Title: Thought%20for%20the%20day
1Thought for the day
Never wrestle with a pig you both get dirty
and the pig likes it.
2Kevin Burke
Advanced Technology Concept Engineering
3Highly Agile Supersonic Fighter AircraftProject
4Prepare for the Unexpected
5The Technology Driven Future
6Probable Future Products
Future Offensive Air System
Joint Strike Fighter
7Possible Future Products? Hypersonic
Aircraft Ultra-Stealthy Aircraft Anti-Gravity
Systems Fotofighter Shape Changer Chameleon Superm
anoevrable Aircraft
8Highly Agile Aircraft
9Project Aim
Produce a conceptual design for a highly agile,
supersonic fighter aircraft for entry into
service in year 2010
10Mission Performance
- Short Take-Off, Min Fuel Climb to best cruise Alt
and M. - Cruise to 200nm from base, Loiter for 1 hr.
- Accelerate to M1.5, to 100nm from loiter area.
- 1 min supersonic combat.
- 2 mins subsonic combat
11Systems Performance
- Aware at 100 nm
- Target at 70 nm
- Engage at 40 nm
- Compatible with C4I assets
- High Accuracy Navigation
- Operate in Dense EW Environment
12Support Requirements
- No specialist GSE
- Min Ground Support
- Modular Design
- COTS Technology
13Future Combat Aircraft - Key Product Attributes
Affordability Lethality Flexibility Availabilit
y Survivability
- Progress Reports
- Design Review
- High Quality Written Report
- 40 Minute Presentation
15A Few Thoughts
- Operational Scenarios
- 1 Man/2 Men/Unmanned
- 1 Engine/2 Engine
- Onboard/Offboard Systems
- Self Defence
16Point of Contact k.s.burke_at_lboro.ac.uk kev.burke
17Final Thought for the day
Everything should be made as simple as
possible but no simpler.