Title: Multiscale Visualization of Small World Networks
1Multiscale Visualization of Small World Networks
- David Auber LaBRI, Bordeaux, FR
- Yves Chiricota UQAC, Chicoutimi, CA
- Fabien Jourdan
- Guy Melançon
LIRMM, Montpellier, FR
- Small World Networks are common in Information
Visualization - Social Networks
- Power Grids, Computer Networks
- Food webs
- Software reverse engineering
- Semantic networks, word association networks
- Common tasks performed on SW networks
- Identify  Social Groups
- How does the network split ?
- Social subgroups
- Determine Social Positions
- How much control over the flows in the network ?
- Access how easily can other actors be reached ?
- Hence questions such as
- Identify group(s) accessing all others
- Describe organization (network structure) of the
subgroups -
- Address these questions by visual inspection
- SW network admit sub-components themselves being
SW - Movie actors
- Web sites Adamic
- Software Reverse Engineering (call graphs,
includes, access graphs)
- Compute the network split based on the network
structure - Avoid complex heuristics
- Apply recursively to get a hierarchy of subgroups
- Sub-networks
- Meta-networks (subgroups themselves organize into
a network) - Offer a tool to navigate the hierarchy
6Just what is a SW network ?
- Requires two structural properties
- Nodes have high cluster coefficients (on average)
- Average path length is low
- When compared to random graphs
Strogatz et al.
7Just what is a SW network ?
- Cluster coefficient of a node
Nv set of neighbours of v
8Just what is a SW network ?
- Cluster coefficient of a node
Nv set of neighbours of v
e(Nv) number of edges between vertices in Nv
c(v) 6/10
Measures the edge density in the subgraph
generated by the set Nv
9Strength metric of an edge
- Extend the cluster coefficient to edges
- How much an edge e is likely to separate highly
connected subgraphs - In other words, measure the strenth of edges (in
relation to cluster cohesion) - Related to edge density in the neighborhoods of
end vertices of e - Should be 0 for an isthmus
10Strength metric of an edge
- Extend the cluster coefficient to edges
Local edge density s(U,V)
Let U,V be subsets of vertices of G
e(U,V) number of edges between vertices of U
and V
11Strength metric of an edge
- Extend the cluster coefficient to edges
Local edge density s(U,V)
Let U,V be subsets of vertices of G
e(U,V) number of edges between vertices of U
and V
e(U,V) 4
(s 4/9 ? 0.44)
12Strength metric of an edge
- The strength metric is based on a partition of
vertices incident to the endpoints of e
13Strength metric of an edge
- The strength metric is based on a partition of
vertices incident to the endpoints of e - This partition help to classify 3-cycles and
4-cycles through e
14Strength metric of an edge
- Edge density corresponding to 4-cycles
s(Mu, Wuv)
s(Mv, Wuv)
s(Mu, Mv)
s(Wuv, Wuv)
s(Mu, Wuv)
s(Mv, Wuv)
s(Mu, Mv)
s(Wuv, Wuv)
15Strength metric of an edge
- Edge density corresponding to 3-cycles
Mu Mu Wuv
Strenght metric
?(e) ?3(e) ?4(e)
s(Mu, Wuv)
s(Mv, Wuv)
s(Mu, Mv)
s(Wuv, Wuv)
16Strength metric of an edge
- Strenght metric
- Assuming constant degree of nodes (on average),
the strength of all edges can be computed in
O(E) time
?(e) ?3(e) ?4(e)
s(Mu, Wuv)
s(Mv, Wuv)
s(Mu, Mv)
s(Wuv, Wuv)
17Example application
- Resyn Assistant API access graph
Visualizing the split, the designers were able to
identify design problems
18Repeating the process
- The procedure can be iterated over components
that are themselves small world
19Repeating the process
- The procedure can be iterated over components
that are themselves small world
20Example / Video
- SW network extracted from IMDB
21Example / Video
- SW network extracted from IMDB
22Example / Video
- SW network extracted from IMDB
23Automating the process
- Computing the partition boils down to choosing a
threshold value on edge strength - Want to chose the best possible partition at each
stage - Apply objective quality measure
- Should help find cohesive subsystems that are
loosely interconnected (whenever possible)
24Automating the process
- For each possible threshold value, evaluate the
- What we get is a 2D map
- Select optimal threshold
25Example Map
- Resyn Assistant API
- Optimal threshold gives 0.75 quality
- Just how good is that ?
26MQ / Definition
- C (C1, C2, , Cp) is a clustering of a graph G
27MQ / Quality control
- Roughly 10 of all partition have a value greater
than 0.05 - MQ reaches values 0.75 with probability 10-6
- MQ varies according to a Gaussian distribution
28MQ / Metric performance
- Our metric behaves well with respect to MQ
29MQ / Comparison
- The threshold is selected along a path in the
whole lattice of partitions
Coarsest partition
- Comparison with a random upward path in the
Finest partition
30Conclusion / Future work
- More focused class of SW networks
- Examples we studied have high cluster index 0.9
- Restrict SW properties ?
- Shape / properties of quotient graphs
- Star-like ? Preferential attachment graphs ?
- Refine the automated process
- Fight against undesirable isolated nodes or
components - Refine statistical properties of MQ
- Would need to have MQ depend on the size of