Title: Changing Face of Library Automation, Spring 2004
1The Changing Face of Library Automation Spring
2- INFOhios Mission
- Ohios K-12 school library and information
network, INFOhio helps ensure student learning
through high-quality library / media / technology
programs and services that - Support academic achievement
- Improve instruction
- Enhance students love of learning
- Foster information and technology literacy
- Provide access to Ohio's learning resources
3- INFOhios service delivery model OECN DASites
- Established network
- Technical expertise
- Experience serving schools
- Governed by their members
4- INFOhios Components
- Curriculum Resource Catalog
- Electronic Resources
- Instructional Development
- Library Automation
- Media Booking
5- INFOhio automation updates
- Now
- Library Automation Sirsi K-12
- Media Booking Medianet and digital titles
- K-12 Curriculum Resource Catalog
- Future
- Electronic Resources
- Instructional Development
6- The future of MultiLIS
- Sirsi officially placed MultiLIS on maintenance
mode as of March 2003 (i.e., support but no new
features). - INFOhio will continue to support our MultiLIS
customers, until all libraries migrate to Sirsi
7- What You Need to Know About Migration to Sirsi
K-12 - A new brochure to share with
- School Administrators
- Technology Coordinators
- Library / Media Staff
- http//www.infohio.org/Documents/transition/Transi
8- Sirsi K-12 will provide schools with
- Improved access to library materials via reading
level, interest level, and state curriculum
objectives. - Visual search interface ideal for younger
students. - Optional value-added Content Enrichment and
enhancement such as book reviews, award winners
and best sellers lists, author biographies, and
9- Migration Progress
- Sirsi Contract negotiated approved
- Transfer of existing software licenses
- Pricing maintained thru December 2007
- Favorable discounts for new features
- Prototype DASite hardware selected, ordered and
installed July-August 2003
10- Migration Prototypes
- Database built for each library August 2003
- Policies entered for building/district August
- Test migrations data evaluation September 2003
- Training - throughout summer and fall 2003
- DASite staff
- Library staff
- Live migrations completed October 2003
1145 prototype buildings live October 27
12- Migration Progress
- First 45 buildings surveyed January 2004
- Training for first five DASite providers to
continue migrations in their regions - Installation of Sirsi software upgrade March
2004 - Training for next wave of DASites March 2004
13Sample DASite list of automated districts, with
dropdown building links
14Sample Welcome screen for INFOhios CAT and CAT
Jr. online catalogs
15Two additional features
- MY ACCT views
- Loans
- Holds requests
- Fees and fines
CAT Easy Search Screen As seen by Sirsi K-12
16Sample Enhanced Content Book jacket covers
17Book jacket display
Full-text excerpt
Enhanced summary
Sirsi K-12 Content Enrichment Examples
Review from journal
18Visual Search In CAT Jr.
19- Content enrichment summary
- Syndetics Solutions, Inc.
- Tables of contents
- Annotations/synopses
- Author biographies
- Reviews (Booklist, Choice, Doody's)
- Excerpts
- Book Jackets
- Cahners/Reed Business Information, reviews from
- Library Journal
- School Library Journal
- Publishers Weekly
- Independent supply sources, not yet in CAT
- Bestseller lists/Prize-winners
- Children's Literature Comprehensive Database
20- The Staff Interface Workflows
- Provides library staff with an easy-to-use
interface for completing all administrative and
technical duties. - Point-and-click, mouse-driven
21- Some of the commonly used icons, as determined by
Workflows settings
Take a payment
Change a barcode
Check in
22Toolbars and buttons are used to select wizard
functions. Clicking a wizard opens a window for a
specific task.
Sample CheckOut Find User
23Sample CheckOut Screen
Helpers add relevant functions.
Click underlined fields to display additional
24Item Lookup screen, from CheckOut
25Sample CheckIn, with Hold
26Sample Input Screen, from Add new copy
27Sample Modify Title Screen, from Cataloging
Drop down menus are available for many fields.
28Sample Bib Display Screen, from Modify Title
29Circulation Wizards
30- Migration Process
- New server installation at each DASite
- Platform Sun V880 server
- UNIX Solaris operating system
- Client/Server architecture
- DASite staff receives necessary training.
- INFOhio Technical Support provides assistance.
31- Migration Process
- Update library hardware
- Administrative workstations
- Patron OPAC stations
- Network or slaved printer. System printers are no
longer supported.
32- Hardware Administrative workstations
- Operating system Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows
XP, or Macintosh OSX - Network card
- Processor
- PC 700 Mhz (1.4 Ghz Pentium IV recommended)
- Mac 700 Mhz PowerPC G3 (800 Mhz PowerPC G4
recommended) - 60 MB hard disk space
- 256 MB memory (512 recommended)
- Browser Versions 5.0 (6.0 recommended)
- Screen display 1024 x 786 or better
33- Hardware OPAC stations
- Intel/PC or Macintosh capable of supporting
current browser versions of Internet Explorer or
Netscape Navigator - Browser Versions 5.0 (6.0 recommended)
34- Migration Process
- Conduct recent MultiLIS inventory
- Delete items that are no longer available.
- Deleted Weeded and Withdrawn items.
35- Migration Process
- Complete data cleanup
- Phase 1a Item Cleanup
- Items without call numbers
- Items without collection codes
- Phase 1b Bib Cleanup
- Records without items
- Repair substandard records
- Phase 2 Identify unique cataloging practices
36- Migration Process
- Identify special conversion needs
- Funding sources not in MultiLIS notes field
- Accelerated Reader info not in 526 tag
- Curriculum alignments not in 6XX tags
37- Migration Process
- Review and Revise current district policies
- New options to consider (e.g., specify day of the
week due date) - Worksheets developed to assist
- Eliminate duplicate policies, when possible
38- Migration Process
- DASite provider enters policies
39- Migration Process
- DASite provider establishes database for each
40- Migration Process
- DASite provider tests data migration
41- Migration Process
- Train library staff on new software
42Sample of INFOhio-produced training materials
43- Migration Process
- Evaluate test conversion and policies
- Bibs, items, patrons, outstanding transactions
(e.g., current bills, loans, holds) - Important to confirm policies are working
correctly - Verify call numbers, especially items with
volumes, are correct - Verify proper staff access
44- Migration Process
- Determine date for migration
- By DASite provider and librarian
45- Migration Process
- Create final MultiLIS statistical reports
- Only open transactions migrate
46- Migration Process
- Stop using MultiLIS
- Take snapshot of MultiLIS data
- Library discontinues circulation or uses a
standalone backup (1-3 days)
47- Migration Process
- Resume circulation with Sirsi K-12
48- Prototype DASites Libraries Selected
- LNOCA Western Reserve Academy, South
Euclid-Lyndhurst City, Hudson City - MEC Columbus City
- NOACSC Bath Local, Delphos City, Kalida Local,
Ottoville Local - SCOCA Fayetteville-Perry Local, Western-Brown
Local - SPARCC Louisville City, Tuslaw Local
49- Migration timeline
- Goal all libraries migrated by fall 2005
50- Factors in determining who is next
- DASite directors viewpoints
- Server purchases
- Staffing considerations, training
- Sirsi enhancements for INFOhio
- Prototypes experiences, opinions
- Libraries readiness
51- Next wave of DASites to begin migration
52Library Automation MORE
- Sponsored by State Library of Ohio
- INFOhio schools (optional)
- OPLIN public libraries
- K-12 status report
- 183 buildings
- 54 districts
- 17 DASites
- Deadline for new MORE partners May 31
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56- INFOhio automation updates
- Now
- Library Automation Sirsi K-12
- Media Booking Medianet and digital titles
- K-12 Curriculum Resource Catalog
- Future
- Electronic Resources
- Instructional Development
57- Ohio Media Resources
- Online access to media collections
- More than 40 lending agencies
- Materials support K-12 education
- Booking from school and home
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63Client Screen
Clients can extend bookings online.
Check out all new features!
64Staff Screen
65- Area Media Centers LSTA Digital Grant
- 134 high-demand, Content Standard-related titles
- Available to all schools in Ohio at no cost
beginning in March 2004 - Convenient uses
- Streamed
- Downloaded
- Title available on a CD from your local AMC
- Web page available on INFOhio Web site
66- Area Media Centers LSTA Automation Grant
- All AMC materials will be in INFOhios Curriculum
Resources Catalog (CRC) - Easy search for thousands of K-12 materials
- AMC customers can link to booking screen
- Available March 2004 watch for notices
- .
- INFOhio E-Lists
67- INFOhio automation updates
- Now
- Library Automation Sirsi K-12
- Media Booking Medianet and digital titles
- K-12 Curriculum Resource Catalog
- Future
- Electronic Resources
- Instructional Development
68INFOhio K-12 Curriculum Resource Catalog
- 1 million records collected from
- MultiLIS and Sirsi schools
- Medianet agencies
- OCLC CatExpress
- Used for building district catalogs
- Links for digital titles
- Alignments to Ohio Academic Content Standards
69Three main sections
1. Procedures for acquiring MARC records
2. INFOhio standards, Guidelines, new original
cataloging template instructions, OSICs, and LC
3. Link to Floridas SUNLINK and other states
70Keep up-to-date with cataloging issues.
Questions may result in new Archive entries.
71- INFOhio ACS screens allow
- Teachers to view benchmarks and indicators.
- Librarians to copy/paste standards into
appropriate MARC records so patrons can retrieve
using CAT and CAT Jr..
72Alignments descriptor
Click for links to refine search
73(No Transcript)
74- INFOhio automation updates
- Now
- Library Automation Sirsi K-12
- Media Booking Medianet and digital titles
- K-12 Curriculum Resource Catalog
- Future
- Electronic Resources
- Instructional Development
75 Questions?