Title: Real Time PCR
1Real Time PCR
Raheel Qamar, PhD. Professor Chairman Dept. of
Biosciences COMSATS Institute of Information
TechnologyIslamabad http//www.raheelqamar.com
Raheel Qamar, PhD. Research PCR Lab
Director Shifa College of MedicineIslamabad http
2Real-Time PCR
- Theory
- Chemistry
- Non-specific DNA binding dye
- Specific Hybridization Probe
- Dual-labeled FRET Pairs
- Advantages Disadvantages
3The Applied Biosystems Real Time PCR
4Smart Cycler by Cepheid
5iCycler iQ - Real Time PCR Detection System
6Real-Time PCR
- Through the use of fluorescent molecules,
real-time PCR has the ability to directly measure
the reaction while amplification is taking place.
7Real-Time PCR
- The fluorescent molecules can be
- Non-specific DNA binding dyes
- SYBR Green I
- Ethidium Bromide
- Specific Hybridization Probes
- Dual-labeled FRET pairs
- TaqManTM
- Pulsar LightCycler
- Molecular Beacons
- ScorpionsTM
- Amplifluor Direct
8Cycles and number of copies
No of copies
No of copies
No of copies
1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024
1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 65536 131072 26214
4 524288 1,048,576
1,048,576 1,073,741,824 1,099,511,627,776
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
30 40
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
9Reality vs. Theory
Amplification is exponential, but the exponential
increase is limited
- A linear increase follows exponential
- Eventually plateaus
Real-Time PCR allows us to see the exponential
phase so we can figure out how much we started
10End Point Measurements 96 replicates of the
identical reaction have very different final
amounts of fluorescence
11End-point vs. Real-Time results
Lockey et al. (1998) Biotechniques 24744-6
12Threshold Cycle (Ct)
The point at which the fluorescence rises
appreciably above background
13Threshold Cycle, Ct
- Correlates strongly with the starting copy number
- If you have high DNA you get to Ct cycle
earlier - If you have low DNA you reach Ct cycle later
- Is linear with the log of starting copy number
over 6 or more orders
Which one has the most?
The least?
14HCV Real Time PCR Quantification
HCV Standards
15HBV Real Time PCR Quantification
16Threshold Cycle, Ct vs initial copy number
17HCV Real Time PCR Quantification
HCV samples standard curve
18Borderline Samples
19Results of Retesting of Borderline Samples
- 69 borderline samples
- 27 (39) became positive upon retesting
- 27 (39) became negative upon retesting
- 6 (9) remained borderline upon retesting
- 9 (13) did not come back for retesting
20Real Time PCR run on Agarose gel
21What is Real Time PCR?
- Monitoring of an amplification reaction in
progress. - HOW?
- By tracking the amplification via an increase in
fluorescent light
22Advantages of Real Time PCR
Data evaluated rapidlyINCREASING Throughput
No Post-PCR processingREDUCING Contamination
Stop reactions during faulty runs-SAVE Time
23Applications of Quantitative PCR
- Viral Particle concentration - Viral Load
- mRNA expression levels - Gene Therapy Efficacy,
Drug Development, Disease State Monitoring - Gene Amplification - Cancer Research
- Melting Temperature Behaviour - Mutation
Detection in Heterozygocity (Allelic
Discrimination) - End Point Detection - Qualitative, screening of
known mutations (SNP Analysis)
24What are the options for Real Time PCR?
- Chemistry strategies to measure Real Time PCR
are - Intercalating Dyes, e.g. Ethidium Bromide and
SYBR Green - Hybridization Probes - offer probe specificity
25Detection Strategies - DNA Binding Dyes
- DNA binding dyes are inexpensive compared to
hybridization probes. - A dye based strategy allows one to get a general
confirmation of amplification. - Higuchi demonstrated the key principle of
real-time PCR using Ethidium Bromide - - EtBr fluoresces 25 times more brightly when bound
to dsDNA - SYBR Green I, a more sensitive DNA binding dye,
is an even more powerful approach - SYBR Green I fluoresces 200 times more brightly
when bound to dsDNA
26DNA Binding Dyes
DNA binding dyes
Thermal Stable DNA Polymerase
Reaction Tube
27DNA Binding Dyes
28- DNA Binding Dyes
- Annealing and extension
29DNA Binding Dyes
- Advantages
- Cheap
- Quick
- Easy
- Disadvantages
- Less specific
- Significant optimisation required to minimise
primer-dimer formation and amplification of
non-specific product
30Hybridization Probes
- Hybridization Probe Strategies
- Dual-labeled FRET probes
- Cleavage Based Assay - TaqManä Assays
- Displaceable Probe Assays
- Molecular Beacons
- Black Hole Scorpions
- Fluorescein is excited at 488nm and emits light
around 520nm - The 520nm light excites the TAMRA which emits
light around 570nm
TaqMan Probe
Taq Polymerase
- Reporter emitted light increases. - Cleavage
of probe occurs when probe has found target.
- increase in reporter emission represents
increase in the amount of amplification product
Fluorescent Tag
32Cleavage-based assay TaqMan
Add Master Mix and Sample
Thermal Stable DNA Polymerase
Reaction Tube
33Cleavage-based assay TaqMan
Extension Step
1. Strand Displacement
2. Cleavage
3. Polymerization Complete
4. Detection
34Choosing a Flourophore Quencher
35Features of Real Time PCR
- Sensitive good detection capability at low
concentrations - Dynamic Range good detection of wide range of
sample concentrations - Accurate relationship between fluorescence and
PCR product produced - Multiplexing
- Amplification in signal due to large no of
reporters generated - 1st cycle 1x reporters.
- 2nd cycle 3x reporters.
- 3rd cycle 7x reporters.
- 25th cycle 33,554,431x reporters.
- Predominant assay in Real Time PCR literature
- Many reagents available for assay targets.
- Quencher always fluoresces.
- Adds extra signal
- Reporter must have emission spectra distinct from
quencher - Requires that reporters emit light in the range
that will excite the quencher - Multiplexing limited.
- Probe design options limited.
38Molecular Beacons
39Molecular Beacons SNP Analysis
40Black Hole Scorpions
41Real-Time PCR
- Theory
- Chemistry
- Non-specific DNA binding dye
- SYBR Green I
- Specific Hybridization Probe
- TaqManTM
- Molecular Beacons
- Black Hole Scorpions
- Advantages Disadvantages