SECURITY CONFERENCE When the wheel comes off
the impact of going to the law
- Presented by John Habergham
- Partner - Shipping Transport Department
- Tel 01482 601286 Email kjh_at_amj.co.uk
2- Case Study 1 Theft of Champagne
3- Lessons-
- Notification
- Race for jurisdiction
- (c) CMR v RHA
- (d) Hauliers! incorporate your terms
4- Case Study 2 Theft of Halogen Heaters
5- Due diligence
- "You shall take all reasonable care to
prevent/minimise loss or damage including the
maintenance of security precautions - Security Clause
- "When vehicles are carrying property you must
ensure that they will not be left unattended and
will always be guarded by you or a responsible
able bodied adult"
6- Recklessness v Negligence
7 8- Case Study 3 Theft from a hauliers yard
9Driver's References You must obtain and retain
two satisfactory references from reliable sources
for all drivers engaged after the inception of
this policy and prior to entrusting them with any
property, transportation, equipment or goods.
Verbal references must be recorded in writing at
the time they are taken. All such references
must be produced promptly on demand Condition
Precedent "The due observance and fulfilment of
the terms so far as they relate to anything to be
done or complied with by youshall be conditions
precedent to our liability to make any payment
under this policy"