Title: The Thinking Classroom Learning Styles
1The Thinking Classroom Learning Styles
Highlight your preferred approaches in each
Count the number of approaches you have
highlighted in each column. You now have
information that will help you discover your
preferred learning style.
2The Thinking Classroom Learning Styles
Better to call them preferred learning styles
- Visual
- Auditory
- Kinaesthetic
Around 70 can learn even when the material is
not presented in their preferred learning style.
Learning will be more effective if their
preferred learning style is used. Lessons should
incorporate elements of all learning styles to
engage and motivate the maximum number of
3Visual learners learn from
Posters Demonstrations Diagrams and
illustrations Keyword displays Memory
maps Graphs.
4Visual learners like
Videos Being able to see the teacher in order to
pick up visual cues Reading Highlighting text
in colour Writing and illustrating a piece of
5Auditory learners learn from
Class discussion Mnemonics Musical
jingles Lectures Audio tapes Chants.
6Auditory learners like
Hearing information from their peers Making
presentations Interpreting the underlying
meaning of speech by listening to tone, pitch,
speed etc Reading aloud, as written information
may have little meaning until it is heard.
7Kinaesthetic learners learn from
Hands on activities Exploring the world around
them Manipulating Building models Playing
8Kinaesthetic learners like
Standing up and moving around Trips and
visits Frequent breaks Brightly decorated
workspaces Skimming before reading in
detail Listening to music while they work.
Look back at your learning style sheet. Do you
have a dominant style or are you a mixture? Does
this explain why you have been a successful
learner? Does your learning style influence your
teaching style?
You will form two groups of seven. Each group
member will be given a card with the name and
function of part of the digestive system. Act
out the instructions and read from the card.
11We learn
12Learning styles influence
How we prefer to receive information
How we prefer to give information
This applies to both pupils and teachers.
13Teachers should
Have a variety of activities for pupils that
engage different learning styles.
Pupils should
Be allowed to present their work in ways
appropriate to their preferred learning styles.
Each group of 3 will be given a task card. Design
an activity or activities that cater for all
learning styles. Put your ideas on a flip chart
for others to view in a gallery walk.