Title: Emerging Issues for Finance Professionals
1Emerging Issues for Finance Professionals
- Philip B.Livingston
- President CEO
- Financial Executives Institute
- MBA - UC Berkeley
- CPA - Arthur Young Co
- Genentech Inc. - SEC reporting
- Kenetech Corp - first CFO job
- Celestial Seasonings - CFO,led 93 IPO
- Catalina Marketing - CFO, tech, NYSE
3What Well Cover
- Financial Reporting Hot Topics
- Audit Committee Effectiveness
- Future of the Finance Function
- Stock Compensation
- FEI Update
4Reporting Hot topics
- SEC earnings management initiative
- Business combination accounting
- International accounting standards
- Audit Committee Reforms
- Implementing FAS 133
- Selective Disclosure Rules
5Earnings Management
Lynn Turner SEC Chief Accountant
6Auditor Independence
- Auditor Independence
- Independence Standards Board
- Reducing the scope of services
- - systems consulting
- -internal audit
- - percentage cap of audit fees, selective
restrictions or abolishment - Financial conflicts
- Proxy disclosure of audit vs. non-audit services
7Selective DisclosureRegulation FD
- SEC concerned about disclosure of material
information in analyst conference calls and
meetings - New rule effective October 23, 2000
- whenever a company discloses material
information, it must make public - whenever non-intentional disclosure is made, the
company must make public within 24 hours
8Selective Disclosure
- Public disclosure includes
- filing the information with the SEC
- press release
- providing public access to the conference call or
meeting - Best practice publicly disclose any forecast
9SAB 101-Revenue Recognition
- Originally issued Dec. 3 1999 for year-ends after
12-15-99 - Portrayed as interpretive only
- Has raised numerous questions
- Implementation date delayed twice
- Currently effective for Q4 2000
- QA document coming soon
10SAB 101-Revenue Recognition
- Revenue recognition criteria
- Persuasive evidence of an arrangement exists.
- Delivery has occurred or services have been
rendered. - Price to the buyer is fixed or determinable.
- Collectibility is reasonably assured.
11SAB 101Revenue Recognition
- Common Questions
- What is meant by Customer Acceptance when
determining revenue recognition? - How to account for certain multiple element sales
arrangements. - When does title pass in certain foreign sales
12SEC Bulletin re Materiality
- Addresses the earnings management issue.
- The SEC very much wants you to consider the
QUALITATIVE factors of such adjustments, not just
the quantitative measures. - SAB strives to eliminate INTENTIONAL bookings of
erroneous immaterial items.
13Accounting for Business Combinations
- FASB vote to eliminate pooling
- two methods are problematic, want convergence
with international standards, an acquisition an
acquisition - Exposure draft
- 20-year maximum life for goodwill
- Special income statement treatment of goodwill
- standard could be issued late 2000
- Annual goodwill impairment test being considered
as alternative to amortization
14Business Combinations
- FEI position
- Retain pooling for true mergers
- Amortize ALL intangibles to the special line in
the income statement, not just goodwill
15International Accounting Standards Committee
- New structure planned for 2001
- Board of trustees chosen with Paul Volcker as
chairman - David Tweedie of U.K. chosen as Board Chair
Board selection underway - 12 full-time members, 2 part-time
- 8 votes required to adopt rules
- 3 industry representatives
- SEC likely to accept IASC with reconciliation to
GAAP required
16Audit Committee Effectiveness
- 1987 Treadway Commission guidelines still a great
outline - Is your audit committee diligent or just going
through the motions - Dont let your public accounting firm dominate
the process - Got a charter? Updated? Buy in?
- visit www.fei.org/tech/techissues.html
17Final Audit Committee Rules
- Requires NYSE NASDAQ companies to have
independent committees -- at least 1 finance
expert, 3 others financially literate - Must adopt a formal written charter in proxy
every 3 years - Outside auditor to delineate all relationships
18Final Audit Committee Rules
- Auditor to discuss accounting quality, not just
acceptability - Requires AC report
- Requires SAS 71 interim reviews for all
registrants, preferably before earnings
19Implementing FAS 133
- Deadline
- calendar year-ends by 1/1/01
- All derivatives recorded at fair value
- Special accounting for certain derivatives
- Hedge relationships
- fair value
- cash flow
- foreign currency
20The Future Finance Function
Heidi Kunz, CFO The Gap
Greg Maffei, former CFO Microsoft 1999 Forbes CFO
22Leading the Future of Corporate Finance
23FEIs Mission
- To be the preeminent association for financial
executives and to - Alert members to emerging issues
- Develop the professional and management skills of
members - Provide forums for peer networking
- Advocate the views of financial executives
- Promote ethical conduct
24FEIs Vision is to build an organization that is
- Dynamic and CONTEMPORARY
- A stronger network centered on a vibrant Internet
Community - A highly effective ADVOCATE on SEC, FASB and
legislative matters - Member-service oriented
25FEI Objectives 2001
- Create a Dynamic, Proactive and Contemporary
Organization by - Increasing membership by 500 through professional
sales and marketing campaigns aimed at priority
growth segments. - Tripling the traffic on www.fei.org as measured
by pages viewed - Continuing to strengthen the ties to Chapters by
providing tools to support quality chapter
operations. - Positioning FEI as an international organization
- Gaining four new national partners of FEI
- Significantly increase the finance and technology
competencies of the national staff.
26FEI Accomplishments
- Membership is up 2,000 new members
- Women 14 of new applications
- Internet initiatives diving traffic on web site
- AICPA life insurance program
- FASB efforts
- FAS 133
- in-process RD project deferred
- director options treated same as employees
- SEC efforts
- SAB 99 (materiality)
- SAB 101 (revenue recognition)
27FEI Accomplishments
- Popular conference calls have drawn over 6,000
- FMN video training today used by 30,000 finance
professionals - 85 chapters hold more than 600 meetings -
networking, development - Annual sponsorship program launched (13 partners)
- SEI Investments, Solomon Software, Arthur
Andersen, KPMG - Financial Executive magazine Jeff
Marshall new editor-in-chief
28FEI Accomplishments
- Career Center with online job bank
- Launched Committee on Private Companies
- Two new e-newsletters - PrivateNet and CareerTrax
- Record financial reporting conference
- Successful technology conference and annual
29FEI Internet Community
- www.fei.org
- FEI Express now reaches 13,000
- On-line Job Postings
- On-line Membership Application
- Download archive/teleconference playback
- Chapter toolkit
- Webcasts coming in a big way
30FEI Improvement Areas
- Responsiveness to member needs
- Building an Internet community
- Programs services delivered in new ways to
accommodate busy members - Program support for chapters
- Provide MORE networking for members
- More accessible professional development
- Grow our membership base
31How YOU can make FEI even stronger ...
- Contemporary chapter operations
- Recruit colleagues
- Local leadership
- National technical committees
- Share your best practices
32Leading the Future of Corporate Finance