Title: Cheyenne
2The Cheyenne were North American Plains Indian
people of Algonikian stock who lived in the 19th
century around the Arkansas rivers.
3In the 17th century they lived in central
Minnesota, where they were farmers and hunters.
4Later they occupied a village on the Cheyenne
River in North Dakota. They hunted buffalos for
food with horses.
5After the town was destroyed by the Ojibwa, the
Cheyenne settled along the Missouri River near
the Mandan and Arikara Indians. Toward the close
of the 18th century, smallpox and the aggression
of the Dakota Indians decimated the village
tribes at the same time that horses and guns
were becoming generally available in the
northeastern plains.
6The Cheyenne moved farther west to the area of
the Black Hills. During the early 19th century,
they migrated to the headwaters of the Platte
River. In 1832 a large segment of the tribe
established itself along the Arkansas River.
7The Cheyenne religion recognized two principal
gods, the Wise One above and a god who lived
beneath the ground. In addition four spirits
lived at the points of the compass.
by Jakob and Niki