Title: Cidb
1Cidb Presentation of Annual Report 2006/07
Parliamentary Portfolio Committee Wednesday, 07
November 2007
2Presentation Layout
- Introduction
- Legislative framework Mandate
- Highlights for the FY 2006/07
- Stats to date-context
- Performance Summary-Table
- Presentation of Financials
- Audit Process
- Audit findings
- Managements corrective action
- Conclusions
- Legislative Framework Mandate
- CIDB Act 38 of 2000mandates the CIDB to
- provide strategic leadership to industry
stakeholders to stimulate sustainable growth,
reform and development - Regulate the construction industry
- Legislative Framework Mandate
- CIDB Act 38 of 2000mandates the CIDB to
establish the National Register of Contractors - Facilitates public sector procurement, delivery
and risk management - Supports contractor development
- Promotes better performance - improved quality,
safety, health and environment. - to categorise contractors in accordance with
their capability
5Legislative framework and mandate
- Benefits of the RoC
- Support risk management in the tendering process
- Reduce the administrative burden
- To facilitate sustainable growth and
transformation of contractors, enable effective
access by the emerging sector - Reduce tendering costs to clients and contractors
- Promote minimum standards and contractor best
practice - Enable access by the private sector
- Provide information on the size, distribution,
nature and development of contractors - To improve the performance of contractors
6Highlights for 2006/07
- Challenges
- Boom in the Construction industry
- Exponential Growth of the Register of Contractors
- Backlog in contractor registration- resolved in
March - Internal Growth expansion programme in response
to the growth of the RoC - Challenge on resources and systems
7Highlights for 2006/07
- Focus areas/Projects
- Rollout of the Std for Uniformity
- Municipalities (main focus)
- Continued with National and Provincial Depts
- Continued with Parastatals
- Continued with support to Contractors
- Construction Contact Centers
- National Contractor Development Programme
- National Infrastructure Maintenance Strategy
- Support to 2010 Infrastructure Team (stadia)
- Independent Review of cidb
8Stats to date-Class of Works by grading
9 Stats- Exponential Growth
- Increase in registrations
- Dec 2004 1500
- Dec 2005 7500
- Dec 2006 27500
- July 2007 42000
- Dec 2007 55 000 projected, currently 51 000
Total registrations (active suspended)
10Performance Summary
- Growth
- Economic Research Monitoring of Public Sector
Spending - Publish quarterly construction economy monitor
and improve quality of monitor based on
information from the registers. - Investigation into Skills for infrastructure
delivery - the challenge of restoring the skills
pipeline completed report published - Framework for ongoing Quarterly Monitors
11Performance Summary
- Growth
- Communication
- Promote outcomes of the Charter process.
- Monitor progress and promote sustainable
empowerment initiatives and performance against
targets. - Construction Charter was launched. The next phase
i.e. 3rd party review had not been finalised due
to delayed DTI scorecard/BEE codes.
12Performance Summary
- Growth
- Communication
- Procurement Forum (for procurement reform) and
Focus Group (for register of professional service
providers) engaged National Treasury engaged to
deal with Competitive bidding. Various public
sector client capacitation workshops - New website-work in progress
- Various communication tools
13Performance Summary
- Performance
- Phase I of registers-municipalities, etc
- Implementation of regulations
- Phase II-components investigated
- Framework for Register of Professional Service
Providers and consulted stakeholders
14Performance Summary
- Performance
- CIIs
- Last ones published in 2005/06 AR
- New-contract awarded to UFS
- Strong link to Registers
- Link to Charter - after 3rd Party Review
15Performance Summary
- Procurement and Delivery
- Procurement Reform
- 2000 officials and consultants capacitated by
the end of the financial year. - Provided support and advice to the 2010
Infrastructure Procurement team in the
procurement of contractors to build the 2010
stadia. - Provided support in the development of
procurement documents for the EC Department of
Public Works, in conjunction with the Coega
Development Corporation. - Started focus on Compliance
16Performance Summary
- Procurement and Delivery
- Public Sector Delivery
- Increased cidb participation and commitment to
IDIP by increasing cidb capacity (internal
staff). - Hosted an international expert on Polarity
Management as part of training for IDIP PMU
(partners). - Participated fully in the appointment and
training of Technical Assistants for DPW and
Department of Education, later in the appointment
and training of Technical Assistants for
Department of Health.
17Performance Summary
- Procurement and Delivery
- Public Sector Delivery
- -- i-Tender Register of Projects
- Continued to promote the use of the i-Tender
Register of Projects (RoP) to enable electronic
registration of projects. - Special project-Upscaled the registration of
clients as employers to ensure they use the
i-tender RoP.
18Performance Summary
- Emerging Contractor Development
- Developed, in conjunction with National DPW, the
framework for National Contractor Development
Programme framework, to be rolled out to
provinces-started where the first Outreach
Centres/CCC would be established. - Engaged the Banking Council and some regional
bank offices to facilitate their involvement.
Some banks eg in KZN (Ithala, ABSA) have
responded with packages to support contractors. - Kick-started establishment of Construction
Contact Centres
19Performance Summary
- Knowledge Centre and Research
- Agenda
- Cidb 4th Post Graduate Student Conference, hosted
by the Institute of Transport Technology at the
University of Stellenbosch, held from 8 to 10
October 2006 attracting some 100 academics from
around the world - Continuous engagement with academic institutions
and individuals regarding the research agenda
20Performance Summary
- CIDB Impact - 5-year Evaluation
- Successful evaluation of cidb by independent
Panel in Jan 29-Feb 02, 2007. - Review report submitted to the Board, to be
submitted to the Minister. - Report is positive about the performance of cidb
in the first 5 years, with recommendations to
enhance further delivery on mandate.
21Financial Performance
- Revenue
- Revenue from government increased by 19 to
R40,012m from R33,510m in the previous year. This
increase was in line with the business plan and
budget expectations. - Revenue from registers increased by 142 to
R16,930m from R6,988m in the previous year - Total expenditure
- Total expenditure increased by 33 compared to
the previous year. The bulk of the this increase
relates to Staff costs which increased by
R8,339m(78) from previous year.
22Financial Performance
- Finance income
- Interest income increased by 186 to R1,943m from
R0,679m in the previous year. - The surplus
- Surplus for the year is R5,525m to be utilized in
the next years budget for the set up of CCCs as
part of our expansion program. - Cash Cash Equivalents
- Cash cash equivalents increased by R8,073m from
R18,261m. The bulk of this increase relates to
Investments which grew by R6,962m(38) from
23Financial Performance
- Accounts Payable
- Accounts payable increased by R4,375m from
R14,408m. The bulk of this increase relate to two
areas - Contractors not assessed grew by R2,836m(41)
from R6,910m - Unallocated deposits grew byR3,621m(84) from
24Auditor General Findings 2006/07
- One(1) Qualification
- Two(2) Other matters
- No Emphasis of matter
25Auditor General Findings 2006/07
- Qualification
- Finding
- contractor accounts were incorrectly debited
and/or credited which might have - resulted in material misstatement of
- the accounts payable and accounts
- receivable balances disclosed in the
- statement of financial position.
26Auditor General Findings 2006/07
- Qualification (continued)
- Managements Action
- A reconciliation process has been started to
reconcile each contractor account since
inception. The reconciliation process is planned
to be completed on 30 November 2007. - We have requested Treasurys approval to open up
a new bank account which will be used for
contractor deposits. All future deposits will be
made to this new bank account. The existing bank
account, which is a savings account, will be
discontinued and all amounts in that account will
be ring-fenced in order to simplify the
reconciliation process.
27Auditor General Findings 2006/07
- Other Matters
- Finding
- Tenders were not always advertised for
- 30 days before closure as required
- in terms of Treasury Regulation 16A.6.3
- Managements Action
- All tenders are currently advertised for
- 30 days before closure in terms of
- Treasury Regulation 16A.6.3.
28Auditor General Findings 2006/07
- Other Matters (continued)
- Finding
- The schedule of outcome of disciplinary hearings
and/or criminal charges, names and ranks of
employees involved and sanctions and any further
actions taken against employees during the year
under review were not submitted to the executive
authority, National Treasury and the Auditor
General as required in terms of Treasury
Regulation 33.3.1 -
29Auditor General Findings 2006/07
- Other Matters (continued)
Managements Action - Treasury Regulation
33.3.1 is currently being complied with.
- Our systems are being beefed up
- HR Resource allocation being increased
- New structure to deal with risk management
- Internal audit AGs recommendations being
implemented - New proactive approaches to managing the
organisation - Registration process being simplified