Title: The United Illuminating Company
1The United Illuminating Company
- Conservation Load Management
- Program Year 2002
- Quarter 2 Report
- August 13, 2002
- Successful ramp-up and implementation of SWCT
initiatives - ISO LRP -- 9.325 MW
- Emergency Response Program -- 585 kW removed
- Pool Pump Timer -- Program developed
- Residential HVAC -- Program developed
- Corporate Event -- Unilever event launched
- Created new brochure -- Summer Energy Saving Tips
- Existing Programs focus on six priority towns
- Residential Baseline New Construction Study
- Phase I completed
3Overall Energy Savings Expenditures
- Budget (1000s)
- Quarter 2 Actual 8,653
- Annual Goal 14,577
- Budget 59
- Savings (1000s annual kWh)
- Quarter 2 Actual 32,025
- Annual Goal 44,268
- Goal 72
- Overall program performance to date has been
excellent - Reduced incentives and continued high demand
4 Residential Retail Lighting
- Budget (1000s)
- Quarter 2 Actual 897
- Annual Goal 1,155
- Budget 78
- Savings (1000s annual kWh)
- Quarter 2 Actual 5,897
- Annual Goal 5,315
- Goal 111
- Sales Performance
- Smart Living Catalog 3,513 orders
- Total Bulbs Sold 52,438
- Total Fixtures Sold 9,873
- Energy Star Lighting Rebates
- Bulbs - 3 w/5 min. purchase
- Torchieres - 20 w/35 min. purchase
- Fixtures
- Indoor - 10 w/20 min. purchase
- Outdoor - 5 w/15 min. purchase
(Min. purchase requirement effective 6/1/02)
5 Energy Star Appliances
- Budget (1000s)
- Quarter 2 Actual 217
- Annual Goal 715
- Budget 30
- Savings (1000s annual kWh)
- Quarter 2 Actual 851
- Annual Goal 1,231
- Goal-Sales 69
- Goal-Rebates 13.7
- Joint SWCT Room A/C Event w/CLP Successful
- Joint UI / CLP Residential HVAC Program in the
Field - 25 Room AC Rebate New for 2002, Running Well
- Goal-Sales Reflects DR Market Penetration Data
- Goal-Rebates Reflects Actual Rebates Paid
794 annual goal reported in Q1 was an error
6 Energy Star Homes
- Budget (1000s)
- Quarter 2 Actual 329
- Annual Goal 424
- Budget 78
- Savings (Numbers of Units)
- Signed Contracts 106
- Annual Goal 106
- Goal 100
- Residential Baseline New Construction Study -
Phase I completed - Phase I Result summary gt typical CT as-built
home uses 25 less total energy than the standard
MEC home by exceeding performance code
requirements for heating, cooling and water
heating. - Overall 64 of market actors have heard of Energy
Star Homes with realtors lenders being least
7Hot Shot Heat Pump Water Heaters
- Budget (1000s )
- Quarter 2 Actual 42
- Units
- Quarter 2 Actual -- 29
- Operational problems resulted in Program
suspension in June
8Low Income (UI Helps)
- Budget (1000s)
- Quarter 2 Actual 471
- Goal 1,235
- Budget 38
- Savings (1000s annual kWh)
- Quarter 2 Actual 2,302
- Annual Goal 3,877
- Goal 59
- 3,474 low income customers have received
comprehensive assistance - 135 refrigerators replaced in Quarter 2
- Continuing with two marketing channels
- CAANH, by appointment
- Private vendor, neighborhood blitz
9SmartLiving Center297 Post Road, Orange
- 3,500 Visitors in first half of 2002
- UI/CLP Retailer Product Directory available at
Center - UI/CLP SmartLiving Center Brochure development
- Tours and seminars held at Center -- 23 YTD
- AIA-CT (American Institute of Architects)
- IES (Illuminating Engineering Society) New
England - National Kitchen Bath Association - New England
Region - IIDA (International Interior Design Association)
- New Haven Board of Education
- Milford Brownie Troop
10Small Business Energy Advantage
- Budget (1000s)
- Quarter 2 Actual 370
- Annual Goal 1,065
- Budget 35
- Savings (1000s annual kWh)
- Quarter 2 Actual 2,080
- Annual Goal 4,765
- Goal 44
- 620 Customer audits performed
- 82 projects installed
- 93,000 kWh savings from the Hamden Community
Energy Initiative
11 Energy Blueprint
- Budget (1000s)
- Quarter 2 Actual 969
- Annual Goal 1,871
- Budget 52
- Savings (1000s annual kWh)
- Quarter 2 Actual 9,055 Annual Goal 12,540
- Goal 72
- 104 projects installed during the 1st half of 02
- Approximately 3,198 kW removed or avoided
- EB is not accepting any new projects for 2002
- Motors and Cool Choice still accepting
Includes Energy Blueprint, Motors, and Cool
12 Energy Opportunities
- Budget (1000s)
- Quarter 2 Actual 1,059
- Annual Goal 2,259
- Budget 47
- Savings (1000s annual kWh)
- Quarter 2 Actual 8,167
- Annual Goal 10,803
- Goal 76
- 43 projects installed during the 1st half of 02
- Approximately 1,406 kW permanently removed
- EO is not accepting any new projects for 2002 due
to commitments
Includes EO, RFP and OM RFP Programs
13 Municipal Energy Services
- Savings(1000s annual kWh)
- Quarter 2 Actual 3,673
- Annual Goal 4,051
- Goal 91
- Budget (1,000s)
- Quarter 2 Actual 583
- Annual Goal 763
- Budget 76
- 46 projects installed during the 1st half of 02
- Approximately 970 kW permanently removed
- Municipal Program is not accepting any new
projects for the remainder of 2002 due to
14SWCT Emergency Response Program
- Program targets peak demand reductions in SWCT
- Target market customers gt 100kW
- Implementation target of July 31, 2002
- Committed projects 26
- Projected demand reduction 585 kW
15Public Input Program
- Energy Star EZ Save Monitor Power Management
Software being installed at SCSU on all (1,800)
Administration Network computers - Annual energy savings is approximately - 457,297
kWh - Annual dollar savings is approximately - 38,961
- Vending Miser technology was approved for a
proposal presented to Fairfield University
16ISO Load Response Program
- Budget (1,000s)
- Quarter 2 Actual 202
- Annual Goal 800
- Budget 25
- Cumulative Savings (MW)
- 2001 (Class 2) 2.900
- 2002 (Q1Q2) 6.425
- Total 9.325
- 2002 Annual Goal 7.0
- Goal 92
2002 Activity (Q1Q2) Class 1 - (5) Accounts -
2.0 MW Class 2 - (4) Accounts - 4.425 MW
17Hamden Community Energy Initiative
- Vestar (ESCO) to audit Municipal buildings for
electrical savings potential - Results from Hamdens Performance Contract RFP
- Audits being performed on all (26) buildings
- Environmental awareness
- Boy Scouts civic groups clean-up Brookvale Park
- National Trails Day opening of Greenway Trail,
June 1 - Residents receive recycling brochure
18- Kindergarten curriculum completed available
Sept.02 - Iggy Me, Saving Energy - A Book About Energy
Awareness - Grade 1 curriculum distributed to 14 schools
districts Rosa and Effys Adventure - A
Book About Energy Savings - Grade 2 curriculum distributed to 21 school
districts - Im a Dino Saver - A Book About Energy
Efficiency - 294 CT teachers received Grade 2 curriculum
- 214 CT teachers received Grade 1 curriculum
- All New Haven Public Schools to use K-5