Blackbody Radiation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Blackbody Radiation


Perfect absorber of radiation. Theoretical object that absorbs 100% of the ... of classical physics have been bolstered by the concepts of quantum physics. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Blackbody Radiation

Blackbody Radiation
  • Václav PoteilBrno University of Technology

Blackbody Definition
  • Perfect absorber of radiation. Theoretical object
    that absorbs 100 of the radiation that hits it
    regardless the wavelength and angle. Therefore it
    reflects no radiation and appears perfectly
  • Perfect emitter of radiation. At a particular
    temperature the black body emits the maximum
    amount of energy possible for that temperature
  • Emits a definite amount of energy at each
    wavelength for a particular temperature. Standard
    black body radiation curves can be drawn for each
    temperature, showing the energy radiated at each
    wavelength. Maximum wavelength emitted by a black
    body radiator is infinite.
  • The energy a blackbody radiates is characteristic
    of the radiation system only and not dependent
    upon the type of radiation which is incident upon
  • All objects above absolute zero emit radiation.

Blackbodies Around Us
  • Every objects emits radiation although we do not
    normally notice it - our eyes are only sensitive
    to a very small portion of the electromagnetic
    spectrum.  An object must be quite hot for it to
    emit visible light. Objects at around room
    temperature emit mainly invisible infrared
  • No material has been found to absorb all incoming
    radiation, but carbon in its graphite form
    absorbs about 97.
  • The planets and stars can be regarded as
    blackbodies. Most of the light directed at a star
    is absorbed. Most approximate blackbodies are
    solids but stars are an exception because the gas
    particles in them are so dense they are capable
    of absorbing the majority of the radiant energy.
  • A simple example of a black body radiator is the
    furnace. If there is a small hole in the door of
    the furnace heat energy can enter from the
    outside. Inside the furnace this is absorbed by
    the inside walls. The walls are very hot and are
    also emitting thermal radiation. This may be
    absorbed by another part of the furnace wall or
    it may escape through the hole in the door. This
    radiation that escapes may contain any
    wavelength. The furnace is in equilibrium as when
    it absorbs some radiation it emits some to make
    up for this.

Blackbody Radiation
  • A bit of history

19th Century - Classical Physics
  • 1860 Kirchoffs Law
  • Kirchhoff states that good absorbers are also
    good radiators. A term blackbody is coined, to
    describe body that absorbs all of the incident
    radiant energy and that as a consequence of his
    law, must be the most efficient radiator.
  • 1879 1884 Stefan-Boltzmann Law
  • In 1879 Stefan concludes by experimental
    measurements that the total amount of energy
    radiated by a blackbody is proportional to the
    fourth power of its absolute temperature. In 1884
    Boltzmann reaches the same conclusion by applying
    thermodynamic relationships.
  • 1894 Wiens Displacement Law
  • Wien lays down the general form of equation for
    the spectral distribution of blackbody radiation.
    Unfortunately it agrees with the experimental
    data only at short wavelengths and at low
    temperatures. However useful implications are
    found that relate temperature to the wavelength
    at which the maximum amount of energy is

20th century Quantum Physics
  • 1900 Ultraviolet Catastrophe (Rayleigh Jeans
  • From the laws of classical physics Rayleigh
    derives an expression that fits the experimental
    data at long wavelengths and high temperatures.
    It predicts that the energy increases without
    limit as wavelength decreases,thus world should
    be filled with X-rays and Gamma Rays. Jeans only
    points out a numerical error in Rayleighs
  • 1900 Plancks Radiation Law
  • Planck observes that Rayleigh-Jeans law seems
    valid at long wavelength while the Wien law seems
    equally valid at short wavelengths. In October
    he proposes his radiation formula that would be
    correct at all wavelength. At the urging of
    fellow scientists he undertakes theoretical
    derivation of his formula to obtain an expression
    for spectral energy distribution of BBR, which
    however results in Rayleigh-Jeans Law, already
    known to be an error. Planck concludes that the
    laws of classical physics are inadequate to
    describe processes at atomic level. He introduces
    the idea that the amplitudes of atomic
    oscillators can increse only in discrete steps,
    differing by the quantity hn , called a quantum
    of energy. On December 14th he announces
    derivation of his radiation law. Thus in less
    than two months the inadequate theories of
    classical physics have been bolstered by the
    concepts of quantum physics.

Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck 23.4.1858
  • Planck gave no explanation of why the energy
    was quantized. Even though others overtook this
    revolutionary concept Planck himself did not
    believe it was physically real and thought he
    only developed a mathematical trick that worked.
    For his discovery he was awarded the Nobel Prize
    for Physics in 1918.

Blackbody Radiation
  • Underlying Physics

Kirchhoffs Law
  • Explains basic properties of objects in
    thermodynamic equilibrium with the surrounding
  • The incident radiation flux F can be divided to
    three componentsF FAbsorbed FReflected
    FTransmittedThree coefficients describe
    properties of objects exposed to radiation flux
    coefficient of absorption (a), coefficient of
    reflectance (b) and coefficient of transmissivity
    (t). a r t 1
  • We can also conclude good absorber (receiver)
    is a good emmiter (source)

Kirchhoffs Law
  • Examples coefficients
  • Blackbody a 1, r t 0,
  • Greybody a konst lt 1, r 1 a, t 0
  • Antireflection coating a t 1, r 0,
  • Mirror r 1, a t 0,
  • Fully transparent
  • t 1, a r 0,
  • Generally
  • 0 ! (a, r, t ) ! 1

Steffan-Boltzman Law
  • Stefan-Boltzmann's law states that the rate that
    a body emits radiation per unit area is directly
    proportional to the body's absolute temperature
    to the fourth power. This law can be derived from
    the Planck radiation law in its energetical form
    (similarly for the photonic form).
  • where se 5,67 . 10-8 W.m-2.K-4 is
    Stefan-Boltzmanns constant

Steffan-Boltzman Law
Stefan-Boltzmann in practice...
  • The Stefan-Boltzmann constant gives the power P
    radiated from one square meter of black surface
    at temperature T.
  • The Stefan-Boltzmanns law enables us  to
    determine the temperature of stars by measuring
    their color spectrum
  • Sun has an effective blackbody temperature of
    5555K, thus it radiates 160,000 times more energy
    than the earth (T4).
  • The visible part of spectrum contains about 40
    of its radiation. It's spectrum isn't as smooth
    as the "ideal. It is pitted and bumpy due to
    real world conditions including absorption of the
    radiation en route to the earth.
  • We receive only 1/2 billion of the sun's total
    energy. This is enough to light New York City
    street lights for 2 days by collecting light for
    12 hours on one football field.

Wien Displacement Law
  • The maximum of spectral intensity changes
    according to the blackbody temperature. The
    corresponding wavelength can be determined from
    Planck radiation law by finding the local
    extremes of the respective functions.
  • For its energetical form
  • For its photonic form

Wien Law in Practice
  • Wien's displacement law says that the wavelength
    of the maximum emitted radiation is inversely
    proportional to the absolute (K) temperature.
    Allows us to determine temperatures of stars
    depending on its color. Something that glows blue
    hot is much warmer that one that glows red hot (x
    our psychological perception)
  • If we put temperatures of the earth (280K) and
    the sun (5700K), we will see that lambda max is
    about 10µm and .50µm, respectively. Whereas the
    earth emits mostly infrared radiation, the sun
    emits mostly visible light. This is no accident -
    evolution has adapted us to see most efficiently
    in the light most readily available.
  • This shift in the frequency at which radiant
    power is at its maximum is important for
    harnessing solar energy, such as in a greenhouse.
    We need glass which will allow the solar
    radiation in, but not let the heat radiation out.
    This is feasible because the two radiations are
    in very different frequency ranges - 5700K and,
    say, 300K - and there are materials transparent
    to light but opaque to infrared radiation.

Planck Radiation Law
  • Spectral specific radiant intensity of a
    blackbody at temperature T K can be expressed
    in the energetic form of Plack Radiation Law
  • Or
  • Models the blackbody radiation curve earlier
    observed in practice. Describes the energy
    density per unit time per unit wavelength.
  • C1 W.m2, C2 K.m . 1st and 2nd radiation

Planck Radiation Law
  • By diving the previous equation by the energy of
    foton (Eh.c/l) we obtain the Plack Radiation Law
    in its photon form
  • Where h 6,6256 . 10-34 J.s stands for
    Planck constant, Kb 1,3805 . 10-23J.K-1
    is Boltzmann constant
  • c is speed of light in the vacuum

Planck Radiation Law
Planck Radiation Law in Practice
  • Integrated over wavelength Plancks Radiation Law
    gives total radiated power
  • P esAT4
  • Radiated Power Stefan-Boltzmanns Law
  • Take its derivative to find the peak of the
  • Wien Displacement Law
  • Relate radiated power to energy density in
  • Relate time to temperature to get radiative
    cooling time.

Blackbody Radiation Curves
  • These graphs shows how the black body radiation
    curves change at various temperatures. These all
    have their peak wavelengths in the infra-red part
    of the spectrum (fig.1) The graph shows that as
    the temperature increases, the peak wavelength
    emitted by the black body decreases and moves
    toward the visible part of the spectrum. Also, it
    shows that as temperature increases, the total
    energy emitted increases, because the total area
    under the curve increases. Note that none of the
    graphs touch the x-axis so they emit at every
    wavelength. This means that some visible
    radiation is emitted even at these lower
    temperatures and at any temperature above
    absolute zero, a black body will always emit some
    visible light. (fig.2).

Planck vs. Rayleigh-Jeans
  • For low frequencies..
  • For wavelengths

Blackbody Radiation
  • Now back to practice..

Real Bodies
  • Stefan-Boltzmann, Wiens as well as Plancks Law
    were deduced for blackbodies. However, real
    objects have worse radiation properties than the
    blackbodies. Thus their non-dimensional
    coefficient of emissivity e is
  • The emissivity of blackbody does not depend on
    direction of the radiation. Generally, selective
    sources are directionally dependent.

Real Bodies
  • The coefficient of emissivity generally depends
  • Type of the material of the source
  • Properties of its surface (smooth, machined)
  • Wavelength (spectral dependence)
  • Temperature of the source
  • Direction of radiation
  • There are three basic types of thermal radiation
  • Blackbody e (l) 1 on all wavelengths
  • Graybody e (l) lt 1 constant on all wavelengths
  • Selective radiator e (l) f (l). Changes by the
    wavelength. This relation can generally b very

Real Bodies
Blackbody in Practice
  • Blackbody in practice is realized by heating a
    cavity with a very small orifice to a desired
    temperature. The inner surface is coated with
    black color. Thus radiation entering the cavity
    through the orifice is incident on its blackened
    inner surface and is partly absorbed and partly
    reflected. The reflected component is again
    incident at another point on the inner surface
    and gets partly absorbed and partly reflected.
    This process of absorption and reflection
    continues until the incident beam is totally
    absorbed by the body. The inner walls of the
    heated cavity also emit radiation, a part of
    which can come out through the orifice. This
    radiation has the characteristics of blackbody
    radiation - the spectrum of which can be analyzed
    by an infra-red spectrometer.

Blackbody in Practice
  • Blackbody sources are used for calibration of
    infrared imaging systems and thermometers
  • Different designs for different blackbody
    temperatures, according to the use of the
    calibrated device.

Summary (yes you have done it-)
  • It is time to recap that in this lecture you have
    learned and now should understand ...
  • what a Blackbody is and why this concept is
    important for infrared system engineering.
  • how the underlying physical principles were
  • the basic physical laws and equations and their
    implications for practice.
  • how real bodies differ from the ideal black
  • how blackbodies can be modeled.

  • Ale Drastich Netelevizní Zobrazovací Systémy,
    Vutium 2001
  • Richard D. Hudson Infrared System Engineering,
    Wiley-Interscience 1968
  • E.L. Dereniak, G.D. Boreman Infrared Detectors
    and Systems, Wiley-Interscience 1996
  • Internet

Useful tools
  • Excel Macro
  • Contains calculation of Plancks curve,
    Ultraviolet Catastrophe and Radiation Power
    Output by temperature
  • Java Applet
  • Plots Plancks curve for a given temperature.
    Provides illustration of Steffan-Boltzmann Law
    and Wiens Law.
  • Java Applet
  • Plots Plancks curves for different

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