Title: Formal Ontology and Information Systems
1Formal Ontology and Information Systems
- Nicola Guarino (FOIS98)
- Presenter Yihong Ding
- CS652 Spring 2004
2Ontologies are important
- Knowledge engineering
- Knowledge representation
- Language engineering
- Qualitative modeling
- Information modeling
- Information retrieval, extraction, and
integration - Object-oriented analysis
- Knowledge management and organization
- Database design
- Agent-based system design
- The Semantic Web
3e-Business requests
- Trying to engage with too many partners too
fast is one of the main reasons that so many
online market makers have foundered. The
transactions they had viewed as simple and
routine actually involved many subtle
distinctions in terminology and meaning - Harvard Business Review, October 2001
4Technical problem for e-Business requests
- Lack of technologies and products to
dynamically mediate discrepancies in business
semantics will limit the adoption of advanced Web
services for large public communities whose
participants have disparate business processes - Gartner Research, February 28, 2002
5XML is not the solution
- XML is only the first step to ensuring that
computers can communicate freely. XML is an
alphabet for computers and as everyone who
travels in Europe knows, knowing the alphabet
doesnt mean you can speak Italian or French - Business Week, March 18, 2002
6Open- and closed-world assumptions
- Closed-world assumption
- The information provided is complete (a knowledge
base contains all relevant facts). - Known the knowledge base is incomplete (does not
have enough information to produce an answer to a
question), a decision must be made without
complete information. - If you cannot prove P or not P, assume it is
false. - This is the usual semantics of relational
databases. - The closed-world assumption is designed to
finesse but not solve these problems and is
adopted in default of a better solution.
7Open- and closed-world assumptions
- Open-world assumption
- Any proposition or theorem which cannot be
derived from the facts and axioms present in the
system is held to be unknown. - Things which are known to be true or false must
be stated explicitly, or else inferable from
facts and axioms. - The two boolean values (true and false) are
inadequate, and we have to use the
ThreeValuedLogic. - The open-world assumption more clearly models
reality. - The number of domains can be infinite.
8Example from schema to ontology
Local Database
9Example from schema to ontology
10What is an ontology?
- An ontology is a formal, explicit specification
of a shared conceptualization. Gruber 93 - Formal
- The ontology should be machine readable.
- Explicit
- The type of concepts use, and the constraints of
their use are explicitly defined. - Shared
- The ontology should capture consensual knowledge
accepted by the communities. - Conceptualization
- An ontology is an abstract model of phenomena in
the world by having identified the relevant
concepts of those phenomena.
11What is a conceptualization?
- Formal structure of (a piece of) reality as
perceived and organized by an agent,
independently of - the vocabulary used
- the actual occurrence of a specific situation
Conceptualization of scene 1 lta, b, c, d, e ,
on, above, clear, table gt
13Relations vs. Conceptual Relations
ordinary (extensional) relations are defined on a
domain D conceptual (intensional) relations are
defined on a domain space ltD, Wgt
- A conceptualization is a set of conceptual
relations defined on a domain space.
14Intended Model and Ontological Commitment
- World structure a structure of ltD, Rgt, which
refers to a particular world - Intended world structure a world structure for a
conceptualization in a particular world - Each conceptualization contains many of them.
- One intended world structure for each world.
- Intended model the representation of an intended
world structure in a model by ontological
commitment. - Ontological commitment the intensional
interpretation of a logical language L
15Ontologies and Intended Models
16Ontology Quality
17The Ontology Integration/Sharing Problem (1)
Agents A and B can communicate only if their
intended models overlap
18The Ontology Integration/Sharing Problem (2)
Two different ontologies may overlap while their
intended models do not (especially if the
ontologies are not accurate enough)
19The role of foundational ontologies (1)
False agreement minimized
20The role of foundational ontologies (2)
- Bottom-up integration of domain-specific
ontologies can never guarantee consistency of
intended models (despite apparent logical
consistency). - Top-level foundational ontologies
- Simplify domain-specific ontology design
- Increase quality and understandability
- Encourage reuse
21Hierarchies of Ontologies
22Towards Ontology-Driven IS temporal dimension
- Using an ontology at development time
- Benefit
- Enable knowledge reuse instead of software reuse
- Enable application domain knowledge reuse and
share across heterogeneous software platforms - Avoid bothering too much on implementation
details - Two scenarios
- First scenario has ontology library containing
reusable domain and task ontologies - Second scenario has very generic ontology
consisting of coarse domain-level distinctions
23Towards Ontology-Driven IS temporal dimension
- Using an ontology at run time
- Benefit
- Enable communication between software agents
- Two cases
- Ontology-aware IS an IS component is just aware
of the existence of a (possibly remote) ontology
and can query it for whatever specific
application purpose - Ontology-driven IS the ontology is just another
component (typically local to the IS),
cooperating at run time towards the higher
overall IS goal
24Towards Ontology-Driven IS structural dimension
- Ontology as a database component
- Ontology as a user interface component
- Ontology as an application program component