterns driving city evolution and
    transportation demand
  • Understanding processes by which personal
    biographies aggregate and evolve cannot be
    derived from censuses
  • They give only the barest spatio-temporal
    snapshot reports on complex situations and they
    do not relate facts

Example of an Individuals Biography
Changes in Personal Life
  • An individuals history is altered
  • When an event occurs modifying at least one
    important aspect of his personal status (marital,
    family, job, home, education, income, etc.)
  • Such an event may alter simultaneously status on
    more than one trajectory - or have effect on
    several individuals in the family
  • Some events (E.g. new born baby) can be
    anticipated and may potentially lead to prior
    adjustment (actions linked to expectation)
  • Effects can also be delayed (after the enabling
    event occurs)
  • Life trajectories show interlocked evolution
  • Behaviour based on personal values, beliefs and
  • They associate episodes (time periods with stable
    attributes) which intersect to depict global life
    status of the person
  • Hypothesis their ordering builds logical
    sequences (evolution patterns) related to life
    cycles (E.g. young couples, retired persons,
  • Studying these patterns is more relevant to urban
    studies than knowing the exact timing of events
    for each individual

Using Retrospective Surveys
  • Retrospective surveys
  • Provide detailed information about changes
    occurring during the life of the respondents
  • However, this spatio-temporal data must be
    properly structured and carefully analysed to
    reveal spatio-temporal structures and patterns
  • Advantages
  • Phenomena are measured for individuals
  • The follow-up cover long periods of time (E.g.
    since birth, marriage or departure from the
    parents home)
  • Information can be structured using lifelines and
    personal trajectories
  • Specific issues
  • Data reliability and questionnaire structure -
    respondents have to remember places and events
    that were happening many years earlier
  • However, sequence of events are more reliable
    than dates
  • Spatial and temporal data may be fuzzy
  • Need appropriate data modelling to handle
    historical sequences and to allow comprehensive
    time-based statistical analysis

The 1996 Retrospective Survey for Quebec City
  • In Quebec City, a retrospective survey
    collecting, in one interview, information about
    all changes occurred over a long period of time,
    since the departure of the parental home
  • A spatially stratified sample of two cohorts of
    professional workers
  • Sample of 418 respondents stratified by
    municipality, gender and age cohort (36-40 and
  • Interviews realized at the respondents home,
    mean duration 1.5 hour
  • Three trajectories
  • Residential trajectory every home occupied
    (three months or more) since the departure of
    parents home, with their location (civic
    address) and other characteristics (tenure,
    price, choice criteria, reasons to leave, etc.)
  • Household trajectory each change in the
    composition of the respondents household
    (arrival or departure of a spouse, birth, death,
    arrival of a child from an other household,
    relatives, roommates, cotenants, etc.)
  • Professional trajectory each change in
    employer, each work place, with their
    characteristics (including secondary jobs,
    education and unemployment episodes)
  • Collecting dates of every change (starting- and
    ending-time of each episode)

Spatio-Temporal Modelling of Biographies
  • Relate to the integration of time in GIS
  • Triad framework proposed by Peuquet (space - time
    - theme)
  • Integrate the notion of event-process and
    jointly-related entities described in Claramunt
    et al.
  • Main task
  • Design a relational database schema of
    individuals trajectories and providing query
    mechanisms needed to restructure spatio-temporal
    data in a format suitable for statistical
    analysis (using GIS and DBMS)
  • Main characteristics
  • Entity-based implementation within RDBMS and GIS
    to describe individuals, events, processes,
    households, jobs, diploma, etc.
  • Building multi-dimensional sequences of events
    combining lifelines and trajectories
  • Providing flat files needed for statistical
    analysis of ad hoc queries

Modelling Life Trajectories
  • Specific conceptual modelling issue
  • How can we express the temporal structure of
    biography as an ordered sequence of intertwined
    statuses and events, using database modelling
    concepts, while retaining its behavioural meaning?
  • Personal biographies
  • Are a complex mix of real world phenomena (E.g.
    persons, dwellings, etc.) generating abstract
    temporal features (E.g. episodes, events)
  • Episodes are ordered along lifelines to form
    sequences of independent or joint evolution
    (linked trajectories or related individuals)
  • Trajectories hold sets of relationships
  • Aggregation (household made of persons),
    combination (mix of jobs held simultaneously), or
    collaboration (renting or buying a dwelling is
    using another type of entity and starts a new
    residential episode)

Database Modelling of Trajectories
  • Modelling concepts
  • Trajectories are combining events and episodes
    describing a multi-dimensional aspect of personal
  • Each trajectory (E.g. household) groups a set of
    related lifelines (E.g. marital status, family
  • Each lifeline describes a specific dimension of a
    trajectory, ordering episodes (periods of time)
    during which a given status was stable (E.g.
    single or married).
  • When an event occurs, there is some change in
    status, leading to a new episode (E.g. birth of a
    child in an household changes its composition)
  • Events and episodes form sequences ordered along
    lifelines (directional from past to future)

Quebec City - Trajectories and Lifelines
  • Our survey questionnaire leads us to define nine
    lifelines related to the three trajectories
  • The first lifeline is used to depict the
    Respondent life (from birth up to the interview)
  • Residential trajectory
  • Is simple its a formed by one lifeline Home
    tenure episodes and home related events (rent,
    buy, sell, etc.)
  • Household trajectory
  • Is more complex it relates 3 types of lifelines
    Marital status (including identification of
    successive spouses, union, separation) Children
    (ordering events and episodes related to children
    birth, adoption, departure after a divorce)
    Household lifeline makes the synthesis of any
    family change
  • Professional trajectory
  • Is complex it relates 4 types of lifelines
    Educational (including degrees), Occupational
    (mix of independent or simultaneous jobs) and
    Work place histories They combine to form the
    Professional lifeline

Spatio-temporal Database Modelling
  • The core of the spatio-temporal model is formed
    by an EPISODE table combining events and episodes
    ordered by the EpisodeSequences table.
  • The ontology of lifelines and trajectories is
    stored directly in the database, and each event
    and episode is typified
  • Episodes are related to the respondent, but also
    to any other acting individual in the household
    (E.g. linking the respondent to his/her spouse)
  • Every episode and event is related to space
    through the SPATIAL table providing locations
    managed by Spatialware functionalities (E.g. ODBC
    link with Access)

Modelling of Residential Trajectory
  • The Residential trajectory is made of only one
    lifeline describing the attributes and occupation
    modes of successive homes inhabited by the
    respondent during his/her adult life
  • Each home is located in space using street
    addresses and location is managed, for each
    episode, by the SPATIAL table
  • Integrity constrains are enforced
  • GIS operations are realized within MapInfo using
    ODBC technology with Spatialware features
    generating points in Map Views
  • The Home lifeline handle home tenure related
    events (Rent, Buy, Inhabit) and episodes (Tenant,
    Owner, Cotenant, etc.)

Modelling of Household Trajectory
Modelling of Professional Trajectory
Querying Using Temporal Sequence Views
  • These trajectories and lifelines are related into
    a unified database structure describing their
    successive temporal, spatial and thematic
  • The relational model allows for building
    relationships across lifelines, events and
    trajectories using state transition views similar
    to the example shown here
  • These integrated views are later used to ease
    formulation of spatio-temporal query building ad
    hoc event history datasets needed for statistical

Episode Event - Episode
Event Episode - Event
Linking to Event History Regression Analysis
  • Most of the phenomena discussed in this research
    may be thought as events
  • These events and their possible relationships are
    recorded using RDBMS
  • We want to submit to statistical analysis these
    data and expressions based on them in order to
    build event history models
  • Ordinary multiple regression is ill-suited to the
    analysis of biographies, because of two
    peculiarities censoring and time-varying
    explanatory variables
  • Censoring refers to the fact that the value of a
    variable may be unknown at the time of survey,
    generally because the event did not occur (E.g.
    duration of marriage for a person who never
  • Considering time varying explanatory factors
  • To study the effect of the family composition on
    residential location choice, one needs to
    consider time-varying information
  • A bio-statistical method called event history
    regression analysis can handle such a problem (it
    combines survival tables and logistic regression)
  • Our approach enable data restructuring that
    fulfil requirements for this kind of statistical

Event History Analysis
  • Survival tables are using conditional
    probabilities to estimate the mean proportion of
    people experiencing some change in their life
    after a significant event occurs (E.g. proportion
    of tenants buying a home after the arrival of the
    second child), computing the time delay after a
    specified enabling event (E.g. time to divorce
    after marriage)
  • However, these probabilities are not exactly the
    same for everyone because specific conditions may
    influence propensity to change
  • Finding those specific factors that condition
    individual propensity to do something requires a
    combination of survival tables and logistic
    regression in order to estimate the marginal
    effect of other personal attributes on the
    probability that an event occurs
  • The purpose of Event History Analysis (also
    called Cox Regression) is to model specific
    variations of the probability of state transition
    through time for individuals considering
    independent (even time-varying) variables
    describing their personal situation on other
    lifelines (E.g. What is the marginal effect of a
    6-month unemployment period occurred less than
    five years ago, on the propensity to buy a home
    after the second child is born? Is their a
    significant effect? Is this effect stable over
    time and space?)

Proportions of Tenants and Home-Owners Related to
Time Elapsed Since Departure From Parents Home
(survival rates)
Cohorts 1 respondents in their thirties 2
respondents in their forties
Proportion of tenants
Proportion of home-owners
Time elapsed since departure from parents home
Time elapsed since departure from parents home
Proportions of Tenants and Home-Owners Related to
Respondents Age (survival rates)
Cohorts 1 respondents in their thirties 2
respondents in their forties
Proportion of tenants
Proportion of home-owners
Respondents Age (years)
Respondents Age (years)
Spatio-temporal Analysis of Retrospective DataAn
  • Study individual behaviour of persons making
    home-location choices under various conditions
    linked to their own personal history, considering
    the three trajectories
  • The retrospective survey and its implementation
    within a temporal GIS providing event-ordering
    functionalities will further our understanding of
    their strategies for moving through the city
    considering their own history, the impact of
    growing family, of changes in work place, their
    educational status, income, home price, stability
    in employment, etc.
  • The next slide shows a preliminary event-history
    model of the propensity of tenants to buy a house
    after the birth of their first child
  • It was realised with a very preliminary version
    of the spatio-temporal database, but can help
    understand the advantages of such an approach

Event History Analysis Results
  • What are the factors influencing the decision of
    tenants to buy a house (with some delay) after
    their first child is born?
  • Is there significant differences among persons?
    Yes (Chi Square)
  • Are their behaviour stable over time? No
    (Significant variations of propensity over time)
  • What are the factors influencing the propensity
    of changing status from tenant to home-owner? 1-
    Stability in employment, 2- Decade during which
    the child was born (time varying behaviour), 3-
    Willingness to move towards remote locations
    (related to house prices)

Event History Statistical Model
Example of Application in Excel (Activate the
Spreadsheet to set parameters)
Event History Analysis Results
Stability in employment increases propensity to
buy a home
Rate of access to property ownership
significantly increases through time - from the
sixties to the eighties
Discussion and Conclusion
  • The proposed database modelling approach is
  • It uses entity-relationship principles, combined
    with geo-relational technology
  • With the exception of minor enhancements to
    existing methods, the purpose was not to
    contribute to the advance of STDB modelling
  • Contribution
  • To the best of our knowledge, this type of
    application for the spatial monitoring of changes
    in population behaviour is original
  • Keeping track of dynamics within GIS database is
    a very important requirement for urban and
    transportation planning
  • Towards a generic spatio-temporal life
    trajectories ST schema
  • Multidisciplinary approach
  • Combining TGIS and event history analysis provide
    methodology well suited for behavioural modelling
  • We are now developing application-independent
    dialogs for querying this spatio-temporal
    structure and build projections yielding flat
    files needed for statistical analysis using SPSS,
    SAS or SPlus
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