Title: DWave Systems Inc.
A.M. Zagoskin (D-Wave Systems and UBC)
Tunable coupling of superconducting qubits
A. Blais (Yale University) A. Maassen van den
Brink (D-Wave Systems) A.Yu. Smirnov (D-Wave
Quantum Mechanics on the Large Scale, Banff,
April 12-17, 2003
2D-Wave Systems Inc.
Direct coupling of superconducting qubits
Capacitive coupling - charge qubits
Capacitive coupling- CBJJ qubits
Blais, Maassen van den Brink, and Zagoskin, PRL
90 (2003) 127901
Johnson et al., PRB 67 (2003) 020509(R)
Pashkin et al., Nature 421 (2003) 823
3D-Wave Systems Inc.
Direct coupling of superconducting qubits
Inductive coupling - 3JJ qubits
Makhlin, Schön, and Shnirman, Rev.Mod.Phys. 73
(2001) 357
Ilichev et al. (2003)
4D-Wave Systems Inc.
Direct coupling of superconducting qubits
Inductive coupling - 3JJ qubits
Paauw et al. (2002)
5D-Wave Systems Inc.
Direct coupling of superconducting qubits
Inductive coupling - 3JJ qubits
Akisato, quant-ph_0303128 (2002)
6D-Wave Systems Inc.
Coupling through a resonant tank circuit
7D-Wave Systems Inc.
Coupling through virtual states
Coupled charge qubits
Coupled phase qubits
Makhlin, Schön, and Shnirman, Rev.Mod.Phys. 73
(2001) 357
8D-Wave Systems Inc.
Qubit-qubit entanglement in cavity QED
Rauschenbeutel et al., Science 288 (2000) 2024
9D-Wave Systems Inc.
Superconducting tanks and qubits
Ilichev et al., cond-mat/0303433 (2003)
10D-Wave Systems Inc.
Superconducting tanks and qubits
Ilichev et al., cond-mat/0303433 (2003)
11D-Wave Systems Inc.
Tunable inductance
Assuming ??1, we obtain
12D-Wave Systems Inc.
Mediated coupling
Blais, Maassen van den Brink, and Zagoskin, PRL
90 (2003) 127901
Plastina and Falci, cond-mat/0206586 (2002)
13D-Wave Systems Inc.
Tuning a large Josephson junction
Moderate response to bias current.
Weak sensitivity to bias noise. Fine tuning.
14D-Wave Systems Inc.
Coupled CBJJs
Blais, Maassen van den Brink, and Zagoskin, PRL
90 (2003) 127901
15D-Wave Systems Inc.
CBJJ qubit coupled to a tunable bus
Josephson frequency
Coupling parameter
In the 0q1bgt, 1q0bgt-subspace
(in resonance)
16D-Wave Systems Inc.
Coherent qubit-bus oscillations
If Cj6 pF, Cc25 fF, Ic21 ?A, Ibias20.8
?A, there are three levels in each well
(interlevel spacing 1 GHz), and coherent
oscillations have period Th/?40 ns.
17D-Wave Systems Inc.
Two-qubit operations
18D-Wave Systems Inc.
Two-qubit operaions
19D-Wave Systems Inc.
Decoupling of CBJJ qubit from the bus
Decoupling is achieved if decrease the bus
current to Ibias20.43 ?A. The degenerate
eigenstates are 0.9990q1bgt0.0071q0bgto(10-3
) 0.0070q1bgt0.9991q0bgto(10-3)
20D-Wave Systems Inc.
Additional noise in CBJJ qubit-bus system
Noise source bias current fluctuations
21D-Wave Systems Inc.
Additional noise in CBJJ qubit-bus system
In resonance,
For T 25 mK, R 560 k?, CJ 6 pF, Cc 25 fF,
Ic20 ?A T1,2 1 ms
22D-Wave Systems Inc.
Quality of coupled CBJJ qubits
Blais, Maassen van den Brink, and Zagoskin, PRL
90 (2003) 127901
23D-Wave Systems Inc.
Quality of coupled CBJJ qubits
Blais, Maassen van den Brink, and Zagoskin, PRL
90 (2003) 127901
24D-Wave Systems Inc.
Coupled quantroniums
Blais, Maassen van den Brink, and Zagoskin, PRL
90 (2003) 127901
25D-Wave Systems Inc.
Phase qubits coupled through a resonator
Smirnov and Zagoskin, cond-mat/0207214 (2002)
26D-Wave Systems Inc.
Phase qubits coupled through a resonator
If both qubits are in a degeneracy point and near
Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian
Smirnov and Zagoskin/cond-mat/0207214 (2002)
27D-Wave Systems Inc.
Qubit tank
1 2
28D-Wave Systems Inc.
Qubit tank
For a 3JJ phase qubit with Iq450 nA, L25 pH,
fT1 GHz the frequency of the corresponding
coherent oscillations is f00.1 GHz.
29D-Wave Systems Inc.
State pump
30D-Wave Systems Inc.
State pump
31D-Wave Systems Inc.
State pump
32D-Wave Systems Inc.
State pump
33D-Wave Systems Inc.
State pump
34D-Wave Systems Inc.
State pump
35D-Wave Systems Inc.
State pump
36D-Wave Systems Inc.
State pump
37D-Wave Systems Inc.
State pump
38D-Wave Systems Inc.
State pump
39D-Wave Systems Inc.
Equal qubits, equal couplings
1 3,4 2
No classical entanglement!
40D-Wave Systems Inc.
For n0 there are only three constituent states
41D-Wave Systems Inc.
Starting from the state
?in0gt?(a11gtb01gt) ? 02gt, after time
t1/2 2-1/2 ??/? we reach the state
?out0gt? 01gt?( -a12gtb02gt)
42D-Wave Systems Inc.
43D-Wave Systems Inc.
44D-Wave Systems Inc.
45D-Wave Systems Inc.
46D-Wave Systems Inc.
47D-Wave Systems Inc.
48D-Wave Systems Inc.
49D-Wave Systems Inc.
Photon-splitting and qubit-qubit entanglement
If instead start from the state
and after tB 2-3/2 ??/? the Bell state of two
qubits is formed
For the above choice of parameters and Q1000
the decay time in the tank 1 ??s, while tB 1
50D-Wave Systems Inc.
Phase-charge duality
The previous results apply to capacitively
coupled charge qubits.
Plastina and Falci, cond-mat/0206586 (2002)
51D-Wave Systems Inc.
Phase-charge vocabulary
52D-Wave Systems Inc.
Tunable capacitance
Effective capacitance can also be tuned
Averin and Bruder, cond-mat/0304166 (2003)
53D-Wave Systems Inc.
- Mediated coupling of qubits through tunable
superconducting - tank circuits allows
- Two-qubit operations
- Teleportation of qubit state
- Effective coupling/uncoupling of non-tunable
qubits - Coupling of qubits of different types
- Tank protects qubits from the external noise
- Independent optimization of qubit and tank
parameters - Can be realized with available experimental
54D-Wave Systems Inc.
- Mediated coupling of qubits through tunable
superconducting - tank circuits allows
- Two-qubit operations
- Teleportation of qubit state
- Effective coupling/uncoupling of non-tunable
qubits - Coupling of qubits of different types
- Tank protects qubits from the external noise
- Independent optimization of qubit and tank
parameters - Can be realized with available experimental
55D-Wave Systems Inc.
- Mediated coupling of qubits through tunable
superconducting - tank circuits allows
- Two-qubit operations
- Teleportation of qubit state
- Effective coupling/uncoupling of non-tunable
qubits - Coupling of qubits of different types
- Tank protects qubits from the external noise
- Independent optimization of qubit and tank
parameters - Can be realized with available experimental
56D-Wave Systems Inc.
- Mediated coupling of qubits through tunable
superconducting - tank circuits allows
- Two-qubit operations
- Teleportation of qubit state
- Effective coupling/uncoupling of non-tunable
qubits - Coupling of qubits of different types
- Tank protects qubits from the external noise
- Independent optimization of qubit and tank
parameters - Can be realized with available experimental
57D-Wave Systems Inc.
- Mediated coupling of qubits through tunable
superconducting - tank circuits allows
- Two-qubit operations
- Teleportation of qubit state
- Effective coupling/uncoupling of non-tunable
qubits - Coupling of qubits of different types
- Tank protects qubits from the external noise
- Independent optimization of qubit and tank
parameters - Can be realized with available experimental
58D-Wave Systems Inc.
- Mediated coupling of qubits through tunable
superconducting - tank circuits allows
- Two-qubit operations
- Teleportation of qubit state
- Effective coupling/uncoupling of non-tunable
qubits - Coupling of qubits of different types
- Tank protects qubits from the external noise
- Independent optimization of qubit and tank
parameters - Can be realized with available experimental
59D-Wave Systems Inc.
- Mediated coupling of qubits through tunable
superconducting - tank circuits allows
- Two-qubit operations
- Teleportation of qubit state
- Effective coupling/uncoupling of non-tunable
qubits - Coupling of qubits of different types
- Tank protects qubits from the external noise
- Independent optimization of qubit and tank
parameters - Can be realized with available experimental
60D-Wave Systems Inc.
- Mediated coupling of qubits through tunable
superconducting - tank circuits allows
- Two-qubit operations
- Teleportation of qubit state
- Effective coupling/uncoupling of non-tunable
qubits - Coupling of qubits of different types
- Tank protects qubits from the external noise
- Independent optimization of qubit and tank
parameters - Can be realized with available experimental