Title: Gowns and Wraps
1Gowns and Wraps
2Design development
3Dye experimentation
Woven strips of litho paper painted with transfer
dye. Design is then ironed onto polyester satin
using an ironing press.
4Dye experimentation
Litho paper painted with transfer dye. Collaged
and over painted. Ironing press then used to
transfer design onto polyester satin.
5Fabric design development
6Transfer printed fabric design
2. This design is then drawn onto the shiny side
of litho and produced using transfer printing
dyes and crayons
1. Students develop different design options and
select their favourite option. They do this in
their visual diary.
3. Students use an ironing press to transfer
their design onto 100 polyester satin. The
fabric is used for a variety of purposes.
7Transfer printing techniques
8Layered collage with transfer dye
9Heat transfer process 1
Cover the design with paper to protect the fabric
from direct heat of iron and the risk of
contamination of the design from the residue of
previous pressings.
Lay 100 poly satin on the ironing press. Lay the
design which has been created using transfer
printing ink or transfer printing crayons onto
the polyester.
10Heat transfer process 2
Ensure that the press is set on cotton and has
heated up. Lower the press and wait for the
press to signal that has reached the appropriate
Lift the press and carefully remove the litho
paper with the painted design to reveal the
brightly coloured poly satin beneath.
11Developing design options
DESIGN ELEMENTS Line Colour Tone Texture Shape D
ESIGN PRINCIPLES Balance Rhythm Contrast Direction
Repetition Focus
12Design development
13Wonderful wraps
14The ELEMENTS colour, shape, line, tone
The PRINCIPLES repetition, balance, contrast,
15Students explore the Design elements and apply
Design principles to achieve a range of very
different fabric designs.
16Design solutions
The plain fabric used for neckband, cuffs and
belt were boiled in transfer dye. Patterned areas
consist of triangles cut from two different hand
painted sheets of litho paper. By experimenting
with different methods of transferring the dyes
and developing patterns the students always
produce exciting new results.
17The parade
18The parade
19The parade