Title: Environmental Information
1REReP 1.8 Wrap-up/Training Workshop June 19-20,
2003 Sofia, Bulgaria
Environmental Information System Development
Status Update
2Current Status I
- Institutional set-up for monitoring and data
collection - for waters Romanian Administration of Romanian
Waters - for air MWEP and the Ministry of Health (MH)
- for soils Ministry of Agriculture
- for health MH(Inspectorates for Public Health)
- for noise and vibrations MWEP
- for radioactivity National Commission for
Nuclear Activities (part of MWEP) - All data is collected and processes at national
level by ICIM and sent to MWEP. MWEP has a
protocol for data exchange with the National
Institute for Statistics. - Legal framework
- The Frame-Law on Environmental Protection
137/1995 provides that an Integrated Monitoring
System (IMS) at national level has to be in
3Current Status II
- Data collection and management
- Within EPIs, an Service for Integrated
Monitoring of Environmental Factors (SIMEF)
organises the database attached to integrated
monitoring systems at county level by - Collection and storage on a daily bases of data
on the quality of environment sectors, as
provided by the laboratory subordinated to each
EPIs, as well as of the data and information
provided by other departments of EPIs - Collection and storage of data on the quality of
environments factors, as received by fast and
slow information flow channel or of data provided
by the laboratories within the system of the
National Water Company - Recording status of waste as well as toxic and
hazardous substances, classification of
localities, categories, branches of activity,
recovery opportunities in cooperation with the
other bodies and the service for waste management
and toxic substances. - Drawing up informative notes regarding unusual
environment-related events with respect to the
provision of information flow and their
transmittal to superior authorities.
4Current Status III
- Information dissemination -
- at central level MWEP
- at local level EPIs
- Use of environmental reporting in decision-making
- Usually, the data gathered is processed and at
local level are elaborated reports regarding the
State of Environment (by EPIs) and at central
level is elaborated a National Report regarding
the State of Environment (by ICIM and MWEP)
5Tangible Developments Progress I
- Objectives -
- - better information of the public and the
stakeholders about the ministry (related bodies
organization chart, objectives, activities,
future targets) - - the increase of IT resources and capabilities,
in order to contribute to the development of the
information system - Expenditures
- ITEM SUM (Eur)
- Equipment 18,200
- Brochure and CD-Rom 8,060
- TOTAL 26,260
6Tangible Developments Progress II
- Benefits -
- - it was realized a public environmental
awareness campaign. This introduced the
information system and services of the
environment ministry to the media, conference and
meeting attendants (including those at the World
Summit on Sustainable Development), and many
other stakeholders through the Environmental
Protection Inspectorates. It produced a brochure
and CD-Rom (in Romanian and English), that
provided key contact information for bodies at
all levels dealing with environmental issues
details on the transposition of environmental
acquis environmental programmes etc. Two
thousand five hundred brochures and 1,500 CDs
were produced. - - The use of high quality telecommunications
lines for Internet connectivity is thus enabling
interaction of the MWEP with local Environmental
Protection Inspectorates, other ministries, and
with the outside world. At the same time, a new,
interactive, website was also created at
http//www.mappm.ro/gardamediu where site
visitors will have the possiblity can post
environmental problems, suggestions, or legal
violations they have witnessed. Issues raised are
subsequently investigated, and responses or
suggestions are posted online. The site also
contains an Intranet for internal communications
and a password-protected action groups area. -
7Future Priorities
As a result of the Romanian Government
re-organisation, the Ministry of Waters and
Environmental Protection became the Ministry of
Agriculture, Forests, Waters and Environment. All
the plans for for the National Environmental
Information System will be re-assessed, taking
into account the new bodies and new structure
(with the available resources - financial and
human, the functional relations between the
relevant institutions).
8Further Information.
Please contact Alberto Simion Address 12
Libertatii Blvd, Bucharest Tel 40.21.312.25.99
Fax 40.21.335.00.67 Email alberto_at_mappm.ro
And please visit us at the exhibition!