Title: The Fermilab Cavity and Cryomodule Plan
1The Fermilab Cavity and Cryomodule Plan
- The SRF RD plan at Fermilab was last updated in
details around mid Dec 08. - Since that time we have gone through a
significant budget impact and there are different
scenarios. But - The current budget FY09 projection for the SRF
RD in US is roughly - 10M (7M (Fermilab) 3M (Jlab, Cornell and
ANL)) funded through ILC Budget - 24M (Fermilab) funded through SRF Budget
- The plan presented is subject to change in
details due to budget and when the actually
appears in FY09 and beyond. CR is becoming the
buzz word. - But at a higher level this is what we propose to
3Initial List of Topics
- How are we going to fix the pits in the 1.3GHz
cavity produced by AES? How are we going to work
with AES to improve Nb weld at the equator?
Similar defects have been seen in ACCEL cavities.
- What is going on with the development of
alternates to electro-polishing? - Implication Nb Thin film deposition on cavity.
- What is the actual capacity needed for VTS by
HINS, Project-X and ILC RD? What implications
this has on our infrastructure development. - Design of the 3rd Cryomodule for ILCTA_NML.
Project-X vs Type-IV, what implications this will
have. - Magnet Design for the 1.3 GHz cryomodule.
- Recent results of cavity processing at
Jlab/Cornell/ANL/FNAL. - What are we learning from 1-cell RD program.?
- Why do we need to finish the BCP facility at ANL?
- Status of 325 MHz cavity development at IUAC
(India), ANL, MSU. - Do we need to consider an alternate coupler
design for Project-X? - Redesign of the He-Vessel for 1.3 GHz cryomodule.
- Cryogenic needs for the SRF infrastructure and
why we should buy a cryoplant ASAP. - Cavity processing infrastructure, lab vs industry
and its implication. - Which cavity tuner and why.
- Status of RF development (Coupler Processing,
Klystron test, RF distribution) at SLAC - Bouncer vs Marx Modulator
- Design specification for HTS-2
- Design specification for CMTS
4P5 Report
- Recently published P5 report outlines its
recommendations for the US High Energy Physics
program for the next decade. - The SRF RD Program is crucial for the two major
parts of this recommendation. - The Energy Frontier (ILC RD)
- The Intensity Frontier (PX RD)
- This RD program would strengthen US to host
and/or participate in ILC.
5Proposed US-HEP Roadmap
6International Efforts
- Europe
- FLASH/TTF at DESY is running and being used for
some SRF RD - XFEL project at DESY will produce 100 Cryomodule
- This will enable European industry to fabricate
and process cavities (850) - Testing of cavities and assembly of Cryomodule
will be done at laboratory (SACLAY). - Asia
- KEK is building STF facilty (Cavity and
Cryomodule) - This is being done in close collaboration with
industry - India (in collaboration with Fermilab and SLAC)
and China are developing infrastructure and
starting to work with local industry for the SRF
Linac based SNS. - Their model is similar to Europe
7US Effort
- US development of SRF cavity, cryomodule and
infrastructure is modeled similar to the European
development of XFEL. - We vision that the SRF RD and development of
infrastructure at US industry and laboratories in
next 5 yrs would position us - to have capability to produce 1-CM/month by end
of 2012. - For the construction of Project-X
- This project would enable the US industry to get
ready (Cavity and Cryomodule fabrication) to
contribute significantly to a project like ILC. - This would also enable our international
collaborators to develop their industry and
8Development of US laboratories and industry
infrastructure and capabilities
9Model of US Industry Development
10High Gradient Cavity Activities
- Cavity inventory
- Fermilab in collaboration with Jlab, Cornell and
ANL has 5-7 high gradient cavities already
processed. - Fermilab has 26 (ILC length, 9-cell) cavities on
order. 20 from ACCEL and 6 from AES. - 8 already delivered from ACCEL.
- Rest will start arriving in Fall.
- US plans to purchase 10 cavities from US
vendor(s) in FY09 and beyond - In FY08, with remaining US-ILC funds Fermilab is
going to restart 1.3 GHz cavity processing in
spring 08. - We are planning 15 cycles total using the
cavities coming from ACCEL and will be used to
populate CM2. - These processing will use S0 recipe but will not
be Tight Loop - US proposes a plan of about 60 processing and
testing cycles for FY09 in support of S0 (40 RD)
and CM (20) fabrication. - FY10 and beyond the plan is to support of the
High Gradient RD at this level.
11New ANL-FNAL Processing Facility
- Chemistry, Clean rooms, BCP,HPR
state-of-the-art EP _at_ANL
New Clean Rooms
1st EP Aug 07 Single cell
New Chemistry Rooms EP
1st single cell in Dec, 9 cell in May 08 40
EP cycles/yr
129-cell Test Results
ILC Baseline
Average A6-8, AES2,4 32 MV/m
A9 reprocess at Jlab
13High Gradient Cryomodule Plans
- Fermilab has ordered all the parts for the CM2
except He vessel. - This will be Type-III Cryomodule. Goal is to
make a S1 Cryomodule. - We are going to use already existing 5 high
gradient cavities plus 3 from the batch we will
process in 08 and early 09. - Cold Mass and Tuners are being fabricated under
Fermilab-INFN MOU - All hardware except He vessels will be here by
end of summer 08. - Two (9-cell, 1.3 GHz) cavities will be dressed
and Horizontally tested in CY08. - Build CM2 in FY09.
- Order cold mass parts for CM3 in FY09.
- We already have cavities (not processed),
- Couplers.
- CM hardware (He Vessel, Tuner etc. ) are being
fabricated under the Fermilab-India laboratories
collaboration. - Build CM3 in FY10
14S1 Global
- US will provide 2 cavities for the S1 Global
program. - These will be from the current batch of ILC
cavities to meet the schedule. - Standard TESLA Shape cavity just the symmetric
end tubes. - Fermilab could make it available to KEK without
processing late FY08. - If it is needed to be processed and tested in US
these two cavities could be available by end of
FY09. - In our current funding guidelines (FY09) we do
not have funds allocated to dress these two
cavities. - We would have an internal US discussion.
- Should have a plan by the Fermilab meeting.
15Cryomodule and RF Unit Test
- ILCTA_NML will test 3 Cryomodule with beam.
- Goals are much reduced to allow RF Unit beam test
earliest date. - Hooks will be in place for ILC beam test later if
desired. - Status
- DESY Cryomodule CM1 is ready.
- We are preparing the safety and other necessary
document to start cool down at ILCTA_NML at
Fermilab. - A 10 MW Klystron is at SLAC. (US-Japan
Collaboration) - Modulator (Fermiab) and RF distributions (SLAC)
are under fabrication. - Proposed Plan
- Cool down the Capture cavity 2 and CM1 in CY08.
- RF power FY09 using the 5 MW Klystron
- High Gradient (gt30 MV/m) CM2 should be deliver to
ILCTA_NML by end of CY09. - Deliver the first Type-IV CM to ILCTA_NML in
16New Phase-1 Layout of ILCTA_NML
Cryomodule-1 (CM1) (Type III)
Capture Cavity 2 (CC2)
5 MW RF System for CM1
CC2 RF System
17New Overall Layout of ILCTA_NML
Capture Cavity 2 (CC2)
RF Gun
Gun RF System
CC2 RF System
5MW RF System for Cryomodules
Space for 10 MW RF System
18FY08 Plans
- Continue Working Towards Phase-1 Goals
- Complete Infrastructure to Cooldown, RF Power,
and operate Capture Cavity-2 (CC2) - Vacuum, RF, Cryo, Interlocks, LLRF, Controls,
etc. - Move CC2 to NML when infrastructure is ready
- Commission Cryogenic System using CC2 and begin
operation of CC2 - Complete RF Infrastructure for Cryomodule-1 (CM1)
- RF Power System (5 MW) and Distribution (SLAC) - Move CM1 to NML and Install
- Prepare Cryogenic Infrastructure for CM1
19FY09 Plans
- Complete Phase-1 Goals
- Cryogenic and RF system for CM1 Operational
- Cooldown and RF Test CM1
- Begin Work Towards Phase-2
- Begin Procurement of Injector (gun, magnets,
etc.) and Test Beamline (dumps, magnets, etc.) - Delivery and Installation of CM2
20Beta 0.8 Cavity and CM
- The Project X will require about 50 beta 0.8
cavity and 6 Cryomodule. - At present we do not have a final design of these
cavities. - Till 2006 Fermilab worked with MSU in developing
the design of these cavities. - Proposed plan is
- Get the current status of the cavity design from
MSU - One Fermilab physicists write down the
specifications for these cavities. - One Indian Laboratories staff to take the lead in
RF design of this cavity under the supervision of
Fermilab - Build a proto-type by end of CY09.
21Fermilab-Indian Institution, SLAC-Indian
Institution Collaboration
- Indian Accelerator Program
- High Intensity Proton Accelerators (SNS, ADS)
- Radioactive Ion Beam
- Related SRF infrastructure development
- US and Fermilab Program
- International Linear Collider
- Fermilab High Intensity Proton Accelerator
(Project-X, HINS) - Related SRF infrastructure development
- Fermilab and Indian Institutions have Singed an
Addendum MOU Fermilab, RRCAT, BARC, IUAC and
VECC Collaboration on ILC Main Linac SRF
Accelerator Technology RD - Focus is on ILC Cavity and Cryomodule Development
- Indian Institutions Infrastructure development
- SLAC and Indian Institutions have Signed an
Collaboration on ILC RF Power Sources and Beam
Dump Design RD
- Total Project collaboration.
- Fermilab (in collaboration with SLAC) and
Indian-Institutions would work together to design
and RD of up to 2 GeV SRF accelerator(s) in
India and at Fermilab. - Using a common design all the components for
these accelerator (as much as practically
possible). - Fermilab and Indian laboratories will work
together to train each others scientists and
engineers. - Indian Industry to supply significant hardware
- Details should be worked out by the Oct 08
meeting. - The collaboration on RD and accelerator is
expected to be developed on the same model as
Fermilab-Indian Institutions.
23Beta 0.8 Cryomodule
- Start with Type IV Cryomodule design and adapt it
for beta 0.8 Cryomodule. - Indian laboratories to design and fabricate beta
0.8 Cavity and Cryomodule, in collaboration
with Fermilab - Cavity
- He Vessel
- Tuner
- Coupler
- Cryomodule components (Mostly cryogenic pipes,
insulation, stands etc.) to be assembled at
- US plan for SRF Cavity and Cryomodule remains
same as projected during the ILC RDR phase with
the following exception - We have considerably reduced the number of
Cavities (60 ?10) we will fabricate, process and
test. - We have reduced the number of CM to 1/yr.
- We would continue to develop infrastructure to
test 1 RF Unit with electron beam (not ILC beam) - We would continue to develop infrastructure for
- Cavity processing and testing
- Cryomodule fabrication and testing
- Infrastructure development time has stretched to
2013 - Our goal is to be ready for a project by 2013
- The synergy of ILC and Project-X would strengthen
the US HEP program