Title: IsisOnline Manual Publishing your CDSISIS databases is very easy
1IsisOnline ManualPublishing your CDS/ISIS
databases is very easy!
- Ismail Fahmi lt ismail_at_itb.ac.id gt
2Installation Manual
- I assume you already have
- Apache php installed
- Download source code isisonline20-build-xxx.zip
- Create isisonline directory
- Extract into that directory
3Configure IsisOnline
- Modify configuration file ./conf/isisonline.conf.
- Several variables you need to modify (now or
future) - OS ? os type, just to determine the openisis
binary - ISISDB_DEFAULT ? set to your main CDS/ISIS
database. You can do this later - TAGTITLE ? set to your tag number of TITLE
- CRYPTED ? to change your admin password, copy
the crypted password from the login page to this
4Modify PHP configuration
- Modify php.ini file as follow
- Set permission for web server user to be able to
write directory /dbdir - SET php.ini file as the following
- asp_tags on
- max_execution_time 600 (or longer)
- register_globals On
- upload_max_filesize 30M (or depend on your file
size to be uploaded) - session.auto_start 1
5Openisis setting
- IsisOnline uses openisis software to read and
search the CDS/ISIS files. - This distribution of IsisOnline has provided
binary of openisis for windows and linux. For
other platform, you should compile the openisis
by your self. Get openisis from
http//www.openisis.org. - On your linux platform, set ./bin/linux/openisis
to be executable.
6Selecting Database Database
7First Look
8Try the first search
9Search many databases
10Search results
11Record detail
12Record with tag number
13Record in XML
15Order form
An email will be sent to the librarian
16List of Keyword Index
1. Select the first letter of index term
2. Select database
3. Click Submit
4. List of the index terms
17Login as Admin
18Change admin password
3. Open ./conf/isisonline.conf and change the
CRYPTED variable with this encripted password.
1. Type your new password here
2. Copy this ecrypted password
19Create Organization Folder
Click Create New Organization
20Detail of the organization
Directory name, uppercase letters, no space
21New directory is created
Click Database Explorer to continue
22Database explorer
Click Create New Database
23Detail of new database
Check your CDS/ISIS files name. Should be the
Your CDS/ISIS tag number. You can set later
24New database directory created
Click Database Explorer to continue
25Database explorer
Click database name to modify, upload, etc.
26Administering database menu
Click Uplaod CDS/ISIS.
27Upload CDS/ISIS Files
Click Browse and select the appropriate
28Files uploaded
List of uploaded files.
Test with Select Databases
29Select databases for searching
30First Search
31Search results
32Record with tag number
33Edit Tag Map
Admin gt select database gt Click Edit Tag Map
Default Tag Map is using INDOMARC. Edit this
according to your CDS/ISIS tag standard.
34Record detail
35Thank you
- Ismail Fahmiismail_at_itb.ac.id