Title: The Journey to Budgetary Compliance
1The Journey to Budgetary Compliance
Governors Office of Planning and Budget
- March 5, 2008
- Web Casts
- Morning Session 10 a.m. 12 noon
- Afternoon Session 2 4 p.m.
2The Journey to Budgetary Compliance
Governors Office of Planning and Budget
3- Housekeeping
- Please put cell phones on vibrate or turn them
off - No food or drink in the auditorium
- Restrooms are located off the lobby
- Website address for additional support
information http//sao.georgia.gov - Under the At Your Service heading
- FM Reconciliation Training Presentation
- Accounting Procedures Manual
- Check back often for additional courses and
registration - Please hold questions for the QA segment
- Introductions
- Budgetary Compliance Overview
- 2007 Budgetary Compliance
- 2008 Budgetary Compliance
- Training and Support
- Next Steps
- Questions
- Sonja Allen
- Office of Planning
- and Budget
- Don Barzyk
- State Accounting Office
Governors Office of Planning and Budget
I. Intro
6- Lynn Vellinga
- State Accounting Officer
- Need for budgetary compliance
- Need for clean report from DOAA
- SAO is committed to helping agencies comply by
- Maintaining and improving PeopleSoft Financials
- Issuing specific Policies and Procedures as
needed - Revising State Accounting Procedures Manual
- Developing training strategy to deliver ongoing
training - Monitor budgetary and trial balance reports for
compliance - Identify opportunities to assist agencies
I. Intro
7- 2008 will be better
- Reports have been fixed
- Conversion Issues/Data Cleanup has been addressed
- 2007 first full year with Program Chartfield
I. Intro
8- Trey Childress
- Director, Office of Planning and Budget
- OPB has statutory responsibility to monitor
budgets - Compliance with letter and intent of
Appropriations Act - Budgets maintained at authorized levels
- Allotments of State Funds within authorization
- OPB is committed to helping agencies comply by
- Maintaining statewide BudgetNet applications
- Providing annual training on systems and
Appropriations Act - Issuing specific Policies Procedures as needed
- Monitoring expenditures quarterly
Governors Office of Planning and Budget
I. Intro
9The Journey to Compliance
- Budgetary Compliance is the Destination
- OPB and SAO are the Tour Guides
- BudgetNet and PeopleSoft are the Vehicles
- Business Processes, Policies and Procedures, and
the Appropriations Act are the Maps
Lets begin our journey!
II. Overview
10Understanding Budgetary Compliance
- What is Program Based Budgeting (PBB)?
- What is Budgetary Compliance?
- Who are the participants and what are their roles
in the process? - What tools are used?
- What Processes and Policies Need to be Followed?
Tour Guides
II. Overview
11The Journey to Budgetary Compliance
II. Overview
12Program Budgeting Definitions
- Program a discrete set of activities undertaken
to carry out an agencys core business - Budget complete financial plan for the fiscal
year as proposed in the budget report and
modified and adopted by appropriation and revenue
Acts - Budget Allotment process of authorizing the
withdrawal of state funds from the treasury based
on a determination that the budget allotment
request is consistent with an approved work plan - (O.C.G.A. 45-12-71)
13What is Budgetary Compliance?
Legal Level of Control The level of detail
identified in the appropriations act at which
agencies are required to record and report
revenue and expenditures. This level is
currently Program, Purpose and Fund Sources
within a program.
Budgetary Compliance The agencys capability to
demonstrate adherence to the Appropriations Act.
II. Overview
14What is Budgetary Compliance?
- Begins with the Appropriations Act (AOB)
- Legal Level of Budgetary Control
- Requires continuous monitoring of budgets, fund
sources, and expenditures - Agencies are responsible for assuring compliance
with the Appropriations Act
II. Overview
15The Journey to Budgetary Compliance
Tour Guides
II. Overview
16Who is Involved?
State Level
- Office of Planning and Budget (OPB)
- State Accounting Office (SAO)
Department of Audits
II. Overview
17Office of Planning and Budget
- Coordinates the fiscal affairs and procedures of
the state to assure the carrying out of the
financial plans and policies approved by the
General Assembly, including administration of a
system of annual operating budgets and amendments
thereto and of expenditure control. (O.C.G.A.
45-12-73. (4)) - OPB is statutorily required to monitor budgetary
compliance for every appropriated agency.
II. Overview
18Office of Planning and Budget
- OPB reviews and approves the AOB
- OPB may request schedules and other supplementary
information the AOB is the financial plan for
the agency - OPB reviews and approves Amendments
- OPB may need authorized position/motor vehicle
counts, implementation plans, object classes, and
subprogram information to ensure conformity to
both the letter and the intent of approved
appropriations acts - OPB
- Ensures allotments conform to the appropriations
- Monitors fund expenditures by making sure they
are within appropriated/budgeted amounts by
program and fund source
II. Overview
19State Accounting Office
- Provides statewide policies and procedures for
financial accounting - Provides the tools for reporting, tracking and
monitoring through the PeopleSoft systems - Prepares and publishes annual financial reports
- Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)
(GAAP) - Statewide Single Audit Report (Federal)
- Budgetary Compliance Report (BCR) (Statutory)
II. Overview
20State Accounting Office
- Budgetary Compliance Report
- Demonstrates compliance with the Appropriations
Act for both revenue and expenditures - Shows budget to actual variance for all state
organizations in the Appropriations Act
II. Overview
21Department of Audits and Accounts
- Performs agreed-upon procedures to determine
agencies compliance with the Appropriations Act - Reviews agency operations and SAO reports to
determine if agencies are compliant with the
Appropriations Act, following statewide policies,
and maintaining adequate accounting records - Conducts performance audits to
- Determine if programs are meeting business
objectives - Measure programs results and effectiveness
- Evaluate the efficiency of resource allocations
- Assess compliance with laws and regulations
II. Overview
22How Compliance is Evaluated
Tour Guides
II. Overview
23The Journey to Budgetary Compliance
II. Overview
- All state agencies work in BudgetNet
- AOB/Amendments/Allotments
- Agencies not using SAO PeopleSoft Financials need
to - Develop a reconciliation process to ensure
budgetary controls in the financial application
are consistent and in sync with BudgetNet
II. Overview
- Application of record for approved budgets
- Initial load of AOB matches exactly the
appropriation by Program and fund source - Used to submit and approve amendments to initial
AOB - Used to submit and approve allotment requests for
state funds
II. Overview
- Two trees are critical to program budgeting
- Program Tree
- Funding Source Tree
Ensures that financial data is presented correctly
- Two Ledgers are critical to program budgeting
- Program Ledger
- Allotment Ledger
Allows for PeopleSoft BudgetNet to interface
II. Overview
27Governors Office of Planning and Budget
BudgetNet/PeopleSoft - The Vehicles
OPB Approves Allotments Comptroller
Issues Warrant
II. Overview
28Program Budget Comparison Report
- Referred to as the PBCR or Budgetary Comparison
Report (Report No. GLS4008X) - Only report showing official Budget next to
expenditures and revenues by program at the legal
level of control - Should be monitored/reviewed at least quarterly
- Should be submitted to OPB with quarterly
allotment requests - Expenditures should be within budgets and revenues
29The Journey to Budgetary Compliance
Course Corrections - Reconciliations
- Reconcile BudgetNet to PeopleSoft (or your
financial application) - Reconcile Subsidiaries to General Ledger
- AR, AP, AM, PO, and Budgets
- Run budgetary compliance report quarterly
- By program and fund source look for
- Expenditures in excess of budget
- Revenue booked by program and fund source
On the road to Budgetary Compliance
III. BC 2007
30The Journey to Budgetary Compliance
The Maps
The Road to Budgetary Compliance
III. BC 2007
312007 Budgetary Compliance Preliminary
III. BC2007
32Program Based BudgetingFY2007 HB94
- Preliminary Observations
- Purpose Statement
- Legal Level of Budgetary Control
- Revenue Recognition
- Cost Allocations
- Journal Entry Documentation
- Carry-Over State Fund Reserves
- PeopleSoft Issues
III. BC2007
33Purpose Statement HB94
- Indicates how funds should be spent
- Expenditures not in agreement with the purpose
statement audit finding
III. BC2007
34Legal Level of Budgetary Control - HB94
- Fund Source within Program
- State Funds are at the lowest level of detail in
the Appropriations Act within the program
Purpose Statements
Legal Level of Budgetary Control
Information Only
Information Only
Lowest Level of Detail
Information Only
III. BC2007
35Revenue Recognition HB94
- Revenue must be recognized at the legal level
of budgetary control - By Program and Fund source within each program
- The burden this creates for the agencies is
III. BC2007
36Cost Allocations FY2007
- Cost allocations to programs
- No consistency among agencies
- Little consistency in methodologies within
agencies - Little consistency from year to year
- What is needed
- Within agencies a consistent, documented
methodology that is uniformly applied to
programs and consistent from year to year - Statewide guidelines for agencies
III. BC2007
37Journal Entries FY2007
- Agencies need to maintain adequate
documentation for all entries - If revenues or expenditures need to be moved
to other programs or funding sources - Provide a detailed explanation and
justification - Include hard copy substantiation from the
original transaction (source documentation) as
III. BC2007
38Carry-Over State Fund Reserves FY2007
- Budgeted as Other Funds
- Spent as State Funds
- Must follow budget
- New Policy being developed
- SAO is developing new policy to address
- Will have Prior Year fund source for each
state fund source - Budget will be set up with these fund sources
III. BC2007
39PeopleSoft Issues FY2007
- Data Integrity remain encumbrances issues
from the conversion that caused trial balances
to be off - SAO has worked for the past 6 months to fix
- Reports key reports did not perform correctly
- Program Budget Comparison Report (PBCR)
- Trial Balance Report
- SAO has fixed and tested reports (PBCR Now has
a check box to differentiate budget years)
III. BC2007
40 2008 Budgetary ComplianceHB95(To be amended
by HB989)
IV. BC2008
41Budget Management Cycle - FY2008
- CAFR Published
- BCR Published
- Provide any information needed for BCR CAFR
- July 2008
- Submit final cleanup amendments
- Closeout Prior Year
- Complete Reconciliations
Quarterly Reconciliations
You are here!
Quarterly Reconciliations
Quarterly Reconciliations
IV. BC2008
422008 Budgetary Compliance - HB95
- Appropriations Act
- Authorizes maximum expenditures by program and
state fund source for specified purpose - Federal and other funds are estimated amounts
- Federal funds are continually appropriated -
agencies can amend in or out as required based on
receipt or non-receipt of funds should not be
used to circumvent the Governors and Legislative
intent. - Federal fund transfers are currently limited by
budgetary control language in the back of the
HB 95
IV. BC2008
432008 Budgetary Compliance HB95
- Section 55 Budgetary Control and Interpretation
- The appropriations in this Act consist of the
amount stated for each line at the lowest level
of detail for Total State Funds and Total Federal
Funds in each case as associated with the
statement of Program Name and Program Purpose. - The summary and lowest level of detail for Total
Agency Funds and Total Intra-State Governmental
Transfers are for informational purposes only. - When an agency receives appropriations from the
group of Total Federal Funds category for more
than one program, the program shall also be
authorized an additional fifty percent (50) of
the stated amountsuch that the stated total in
appropriations from that fund source within the
section is not exceeded.
IV. BC2008
442008 Budgetary Compliance - Fund Sources State
- Legal Level of Budgetary Control
- Lowest Level of Detail
HB 95
For each Program Legal Level of Control
IV. BC2008
452008 Budgetary Compliance - Fund Sources Federal
- Legal Level of Budgetary Control
- Lowest Level of Detail
HB 95
For each Program Legal Level of Control
IV. BC2008
462008 Budgetary Compliance - Fund SourcesOther
- Legal Level of Budgetary Control
- Summary Level
HB 95
Summary Amount
IV. BC2008
472008 Budgetary Compliance
- Agencies are responsible for assuring compliance
with the Appropriations Act - OPB processes amendments to AOB, and allotments
and, monitors quarterly budgetary compliance
reports - SAO assists agencies with compliance
IV. BC2008
482008 Agency Responsibility
- Any organization with appropriated funds is
subject to Budgetary Compliance - Agencies are responsible for assuring compliance
with the Appropriations Act - Record revenues by program and fund source
- Expenditures by program and fund source
- Continually monitor fund sources and expenditures
- Review budget comparison reports
- Quarterly budget reviews and adjust as needed
IV. BC2008
49Training and SupportTour Guide Support and More
V. Training
- Policies and Procedures are being developed
- Process for approval
- Draft
- Agency comment period - 30 days
- Revise
- Approve
- Distribution
- Training as needed
- Drafts of four specific policies will be
distributed shortly for 30-day agency comment
period - PeopleSoft Data Validation
- PeopleSoft Report/Query functionality is being
tested - SAO to review agencies reports
- OPB Quarterly Reviews of Expenditures
- Development of a long-term Training Strategy that
includes SAO, OPB, and CVIOG
- Policies for Review
- Carry Forward State Funds
- Year - End Close
- Budgeting Federal Other Funds
- De-amending Federal Funds
- Adjustments to Budget Programs
V. Training
51 Training
Short Term
- Ledger Reconciliations
- Separate training sessions for subsidiary ledger
reconciliations to General Ledger - AP, AM, AR, PO and Budget
- BudgetNet to PeopleSoft Reconciliation
- Pre-requisite Pivot Tables (Excel)
- Training will be delivered by
Carl Vinson Institute of Government April/May
2008 Link on SAO/OPB Website
V. Training
52 Training
Current activities
- Assessment of PeopleSoft functionality with the
intent of reducing number of financial
applications in use - Revise Accounting Procedures Manual
- Issue specific Policies and Procedures as needed
- In conjunction with CVIOG develop and deliver
continuing training on policies and procedures as
well as the use of financial applications
V. Training
53V. Next Steps - Agency
- If corrective actions are needed
- Perform reconciliations
- Make adjusting entries with backup documentation
- Document cost allocation methodologies
- Confirm revenue is recognized by program
- Sign up for training when offered
VI. Next Steps
54Next Steps FY2008 Closing
- Review revenues and budgets for budgetary
compliance - Submit 4th Quarter allotment
- Provide Program Expenditure Reports
- Feedback on Policies and Procedures
March 2008
- Begin/Continue reconciliations
- Attend training sessions
April 2008
- Enter Amended FY amendment (HB989)
May 2008
- Begin Year-end cleanup amendments
- Attach source documentation
June 2008
- Year-end Program Expenditure Reports
- BudgetNet Final Amendments
- BudgetNet Final Allotment (if needed)
- Close books in PeopleSoft
July 2008
VI. Next Steps
552009 Budgetary ComplianceHB990
IV. BC2008
- The Web cast will be available at the SAO website
http//sao.georgia.gov (OPB has a link to the SAO
website on the BudgetNet home page) - Stay up to date on training offerings by
frequently visiting the SAO web site
57The Journey to Budgetary Compliance
Governors Office of Planning and Budget
- E V A L U A T I O N S U R V E Y
- sao.georgia.gov
- Please complete and submit to
- Craig.Southern_at_opb.state.ga.us
- Your Feedback is appreciated!
58The Journey to Budgetary Compliance
Governors Office of Planning and Budget
- I N T E R M I S S I O N
- Next Web Cast
- Afternoon Session 2 4 p.m.
59Program Budget Comparison Report