Title: World War One through Poster
1World War One through Posters
Ithaca City School District
2Who produced this poster? What was its
purpose? What emotions does the poster tap into?
1915 UK Saville Lumley
3What emotions does this 1917 US government poster
use to encourage men to enlist in the military?
1917 USA C.S. Duncan
4What messages does this 1918 Australian poster
give about Germans? Why would the Australian
government represent Germans this way?
1918 Australia Norman Lindsay
5Raising funds
61915 Great Britain D. D. Fry
7 81917 USA James M. Flagg
9Buy war loan bonds 1918 India T. Martin Jones
10Subscribe to the war loan 1918 Austria-
Hungary Bela Moldovan
11Labor and Industry
121918 USA John E Sheridan
131918 USA Jonas Lie
141915 Great Britain Bernard Partridge
151918 Great Britain David Wilson
16Through work to Victory! Through Victory to
Peace! 1917 Germany Alexander Cay
17Resources and Energy
18 191918 USA Coles Phillips
20There is enough aluminum, copper, brass, nickel,
zinc in the country. Turn it in-- the army needs
it. 1917 Germany Louis Oppenheim
211914-18 Great Britain
22- Collect combed-out womens hair
- Germany
- Jupp Wiertz
241918 USA John E Sheridan
251918 USA L.N. Britton
261918 USA James Montgomery Flagg
271918 USA Charles Edward Chambers
281917 Great Britain J.P. Beadle
29Costs of War
301918 USA Alonzo E Foringer
31National War Relief Exhibition 1917 Austria
Hungary Pal Sujan
321918 USA Ellsworth Young
33Children in need! 1918 Germany Theo Metejko
341918 USA W.B. King