Title: Menorrhagia
- F.S. 42yr Female
- Menorrhagia with clots
- Cycle 5/31
- Mild dysmenorrhoea
- O/E
- Non-bulky uterus
- Cervix nad
2Heavy Cyclical Menstrual Blood Loss
- Symptoms Suggestive of Other Pathology
- Intermenstrual bleeding
- Postcoital Bleeding
- Dyspareunia
- Pelvic Pain
- Risk Factors for Endometrial Cancer
- Tamoxifen
- Unopposed Oestrogen Tx
- Obesity
Normal or Bulky Uterus lt10wks
Uterus gt10 weeks,Pelvic Mass,Tenderness
- Exam
- Abdo.
- Bi-manual VE
- Swab, /- smear
FBC Triple swab
Consider Referral
Tx in 1ry Care
3- F.S. 42yr Female
- Menorrhagia with clots
- Cycle 5/31
- mild dysmenorrhea
- No I/M or Post-coital Bleeding
- No Dyspareunia,Pelvic Pain
- Hypothyroidism on thyroxine
- Cervical smear -Ve
- O/E
- not obese
- Non-bulky uterus
4Hb Nl Patient Does NOT want Tx
Hb Low or Patient Requests Tx
Patient does Not require Contraception
Patient requires Contraception
Tranexamic acid 1g tds /or Mefenamic acid 500mg
tds starting on the 1st day of period for
heaviest days of flow
Mirena Coil
Long-acting Progestogens
Combined OCP
No control flow after 3/12
No control flow after 3/12 or side effects
Add Mefenamic acid
No control flow after 6/12
No control flow after 3/12
5- Inv.
- Hb nl
- TFTs nl
- Triple swab Ve
- Mx.
- 12/3/01 -tranexamic acid
- 25/4/01 unable to tolerate,still menorrhagia
- -Fbc
- -U.S. Pelvis
- -COCP Microgynon 30
- 26/4/01 anaemia
- -oral FeSO4
- 15/5/01 U.S. Nad
- menorrhagia
- -referral BWH for pipelle
- BWH pipelle nad Dx. Func. Uterine Bleeding
- 20/7/01 -talked about Dx. And Mirena
- -COCP Loestrin 30
- -Fbc
- 27/9/01 Hb 12
- Fe studies
- 5/10/01 FE studies nl
- -off oral FeSO4
- Reg check TFTs always nl or slightly low with
dose change thyroxine - 2/7/04 menorrhagia repeat protocol W/U Nad
talked about Mirena - 19/7/04 Mirena fitted d/w patient pros/cons
- No Further Consults re This Issue to-date