Title: Web-based Application Development
1Web-based Application Development
- Lecture 19
- March 23, 2006
- Anita Raja
2- Frameset document
- lthtmlgt
- ltheadgt
- lttitlegt Linking between frames lt/titlegt
- lt/headgt
- ltframeset rows25, 75gt
- ltframe src TableOfContents.htm id topframe
nametopframegtlt/framegt - ltframeset columns50, 50gt
- ltframe src Intro.htm id bottomleftframe
namebottomleftframegtlt/framegt - ltframe src PicsList.htm id bottomrightfframe
namebottomrightframegtlt/framegt - lt/framesetgtlt/framesetgtlt/htmlgt
- TableOfContents.htm document
- lthtmlgt
- ltheadgtlt/headgt
- ltbodygt
- ltpgt Table of Contents lt/pgt
- ltpgt lta href Doc1.htm target
bottomrightframegt Click here to view document 1
in the bottom right frame lt/agtlt/pgt - ltpgt lta href Doc2.htm target
bottomleftframegt Click here to view document 2
in the bottom left frame lt/agtlt/pgt
- Some final project pointers
- Mar 30 and April 4
- 2 demo volunteers each
- No class Mar 28th
- Mar 30th Lab Session Woodward 335
4Programming the Web using XHTML and JavaScript
- Chapter 15
- Strings, Dates, and Cookies
5Validation vs. Verification
- Valid meets certain criteria
- For example, a purely numeric value
- Or a text value not more than seven characters in
length - Verified represents the truth
- The User ID matches a value in the list of actual
IDs - The password is the correct password for a given
User ID
6Validation vs. Verification
- Verification is hard to accomplish with
JavaScript - Why?
- Because the data and program have to reside on
the users computer - That is, the list of passwords would have to be
downloaded to the users PC
7Validation vs. Verification
- Validation can be accomplished easily in
JavaScript - Assume an input screen that requests
- Name
- Student Identification Number (SID) Rules
- Exactly eight digits
- Numerals only (no alphabetical characters)
8Validation vs. Verification
- To validate the SID we must check to see
- That the entry is exactly eight digits in length
- Each digit is in the range 0 to 9 only
- Remember, data input via a text box appears to
JavaScript as a string - String variables are actually string objects
9Validation vs. Verification
- String objects possess
- 30 methods, for example
- Search within the string for a substring
- Change the case
- Replace one character with another
- One property length (the number of characters in
the string)
10Validation vs. Verification
- Assume the form looks like this
- Ch15-Script-01
11Validation vs. Verification
- Then the value stored in the SID text box is
referred to as - document.surferInfo.SIDBox.value
- This is a string object so its length is referred
to as - document.surferInfo.SIDBox.value.length
- And we can validate its length with a conditional
statement like this - Ch15-Script-02
12Validation vs. Verification
- How can we check the individual string
characters? - String objects include a substring method
- Syntax (JavaScript) is
- substring(n,m)
Ending character position plus one
Starting character position
13Validation vs. Verification
- Thus,
- var myNameMary
- var char1myName.substring(0,1)
- would result in char1 containing a
- Also,
- var myNameMary
- var char1myName.substring(2,4)
- would result in char1 containing ry
14Validation vs. Verification
- In substring(n,m), the number of characters that
are being referred to is - m n
- So, substring(2,4) refers to 2 (4-22)
characters, the 3rd and 4th in the string
15Validation vs. Verification
- There is also a single character extraction
function charAt(n) - That extracts the nth character
- var myNameMary
- var char1myName.charAt(1)
- would result in char1 containing a
- Note that extract really means copy
16Validation vs. Verification
- Collating sequence
- Computers represent everything as a numeric value
- Thus, every keyboard symbol has a value
- The ASCII code (used in PCs) defines the values
for all symbols
17ASCII Codes
18Validation vs. Verification
- Since every symbol has a value, a hierarchy can
be established - Thus, A is less than B because the ASCII
code for an A, 65, is less than the ASCII code
for a B, 66. - We can use these relationships to see if a
character in a string falls within a given range
19Validation vs. Verification
- To validate the SID, we want to
- Extract a single character
- Check to see that its a value in the numeric
digit range (decimal values 48 57) - Repeat until all characters have been checked
20Validation vs. Verification
- theChardocument.surferInfo.SIDBox.value.substring
(0,1) - if (theCharlt0 theChargt9) alert(Invalid
SID) - Really means
- If (the ASCII value of the character is less than
48 or - the ASCII value of the character greater than
57) alert(Invalid SID)
21Validation vs. Verification
- Now we have to repeat this process for each
character in SIDBox - for ()
- theChardocument.surferInfo.SIDBox.value
.substring(0,1) - if (theCharlt0 theChargt9)
alert(Invalid SID)
22Validation vs. Verification
- Now we have to repeat this process for each
character in SIDBox - for (i0 ilt7 i)
- theChardocument.surferInfo.SIDBox.value
.substring(0,1) - if (theCharlt0 theChargt9)
alert(Invalid SID)
23Validation vs. Verification
- Need some way to control the loop and refer to
subsequent characters in the substring - for (i0 ilt7 i)
- theChardocument.surferInfo.SIDBox.value
.substring(i,i1) - if (theCharlt0 theChargt9)
alert(Invalid SID) -
- Ch15-Script-03
24Validation vs. Verification
- Once we know the SID is invalid theres no point
in continuing the loop - (Unless we want to point out each invalid
character individually) - So, how to we stop a loop before its finished?
- With a break statement
25Validation vs. Verification
- When JavaScript encounters break it acts like the
continuing condition of the loop is false and
immediately exits the loop - Ch15-Script-04
26Date Objects
- JavaScript accesses the computers date and time
via a Date object - Create a new one by
- var timeandDate new Date()
- Date objects include a number of methods
27Date Objects
28Date Objects
- We can use Date objects to display the current
date and time - Ch15-Script-05