Title: 339 Metrics and Misroutes 16 Nov 2005
1339 Metrics and Misroutes16 Nov 2005
Air Force Materiel Command
Developing, Fielding, and Sustaining Americas
Aerospace Force
- Dave Crouse
- DSN 787-6453charles.crouse_at_wpafb.af.mil
I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l
l e n c e
2339 Metrics and Misroutes
- Metrics
- - Definition
- - Current metrics measurement
- - Current statistics
- - Problem
- - Average process days
- - Recommendations
- Misroutes
- - Definition
- - Statistics
- - AF Actions
3339 Metrics Definition
- Definition of metrics
- A metric is a formally defined measurement
necessary in order to - - Predict need
- - Manage risk
- - Control processes
- - Define a baseline
- - Optimize efforts
- An effective metric is one that
- - Is understandable
- - Is objective
- - Is valid
- - Is timely
- - Does not drive undesirable behavior by
concentrating on one metric to the exclusion of - other areas
4(No Transcript)
5Current Metrics Measurement
On-Time percentages
FY03 FY04 FY05
a. Required Response Time
lt 30 days
b. Required Response Time
30 days
c. Required Response Time
45 days
d. Required Response Time
60 days
e. Required Response Time
90 days
f. Required Response Time
gt 90 days
Source ESA web, 7 Nov 05
6Current Statistics
Source ESA web 7 Nov 05
- The current metrics have affected a positive
change to - the timeliness metric but a change is needed
- - Go now from a broad brush approach to a
fine - tuning effort
- The metric used to measure timeliness for the
services - does not relate to the effort involved.
- - Based on DLA need for the item
- - Late is late whether it is one day or 30
days - - Some actions nearly impossible to
accomplish in 30/45 days, - e.g. TDP development/validation
8Average Process Days
Source OC-ALC FY03-05 data tracking
- Begin measuring the timeliness metric based on
the - following
- - Business days vice calendar days
- - Requests for TDP development/validation NLT
- 60 days
- Begin measuring the two quality metrics
directed by - DLAI 3200.1
- - Quality of the 339 received by the services
- - Quality of the 339 response back to DLA
- Program for the additional 25 rate increase to
be - effective for FY07
10Misroute Definition
- A misroute is defined as a 339 that has been
sent by DLA to an incorrect focal point. - Example 1 DLA sends a 339 to OC-ALC but the
engineering group that needs to work the item is
located in OO-ALC. - Example 2 DLA sends a 339 to OC-ALC but the
data in their data system is an OO-ALC code.
11Misroute Statistics
FY05 Misroute Percentages
12AF Actions
- Prioritize misrouted items for review based on
potential - need
- Working with the Defense Logistics Information
- System (DLIS) folks at Battle Creek to verify
- Beginning with OC-ALC (SX)
- Validating MMAC and the MOE rule on each item
- Coordinating with the ALCs
13AF Actions (Contd)
- Working with HQ cataloging people to get
incorrect - codes changed as they are found
- The gaining ALC on a misroute notifies
cataloging - of the correct code
- ALCs alerting each other as misroutes are
discovered - (Phone, E-mail)
- AF trying to I/D the correct ESA at the focal
point - level before involving engineering.
- AF reviewing all of the data that DLA sends to
- better I/D misroutes.
- Only charge for the item if engineering is
15Back up slides
16339 Processing Source Cycle Time
- Recommendation Expand this metric to measure
all buckets of time associated with procurement
process (e.g. source cycle time) - Set targets for each segment
- Consistent with Source Cycle Time metrics on
Sustainment Mission Area Balanced Scorecard - Subset of DLA response time
- DLA request 339 metrics be added to PAC metric
package - Currently tracked and briefed by DLA AF
- Quantifies AFs response to DLA engineering