Title: ECE 445 Automatic Guitar Tuner
1ECE 445Automatic Guitar Tuner
- Group 14
- Ryan Freeberg
- Darren Pocci
- Tiffany Kasettratut
- Our project will detect the fundamental frequency
of a plucked string and compare that to a
predefined tuning set that the user specifies - Automatically pluck string and turn tuning pegs
to adjust string tension
3Similar Devices
- Tronical PowerTune System
- Gibson Robot Guitar
- Requires modification to guitar
4Similar Devices
- String Master
- Handheld device
- One tuning style
- No modification necessary
- Create a guitar stand such that user can
- Put guitar in tuner
- Attach tuning motors
- Select desired tuning style
- Start tuning process
- Remove tuned guitar when tuning complete
6Original Design
- Modified standard guitar stand
- Tuning Motors
- Auto-Plucker
- Works with multiple makes and models
- Adjustable tuning motor placement
- Tunes guitar within 2 minutes
7The Automatic Guitar Tuner
Data Acquisition Board
Signal Processor
Tuning Motors
User Interface
- Different tuning configurations to choose from
- Standard, Drop D, Open G
- Auto-Plucker component
- User does not need to pluck string
- Works with most electrical guitars with six
tuning pegs on same side
9Block Diagram
Tuning Motors
LabVIEW Signal Processor
BasicX-24 Microcontroller
10Block Diagram
Tuning Motors
LabVIEW Signal Processor
BasicX-24 Microcontroller
11User Interface
- Displays tuning style and progress of tuner to
user - Communicates to Signal Processor and Motors when
to begin and which tuning style is chosen
12User Interface Schematic
13User Interface Parts
- PIC16F877A
- Communicates buttons with LCD, Signal Processor,
and Motors - Samsung UC-20102-GNARS 20x1 LCD screen
- Displays current state of tuner
- Five Push Button Switches
- Standard, Drop-D, Open-G, Start, Reset
14Block Diagram
Tuning Motors
LabVIEW Signal Processor
BasicX-24 Microcontroller
15Signal Processor
- Done in LabVIEW 8.2
- Uses PCI-6036E DAQ Card
- Allows easy input and output of analog and
digital signals - Only 7 working Digital I/O lines
16Signal Acquisition
- Used PCI-6036E Card with TBX-68 Adapter
- Low amplitude
- Upper limit 2V
- DAQ limit 10V
- Multiple harmonics and overtones
- Good and bad
- Want at least 10 harmonics
- Need to satisfy Nyquist
- Know highest frequency we will look for is 330 Hz
- Minimum sampling frequency is 6600 Hz
- Used 10,000 Hz for added harmonics
18Frequency Detection
- Used Harmonic Distortion Analyzer VI for final
version - Looks for highest peak in FFT
- Utilized advanced search function
19Block Diagram
Tuning Motors
LabVIEW Signal Processor
BasicX-24 Microcontroller
20BasicX-24 Processor
- BASIC programmable microcontroller
- Outputs PWM signals to control motors
- Reads signal processor inputs
- Calculates when tuning is complete
21Block Diagram
Tuning Motors
LabVIEW Signal Processor
BasicX-24 Microcontroller
22Parallax Servo Motor
- Adjustable potentiometer to center the servo
- Continuous rotation
- Required for turning guitar pegs
- Average Speed 60 rpm (with no torque)
- Torque 3.40 kg-cm/47oz-in
- Sufficient to turn guitar pegs
23Functionality of Servo Motor
24Tuning Motors
- Needed bracket attached to motor to turn guitar
pegs - Modified guitar winders
- Aligned in linear array to match six pegs
25Control of Guitar Tuning
- Sharp and Flat signals read from signal processor
- Signals read when Auto-Plucker is stationary
- Sharp rotates motors CCW
- Flat rotates motors CW
Signal is Sharp
26Block Diagram
Tuning Motors
LabVIEW Signal Processor
BasicX-24 Microcontroller
- Specialized threaded dowel
- Mounted motor
- Guitar pick holder
- Motor rotation direction determines linear
direction of pick movement - Velcro attachment
28Control of Auto-Plucking
- Individual String Plucking
- BasicX outputs pulses controlling pick movement
- Guitar pick moves until tunable signal acquired
- Re-Plucking String
- Signal decays below tunable level for duration
- Auto-Plucker plucks string twice moving back to
original position
29BasicX Tuning Motors Auto-Plucker Schematic
30Block Diagram
Tuning Motors
LabVIEW Signal Processor
BasicX-24 Microcontroller
31Unforeseen Challenges
- Frequency detection robustness
- Assume string within certain frequency range
- If not, tuner detects wrong fundamental frequency
- Auto-Plucker and signal processor miscue
- Signal processor would advance to next string
while Auto-Plucker would not
32Unforeseen Challenges
- Guitar pick hits more than current string
- Results in noise, though little effect in
frequency detection - Changing tension of current strings changes
tension of tuned strings - Changed tuner to tune strings twice
- Lengthened tuning process (5 minutes)
33Unforeseen Challenges
- Minimize lateral guitar movement due to
Auto-Plucker - Two guitar wall mounts
- Floating Ground
- Wrong input would be acquired
34Recommendations for Unforeseen Challenges
- Plucking and reading states of signal processor
- Would be fixed if 8th digital output was
available - Introduce better frequency detection algorithm
- Build device to hold other strings while current
string is being plucked
35How well did it work?
36Tuning Results
- Standard tuner shows difference in cents
- 1,200 cents 1 octave
- Each tick is 5 cents
- Frequency of note N
- Number of cents away from N C
- Frequency F
37Tuning Results Standard
Tuned string to 2 Hz of correct frequency
- Adjust tuner to adapt to multiple makes and
models of guitars - Adjustable tuning motor placement
- Flexibility of tuning styles
- Increase portability
- Use DSP chip opposed to LabVIEW
- Increased Speed
- ECE Machine Shop
- Professor L. Haken
- Tony Mangognia
- Professor S. Carney
- Gary Pocci
- CV Lloyde
40Thank You
41Ethical Issues
- Minimize damage when setting and removing guitar
from tuner - Warn about possible broken strings
- Due to assumed frequency range of guitar
- Standalone guitar tuner
- Wall mount ? User Injury
42Alternate Frequency Detection Techniques
- Extract Single Tone Information VI
- SINAD Analyzer VI
- Cepstrum Analysis
43Tuning Results Drop D
Tuned string to 2 Hz of correct frequency
44Tuning Results Open G
Tuned string to 2 Hz of correct frequency