Title: Freight Service Sofia 112007
1Freight Services Supporting Business through
Transport Infrastructure Development Moderator
Ms. Luisa VELARDI, Director, Strategy Department,
Trenitalia, Italy SOFIA, 20 November
2007 Keynote Speaker H.E. PETAMAICHEV, ,
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Transport,
Bulgaria Speaker H.E. Assen
GAUGAZOV, Minister, Ministry of Regional
Development and Public Works, Bulgaria (tbc)
Speaker Mr. Giuseppe RAZZA, General
Manager, Pan-European Corridor V Technical
Secretariat Presentation Title Corridor
V Development Speaker Mr. Paul GUITINK,
Community of European Railway and Infrastructure
Companies Speaker Mr. Pencho
POPOV, Director, Central Freight Division,
National Railway Operator (BDZ),
BulgariaPresentation Title Perspectives for
development of the railway freight transports in
Bulgaria Speaker Mr. Paolo CELENTANI,
Director, Marketing Department, Cargo Division,
Tranitalia, Italy Presentation Title The
rail cargo business lifecycle Speaker Mr.
Karl MOHNSEN, Chief Executive Officer, TX
Logistik, GermanyPresentation Title The
role of a new comer in the perspective of market
liberalization Speaker Mr. Günther ENGELHART,
Head, Cargo and Logistic, Rail Cargo Austria
Presentation Title Cooperation between
Trenitalia and RCA to create efficient rail
services between Eastern and Western European
2EU commercial exchanges towards the Balkans area
Freight flows between EU-27 and the countries in
the Balkans area, plus Greece and Turkey, in
In 2005 the freight flows between the countries
in the Balkans area, Greece, Turkey and EU-27 can
be appraisable in about 120 bln in import and
74 bln in export. These flows are respectively
about 5,7 of the import value and 3,4 of the
export value recorded in 2005 within the whole
EU-27 area.
3Evolution and composition of trade
Freight flows between the Balkans area and EU-27
in /mln (2005)
Freight flows between Greece, Turkey and EU-27
in /mln (2005)
Freight flows between the countries in the
Balkans area, plus Greece and Turkey, and EU-27
in /mln
For Serbia and Montenegro 2004 data are shown
The trade between the countries in the Balkans
area, Greece, Turkey and EU-27 have been rising
continuously the CAGR from 1997 to 2005 was 11
for import and 13 for export.
Source ICE, EUROSTAT and DG Energy and Transport
4Modal Split of trade
() Calculated on a sample of about 60
Source EUROSTAT and EU DG Energy and Transport
5Land exchanges in the Countries of the Balkans
Volume of freight transport relative to GDP
(Index of inland freight transport volume
relative to GDP, 1995100)
Goods transport by rail - (million tonskm)
The infrastructure limits existing today strongly
condition the exchanges volumes. As outlined
above, some countries show a negative trend in
rail freight transports.
6Cargo RUs operating in the Balkans area
7Freight operators in the Balkans area
8The TEN-T axes extension towards the neighbouring
9The TEN-T axes extension towards the neighbouring
- The trans-European transport network (TEN)
policy, revised in 2004, focuses investments on
30 priority trans-national axes and projects. - The links between the EU countries and their
neighbours have been developed through the
Pan-European Corridors and Areas since the early
90s during two Ministerial Conferences in Crete
(1994) and in Helsinki (1997). Following
enlargement, the Pan-European Corridors are now
mainly within the EU and thus part of the TEN
network. - In 2005 a High Level Group was mandated by the EC
to select a limited number of major
trans-national transport axes as well as to
identify the most important projects to connect
the EU better with neighbouring countries,
looking also at measures to increase technical
and administrative interoperability, the use of
new technologies and safety and security issues.
10Trenitalia actions and traffic axes foreseen in
- The Ouest axis is on the eve of the european
railway competition - The North-South axis is the main one owing to
volumes and share of the railway mode - The East axis is the area with the highest
development rate
(1) t.m.a.v referred to 2004-2006
11International rail freight flows between EU and
the Neighbouring Countries foreseen in 2020